







声 - 沢城みゆき
通称「ゼルエル」。天界の大学に通っているとても優秀だと評判の天使で、「神の腕」という異名を持つ。天使らしく真面目な性格で厳しさも併せ持ち、人間界が滅ぶほどのきついお仕置きをされるとガヴリールからも恐れられているが、キャラ崩壊するレベルで犬が苦手(ただし小型犬のプードルなど、例外もある模様[注 9])。下界に降りた際にも、強い天使力のために人間には姿が見えない(羽だけは大量に落下するので、周囲の人間は鳥の羽が大量に落下していると認識する)。また、天使神拳奥義も使える、その中の一つであるガヴリールが放った矢をキャッチして彼女の眉間に跳ね返す技「二指真空返し」を披露した。


Zelel is Gabriel's older sister who only appeared in the last episode of the series as the main (and possibly only) antagonist of the episode. 


The name Zelel is a reference to the archangel Zelel or Zaphkiel. That name means "God's knowledge".


Zelel has similar appearance to Gabriel more than Haniel, she has a long blonde hair with slightly paler color than her sisters' and blue eyes. Zelel also wears white kimono-like garb with angelic design. 


Zaphkiel (Hebrew: צַפְקִיאֵל Ṣafqīʾēl), also written as Tzaphqiel,Tzaphkiel, Zafkiel, Zafchial, Zaphchial, Zaphiel, or Zelel, is an archangel. His name means "God's knowledge". He is sometimes equated with Jophiel/Zophiel, but other times considered to be a different angel.[1] Zaphkiel is "chief of the order of thrones and one of the 9 angels that rule Heaven; also one of the 7 archangels."[1] He can watch people when they need to make important decisions and when they need to put them into words for others. If they are unsure of the words, he will help them to make the message more clear. The leader of the Erelim, he is associated with the planet Saturn.[1] It is associated also with the sephira of Binah. He is also called Cassiel or Binael.

ザフキエル (Zafkiel, Zaphkiel) ユダヤ教の伝承に伝えられる天使の一人。ツァフキエル (Tzaphkiel) またはヤフキエル (Japhkiel) とも。その名は「神の番人」を意味する。


生命の樹(せいめいのき、英語: Tree of Life)は、旧約聖書創世記(2章9節以降)にエデンの園の中央に植えられた木。命の木とも訳される。生命の樹の実を食べると、神に等しき永遠の命を得るとされる。

ユダヤ教のカバラではセフィロトの木(英語: Sephirothic tree)とも呼ばれ、宇宙万物を解析する為の象徴図表に位置付けられている。



Binah (meaning "understanding"; Hebrew: בינה bīnāh), is the third sephira on the kabbalistic Tree of Life. It sits on the level below Keter (in the formulations that include that sephirah), across from Chokhmah and directly above Gevurah. It is usually given four paths: from Keter, Chokhmah, to Gevurah and Tiphereth.[1]

Binah is associated with the color black.[2]

According to the Bahir: "The third (utterance): quarry of the Torah, treasury of wisdom, quarry of God's spirit, hewn out by the spirit of God. This teaches that God hewed out all the letters of the Torah, engraving them with the Spirit, casting His forms within it".[3]

Binah is 'intuitive understanding', or 'contemplation'. It is likened to a 'palace of mirrors' that reflects the pure point of light of Chokhmah, wisdom, increasing and multiplying it in an infinite variety of ways. In this sense, it is the 'quarry', which is carved out by the light of wisdom. It is the womb, which gives shape to the Spirit of God. On a psychological level, Binah is "processed wisdom," also known as deductive reasoning. It is davar mitoch davar—understanding one idea from another idea. While Chokhmah is intellect that does not emanate from the rational process (it is either inspired or taught), Binah is the rational process that is innate in the person which works to develop an idea fully.

Binah is associated with the feminine. The Bahir states: "For you shall call Understanding a Mother."[citation needed] Classical Jewish texts state Binah yeterah natun l'nashim ("an extra measure of Binah was given to women").[citation needed]

In its fully articulated form, Binah possesses two partzufim. The higher of these is referred to as Imma Ila'ah ("the higher mother"), whereas the lower is referred to as tevunah ("comprehension"). These two partzufim are referred to jointly as Imma ("the mother").

Qualities derived from Binah

Ethical qualities

In the medieval text the Tomer Devorah, Moses ben Jacob Cordovero elucidated the ethical qualities associated with each sefira, which one must attempt to imitate. The attribute associated with Binah is complete repentance, for 'just as Binah sweetens all severities and neutralizes their bitterness, one should repent and rectify all flaws'.[citation needed]

Non-Jewish associations

Western Esotericism

In Western esotericism, Binah is seen to take the raw force of Chokhmah, and to channel it into the various forms of creation.[citation needed]

The name of God associated with Binah is Jehovah Elohim, the archangel that presides over it is Tzaphkiel, the order of angels that resides in it are the Aralim (the Thrones) and the planet associated with it is Saturn.[citation needed]

Binah is related to the Yoni, the womb, the Priestess card in the occult tarot (according to A. E. Waite's Pictorial Key to the Tarot). Aleister Crowley's "Liber 777" associates it with Isis, Cybele, Demeter, Rhea, Woman, The Virgin Mary, Juno, Hecate, The "threes" of the Tarot, etc.

For its negative opposite of the Qliphoth, it is the demonic order Sathariel, ruled by the Archdemon Lucifuge Rofocale.[4][5]

  • The tree represents a series of divine emanations of God's creation itself ex nihilo, the nature of revealed divinity, the human soul, and the spiritual path of ascent by man. In this way, Kabbalists developed the symbol into a full model of reality, using the tree to depict a map of creation.
  • The symbolic configuration is made of 10 spiritual principles, but 11 can be shown, since "Keter" and "Da'at" are interchangeable.
  • The tree of knowledge of good and evil is equivalent to the 10 spheres seen from the last sphere of the diagram ("Malkuth"), and the original tree of life is equivalent to the 10 spheres seen from the middle sphere of the diagram ("Tiferet").
  • Kabbalists believe the tree of life to be a diagrammatic representation of the process by which the universe came into being.
  • On the tree of life, the beginning of the universe is placed in a space above the first sphere (named "Keter" or "crown" in English). It is not always pictured in reproductions of the tree of life, but is referred to universally as Ohr Ein Sof (אֵין סוֹף‎‎‎‎ אוֹר‎ in Hebrew or "endless light" in English).
  • To Kabbalists, it symbolizes that point beyond which our comprehension of the origins of being can't go. It is considered to be an infinite nothingness out of which the first "thing", usually understood among Kabbalists to be something approximating "energy", exploded to create a universe of multiple things.
  • Kabbalists also don't envision time and space as pre-existing and place them at the next three stages on the tree of life.
  • First is "Keter", which is thought of as the product of the contraction of "Ein Sof" into a singularity of infinite energy or limitless light. In the Kabbalah, it is the primordial energy out of which all things are created.
  • The next stage is "Chokhmah" (or "wisdom" in English), which is considered to be a stage at which the infinitely hot and contracted singularity expanded forth into space and time. It is often thought of as pure dynamic energy of an infinite intensity forever propelled forth at a speed faster than light.
  • Next comes "Binah" (or "understanding" in English), which is thought of as the primordial feminine energy, the supernal mother of the universe which receives the energy of "Chokhmah", cooling and nourishing it into the multitudinous forms present throughout the whole cosmos. It is also seen as the beginning of time itself.
  • Numbers are very important to Kabbalists, and the Hebrew letters of the alphabet also have a numerical value. Each stage of the emanation of the universe on the tree of life is numbered meaningfully from one ("Keter") to ten ("Malkuth"). Each number is thought to express the nature of its sphere.
  • The first three spheres, called the "supernal" spheres, are considered to be the primordial energies of the universe. The next stages of evolution on the tree of life are considered to exist beyond a space on the tree, called the "Abyss", between the "supernals" and the other spheres, because their levels of being are so distinct from each other that they appear to exist in two totally different realities. The "supernal" spheres exist on a plane of divine energy. This is why another correspondence for "Binah" is the idea of suffering because the "supernal" maternal energy gives birth to a world that is inherently excluded from that divine union.
  • After "Binah", the universe gets down to the business of building the materials it will need to fulfill its evolution and be creating new combinations of those materials until it is so dense that, by the stage of "Malkuth", the initial pure limitless energy has solidified into the physical universe.
  • Since its energies are the basis of all creation, the tree of life can potentially be applied to any area of life, especially the inner world of man, from the subconscious all the way to what Kabbalists call the higher self.
  • But the tree of life does not only speak of the origins of the physical universe out of the unimaginable but also of man's place in the universe. Since man is invested with mind, consciousness in the Kabbalah is thought of as the fruit of the physical world, through whom the original infinite energy can experience and express itself as a finite entity.
  • After the energy of creation has condensed into matter, it is thought to reverse its course back up the tree until it is once again united with its true nature: "Keter". Thus, the Kabbalist seeks to know himself and the universe as an expression of God and to make the journey of return by means of the stages charted by the spheres, until he has come to the realization he sought.

2020/01/11 — 生命の樹の第3セフィラ、ビナーとは?」カバラの大切なテーマの一つに【バランスがあります。物事には色々な側面があり、どちらか一方だけでは ...

生命の木というのはバランスに関する図形で、均衡は作業の基盤であるという言葉の実践になります。この図形の種がこの文書により ... ビナー(理解)がでてきました。

2020/03/19 — Youtubeのヨガ動画は大多数は間違ってる・ちゃんとできてないのばかり。 ... 重要なのはStanding Poseで筋力ではなく全体のバランス感覚を養う事。
2021/06/17 — まあこれならちゃんと睡眠をとって正しいヨガで身体のバランスを整えて、カフェインを摂取してなければ感染してもなんとかなりそうですな。
2021/07/11 — 免疫力をつけるだけじゃダメのようですな。(爆wwwww. >まあこれならちゃんと睡眠をとって正しいヨガで身体のバランスを整えて、カフェインを ...
2020/03/09 — まあこれならちゃんと睡眠をとって正しいヨガで身体のバランスを整えて、カフェインを摂取してなければ感染してもなんとかなりそうですな。
2022/03/14 — 2021/06/17 — まあこれならちゃんと睡眠をとって正しいヨガで身体のバランスを整えて、カフェインを摂取してなければ感染してもなんとかなりそうですな。
2021/12/25 — まあこれならちゃんと睡眠をとって正しいヨガで身体のバランスを整えて、カフェインを摂取してなければ感染してもなんとかなりそうですな。
2013/07/02 — 因みに長期間マクロやりながらヨガやると老化促進して死にます。(w 日本の著名ヨガ行者が皆、早死にする理由は上記と酒と・・・。(爆w.
2011/07/16 — 今やってるヨガにはそれが最適なようですので。 炭水化物はゼロです。 ... バランス系 → 焼き鳥 (副作用が少ない) こんな感じかな。
しかし、免疫系のバランスが乱れて、サイトカインの制御ができなくなると、サイトカインストームといってサイトカインの過剰分泌を起こし、ひどい場合は死に至ることも ...
>Anahata ヨガやってるなら連想し易いだろけど私は調べた(苦 mRNAワクチン接種de 免疫の機能バランスを崩して頭数増やしても機能不完全やがて機能不全になるんじゃね.

2018/09/28 — 結局世の中バランスなのであって、全て真のGODが定めたルールの上にある。 ... てる連中をヨガで悠々自適しながら暇つぶしに眺めてるだけだよね(笑)





























サンスクリット語のヨーガ (योग) は、「牛馬にくびきをつけて車につなぐ」という意味の動詞 根√yuj(ユジュ)から派生した名詞で、「結びつける」という意味もある[12]。つまり語源的に見ると、牛馬を御するように心身を制御するということを示唆しており、「軛(くびき)」を意味する英語yokeと同根である。『リグ・ヴェーダ』では、精神統一や瞑想を意味する yoga の用法はほとんど見られない[57]。バラモン階級を中心に伝承されたのは祭式(祭儀)や呪術を中心とする信仰であり、アーリア人が祭祀に行うことで目指したのは yoga-kṣema(労働と休息、獲得と所有)であり、一般的に言うと「幸せ」「快適」であったといえる[57]。この場合の yoga は、幸せを獲得することであった[57]。「牛馬にくびきをつけて車につなぐ」から派生し、乗り物、実施、適用、手段、方策、策略、魔術、合一、接触、結合、集中、努力、心の統一、瞑想、静慮(じょうりょ)という意味がある[4]。最初は具体的にものを結び付けるという意味で使われ、次いで抽象的なものの結びつきについて使われるようになり、さらに心と対象との結びつきを意味するようになったと考えられる[4]


 日本では一般に「ヨガ」という名で知られているが、サンスクリットでは「यो」(ヨー)の字は常に長母音なので「ヨーガ」と発音される[† 4]。漢訳は相合成就精勤修行など、音訳は瑜伽(ゆが)[4]。中国で瑜伽は瑜伽行唯識派の呼称でもあったため、区別のためか、修行法としてのヨーガを指す言葉としてはあまり使われていない[60]


ヨーガの行者は日本では一般にヨーギーまたはヨギと呼ばれるが、ヨーガ行者を指すサンスクリットの名詞語幹は男性名詞としてはヨーギン (योगिन्、瑜祇)、女性名詞としてはヨーギニー (योगिनी、瑜伽女) であり、ヨーギーはヨーギンの単数主格形(日本語にすると「一人の男性行者は」)に当たる[63]。インド研究家の伊藤武によると、サンスクリット語のヨーギニーに「ヨーガをする女性」の意味はない[64]。現代日本ではヨーガを行う女性を俗にヨギーニと呼ぶことがあるが、前述のようにサンスクリットでは「ヨー」は常に長母音なので、女性名詞はヨーギニー (yoginī) であってヨギーニではない[65]。ヨギーニは英語読みに由来する発音だと説明する本もあるが[66]、英語の発音は /'joʊgəni/ (ヨウギニ)または /'joʊgəniː/ (ヨウギニー)である。ヨギーニという日本固有の新しい呼称には、ヨーガに付いたオウム真理教のイメージを払拭しようというヨーガ関係者の意図があるようである[49]

修行者は男性であった[† 5]タントリズムの性的ヨーガにおいて、男性行者の性行為の相手をする女性がヨーギニーと呼ばれていた[† 6]。南インドで、親が娘を神殿や神(デーヴァ)に嫁がせる宗教上の風習デーヴァダーシー(神の召使い)の対象となった女性もヨーギニーと呼ばれた[75]。彼女たちは伝統舞踊を伝承する巫女であり[76]神聖娼婦、上位カーストのための娼婦であった[75][77](1988年まで合法であった[75])。








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> 勉強という名の脳の筋トレばっか



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