
皇太子さまの英語教師 高桑美子さん死去


皇太子さまの英語の家庭教師を務め、日本英文学会理事などを歴任した。 (2016/11/10-17:05)


1963年津田塾大学英文学科卒業。67年米国ブリンマー大学大学院修士課程修了、69年東大大学院博士課程満期退学、津田塾大学文学部専任講師、73年助教授、85年教授。2012年定年。英文学専攻 。夫は法学者の高桑昭。



津田梅子の娘たち ひと粒の種子から」川本静子,亀田帛子共著.ドメス出版,2001.3

Joseph Wright Taylor (1810-1880) is best known for being the financial catalyst for the founding of Bryn Mawr College. He was a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, a physician and a member of the Society of Friends (popularly known as Quakers), and originally wanted the college to promote the ideals of the Quaker religion and the advancement of women's education. In 1878 he paid $53,500 for forty acres in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania.[1]


Fowles spent his childhood attended by his mother and by his cousin Peggy Fowles, 18 years old at the time of his birth. She was his nursemaid and close companion for ten years. Fowles attended Alleyn Court Preparatory School. The works of Richard Jefferies and his character Bevis were Fowles's favourite books as a child. He was an only child until he was 16 years old.
In 1939, Fowles won a place at Bedford School, a two-hour train journey north of his home. His time at Bedford coincided with the Second World War. Fowles was a student at Bedford until 1944. He became head boy and was an athletic standout: a member of the rugby-football third team, the fives first team, and captain of the cricket team, for which he was a bowler.

Bedford School is an HMC independent school for boys located in the county town of Bedford in England. Founded in 1552, it is the oldest of four independent schools in Bedford run by the Harpur Trust.

Sir William Harpur (c. 1496 – 27 February 1574) was a merchant from Bedford who moved to London, amassed a large fortune, and became Lord Mayor of London. In 1566 he and his wife Dame Alice gave an endowment to support certain charities including education. The endowment became the Harpur Trust, which supports four independent schools in Bedford today.

The name Harper (or Harpur) is mentioned around 1500 in connection with families from Bedford and Biddenham. We know little detail about the life of William. He attended Bedford School whilst it was still administered by the Augustinian Canons of Newnham Priory. It is not certain whether he was a tailor. He was certainly a shrewd businessman. He went to London and was admitted to the guild of Merchant Taylors in 1533. There he would have come into contact with the leading citizens of the day. We know that in 1553 he was elected alderman for the ward of Bridge Without and, three years later, he was elected alderman of the more prestigious ward of Dowgate in preference to three other candidates, one of whom was Thomas Gresham. It had become the custom, after the dissolution of the monasteries, to appoint aldermen as governors to the royal hospitals. Harpur was treasurer of St Bartholomew's Hospital. He served as Sheriff of the City of London from 1556–1557, and became Lord Mayor of London in 1561. In 1562 he was knighted by Queen Elizabeth I.

津田仙(つだ せん、天保8年7月6日1837年8月6日) - 明治41年(1908年4月24日)は、日本の農学者キリスト者学農社創立者。青山学院大学筑波大学附属盲学校の創立に関わる。また、日本で最初に通信販売を行った人物でもある。同志社大学の創始者新島襄、人間の自由と平等を説いた東京帝国大学教授の中村正直とともに、“キリスト教界の三傑”とうたわれた。明六社会員。娘に、後に津田塾大学創設者となる津田梅子、サンフランシスコで日本語新聞「日米新聞」を発行し日系人社会のリーダー的存在だった安孫子久太郎と結婚しアメリカに移住した安孫子余奈子がいる。



八坂神社と津島神社は同じ牛頭天王社であることから八坂神社社家から津島神社社家が生まれたのは自然である。そのため、堀田家の家紋は、八坂神社の紋である三つ巴木瓜[1](津島神社の紋は八坂神社由来の木瓜 [2][3])のいずれかである場合が殆どである。木瓜紋は、堀田木瓜や織田木瓜などに派生しており、織田氏はその氏神を祀る津島神社の木瓜をそのまま使い、尾張系の堀田氏は堀田木瓜を使う場合が多い。京の系統は三つ巴の方が多いが、堀田氏の大半は尾張系であり、堀田木瓜を使う場合が多い。


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2017年04月12日 02時04分

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https://www.jiji.com › 経済
3 時間前 · 政府関係者によると、肖像は1万円札が現在の福沢諭吉から、日本の資本主義発展に貢献した「渋沢栄一」に、5千円札が樋口一葉から、明治・大正期の教育者で現・津田塾大学創始者「津田梅子 ...

https://www.jiji.com › 経済
29 分前 · 政府関係者によると、肖像は1万円札が現在の福沢諭吉から、日本の資本主義発展に貢献した渋沢栄一に、5千円札が樋口一葉から、明治・大正期の教育者で現・津田塾大学創始者の津田梅子に ...

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Tsuda, Umeko | Portraits of Modern Japanese Historical Figures
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Born in Tokyo as the daughter of Sen Tsuda, who was a vassal of the Shogun and an agricultural scientist. ... she went to the United States again in 1889 to study as a special student in biology at Bryn Mawr College.

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2018/09/17 · Join us for a special presentation by Masako Iino, President Emerita of Tsuda University. President Iino will talk about these two early Japanese graduates of Bryn Mawr College who went on to be critical ...

Michi Kawai Fellers Emperor Hirohito

Bonner Fellers and the U.S.-Japan Relations, June 1945-June 1946
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2018/07/30 · perception of Emperor Hirohito as Asia's War Criminal No. 1. In other words, the report ..... closer than any other Emperors has been recently" and was a good man," Kawai Michi's influence on ...

Bonner Fellers
His friendships included the Hearn family and well-known educator Michi Kawai. ... In 1971, Emperor Hirohito conferred on him the Second Order of the Sacred Treasure "in recognition of your long-standing contribution ...

Junior - Bonner Fellers
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friend Michi Kawai, who had been a Embassy. Watanabe graduated from ... Watanabe through the years leading to thought about putting the emperor on present Keisen School outside of the war; they even managed to ...

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歴史秘話ヒストリア - NHK
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結婚の話なんてしないで! 津田梅子 明治“アラウンド20”の悩み ... しかし帰国してみると、日本語をすっかり忘れ、何と家族とも日本語で会話が成り立たないという驚くべき事態に・・・。留学してキャリアアップ出来たはずが、思わぬ ...

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2019/04/09 — 新紙幣の肖像画に選ばれた、渋沢栄一(1万円札)、津田梅子(5千円札)、​北里柴三郎(千円札)。この内、津田は洗礼を受けたクリスチャンで、渋沢は多くのキリスト教団体と関わりを持ち支援した。3人の略歴と、 ...

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キリスト教 功労者 顕彰