Ritonavir (RTV), sold[where?] under the brand name Norvir, is an antiretroviral medication used along with other medications to treat HIV/AIDS.[2] This combination treatment is known as highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART).[2] Often a low dose is used with other protease inhibitors.[2] It may also be used in combination with other medications for hepatitis C.[3] It is taken by mouth.[2] The tablets of ritonavir are not bioequivalent to capsules as tablets may result in higher peak plasma concentrations.[2]
Ritonavir is manufactured as Norvir by AbbVie, Inc..[citation needed] The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved ritonavir on March 1, 1996,[21] making it the seventh U.S.-approved antiretroviral drug and the second U.S.-approved protease inhibitor (after saquinavir four months earlier).[citation needed] As a result of the introduction of new "highly active antiretroviral thearap[ies]"—of which the protease inhibitors ritonavir and saquinavir were critical[citation needed]—the annual U.S. HIV-associated death rate fell from over 50,000 to about 18,000 over a period of two years.[20][22]
In 2003, Abbott (now AbbVie, Inc.) raised the price of a Norvir course from US$1.71 per day to US$8.57 per day, leading to claims of price gouging by patients' groups and some members of Congress. Consumer group Essential Inventions petitioned the NIH to override the Norvir patent, but the NIH announced on August 4, 2004, that it lacked the legal right to allow generic production of Norvir.[23]
Foundation and early history
In 1888 at the age of 30, Wallace Abbott (1857–1921), an 1885 graduate of the University of Michigan, founded the Abbott Alkaloidal Company in Ravenswood, Chicago. At the time, he was a practicing physician and owned a drug store. His innovation was the use of the active part of a medicinal plant, generally an alkaloid (e.g., morphine, quinine, strychnine and codeine), which he formed into tiny "dosimetric granules". This approach was successful since it produced more consistent and effective dosages for patients.[5] In 1922, the company moved from Ravenswood to North Chicago, Illinois.
International expansion
Abbott's first international affiliate was in London in 1907, and the company later added an affiliate in Montreal, Canada (Fact 21).[citation needed] Abbott India Ltd was originally incorporated on August 22, 1944 as Boots Pure Drug Company (India) Ltd. The company name was changed to The Boots Company (India) Ltd on November 1, 1971 thereafter to Boots Pharmaceuticals Ltd on January 1, 1991. In October 31, 1995 the name was changed to Knoll Pharmaceuticals Ltd and in July 1, 2002 they got their present name Abbott India Ltd.In the year 2002. Abbott started operations in Pakistan as a marketing affiliate in 1948; the company has steadily expanded to comprise a work force of over 1500 employees. Currently, two manufacturing facilities located at Landhi and Korangi in Karachi continue to produce pharmaceutical products.[6] Expansion continued in 1962 when Abbott entered into a joint venture with Dainippon Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., of Osaka, Japan, to manufacture radio-pharmaceuticals.[citation needed] In 1964, it merged with Ross Laboratories, making Ross a wholly owned subsidiary of Abbott, and Richard Ross gained a seat on Abbott's board of directors until his retirement in 1983.[7] The acquisition of Ross brought Similac under the Abbott umbrella. In the years following the acquisition, Pedialyte and Ensure were introduced as nutritional products by Ross Laboratories while under Abbott's leadership.[8][9][10]
In 1965, Abbott's expansion in Europe continued with offices in Italy and France. Abbott Laboratories has been present in India for over 100 years through its subsidiary Abbott India Limited and it is currently India's largest healthcare products company.[11]
According to Harvard professor Lester Grinspoon and Peter Hedblom, "In 1966 Abbott Laboratories sold the equivalent of two million doses of methamphetamine in powder form to a Long Island criminal dealer".[12]
メタンフェタミン(英語: methamphetamine, methylamphetamine)は、アンフェタミンの窒素原子上にメチル基が置換した構造の有機化合物である。間接型アドレナリン受容体刺激薬として中枢神経興奮作用はアンフェタミンより強く、強い中枢興奮作用および精神依存性、薬剤耐性がある[2]。日本では商品名ヒロポンで販売されているが[3]、現在は「限定的な医療・研究用途での使用」のみに厳しく制限されている。
日本語では、シャブ、エス (S)、スピード (speed) などの俗称で呼ばれる。英語ではアイス(ice)、メス(meth)、クリスタル・メス(crystal meth)などの俗称がある。
会社名 | 大日本製薬(株) Dai Nippon Seiyaku Kabushiki Kaisha |
書誌事項 | [ 3840 / A561 ]大日本製薬六十年史 / 大日本製薬株式会社六十年史編纂委員会編纂
大阪 : 大日本製薬六十年史編纂委員会 : 1957.05 283p, 図版16枚 ; 27cm Dai Nihon Seiyaku rokuju-nenshi 英文社名: Dainippon Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (p208 定款) ; 印刷: 林欧文堂 ; 非売品 ; 縦組み ; 表紙に型押し (P印の商標) |
各種ID | 『会社史総合目録 増補・改訂版』一連アイテム番号:1670 / 『主要企業の系譜図』図番号:7.3-5 / 『企業名変遷要覧』企業番号:2045 |
所蔵リンク | NDL ONLINE / NDL Search / CiNii Books / Worldcat / 社史ウィキ / |
会社沿革と社史メモ | 大阪の道修町は西日本の薬種取引の中心市場として栄えてきた。明治維新後、洋薬の輸入に取り組み、純良薬品を供給することを目的に道修町の薬業家21人が発起人となり、1897年(明30)大阪製薬を設立。翌年には、日本初の製薬会社として1883年(明16)東京に創立された大日本製薬を吸収合併し、社名を由緒ある大日本製薬(株)と改める。1908年(明41)には大阪薬品試験(株)を合併し事業基盤を確立。新薬開発に取り組み戦後も合理化を進めて発展する。60年史は既刊の50年史を参考に創業からの沿革と現況をまとめている。[2005年(平17)住友製薬と合併し、大日本住友製薬となる] |
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