道端ジェシカの夫、ケネス・カオ容疑者を再逮捕「間違いない」容疑認める 麻薬取締法違反疑い
合成麻薬MDMAを日本に密輸したとして、警視庁は5日、麻薬及び向精神薬取締法違反の疑いで、モデル道端ジェシカ(38)の夫で米国籍で映画プロデューサーのケネス・カオ容疑者(46)を再逮捕した。 逮捕容疑は氏名不詳者ら共謀の上、3月9日(現地時間)に、MDMAを含有するものと認められる粉末入りカプセルを、隠匿収納した航空小口急送貨物1個を東京・港区のホテルあてに発送した疑い。ロサンゼルス国際空港、オークランド国際空港を経由し、11日に成田空港に到着させ、麻薬を密輸した。 関係者によると、カオ容疑者は「間違いない」と容疑を認めているという。
映画『沈黙 -サイレンス-』 ヴァチカンで上映
Scorsese was born in Queens, New York. His family moved to the Little Italy section of Manhattan before he started school.[9] His father, Charles Scorsese (1913–93), and mother, Catherine Scorsese (born Cappa; 1912–97), both worked in New York's Garment District. His father was a clothes presser and an actor, and his mother was a seamstress and an actress.[10] His father's parents emigrated from Polizzi Generosa, in the province of Palermo, Sicily, and his maternal grandparents were also from Palermo, precisely from Ciminna. Scorsese was raised in a devoutly Catholic environment.[3] As a boy he had asthma and could not play sports or do any activities with other children and so his parents and his older brother would often take him to movie theaters; it was at this stage in his life that he developed a passion for cinema. As a teenager in the Bronx, Scorsese frequently rented Powell and Pressburger's The Tales of Hoffmann (1951) from a store that had one copy of the reel. Scorsese was one of only two people who regularly rented that reel. The other was future Night Of The Living Dead director George A. Romero.[11]
『沈黙 -サイレンス-』(ちんもく サイレンス、原題:Silence) は、2016年の歴史ドラマ映画。遠藤周作の小説『沈黙』を原作とし、マーティン・スコセッシが監督、ジェイ・コックスが脚本を務める。出演はアンドリュー・ガーフィールド、リーアム・ニーソン、アダム・ドライバー、窪塚洋介、浅野忠信、イッセー尾形、塚本晋也、小松菜奈、加瀬亮、笈田ヨシら。日本ではKADOKAWAの配給で2017年1月21日公開予定[2]。
Silence is a 2016 American historical drama film directed by Martin Scorsese and written by Jay Cocks and Scorsese, based upon the 1966 novel of the same name by Shūsaku Endō. The film was shot entirely in Taipei, Taiwan and stars Andrew Garfield, Adam Driver, Liam Neeson, Tadanobu Asano and Ciarán Hinds.[3] The film premiered in Vatican City on November 29, 2016 and will be released in the United States on December 23, 2016.
In the seventeenth century, two Portuguese Jesuit priests (Andrew Garfield and Adam Driver) face violence and persecution when they travel to Japan to locate their mentor (Liam Neeson) who had committed apostasy after being tortured. The story takes place in the time of Kakure Kirishitan ("Hidden Christians") that followed the defeat of the Shimabara Rebellion (1637–38) of Japanese Roman Catholics against the Tokugawa shogunate.
Kao, who co-founded production company Arcana with Ryan Gosling, is the only son of multibillionaire Min Kao, the Kansas-based tech tycoon who co-founded GPS giant Garmin. According to Forbes, the elder Kao’s net worth currently exceeds $4 billion. Michibata, for her part, is probably best-known for her short-lived marriage to Formula One superstar Jensen Button.
ガーミン (Garmin Ltd.、NASDAQ: GRMN) は、アメリカ合衆国で創業されたGPS/GNSS機器メーカー。
ゲリー・バレル (Gary Burrell) と高民環 (Min H. Kao、ミン・カオ) によって1989年に設立された。ガーミン(Garmin)という社名は創業者2人の名前の一部、即ちGaryとMinに由来する。
登記上、現在スイス・シャフハウゼン州シャフハウゼンにグループ本社[1]を置き、運営上はアメリカ合衆国カンザス州のオレイサにある、子会社のガーミン・インターナショナル社(Garmin International, Inc.)が実質的な本社として機能している。最大の生産設備を持つ重要子会社は、台湾新北市汐止区にあるガーミン(アジア)・コーポレーション(Garmin (Asia) Corporation、台灣國際航電股份有限公司) である。そして、最近では、GPSランニングウォッチなどのものを販売している。
Min H. Kao (Chinese: 高民環; pinyin: Gāo Mínhuán) is a Taiwanese-American electrical engineer, billionaire businessman, and philanthropist. He is the co-founder of Garmin, with Gary Burrell, and its chairman.
In 2011, Kao was elected a member of the National Academy of Engineering for leadership in developing and commercializing compact GPS navigation devices.
Early life
Min H. Kao was born in 1949 in Zhushan, Nantou, a small town in Taiwan.[citation needed] He graduated from the National Taiwan University, and earned a doctorate in electrical engineering from the University of Tennessee in 1977.[1][2][3]
Kao undertook research for NASA and the United States Army.[3] He was subsequently a systems analyst for Teledyne Systems, an algorithm designer for Magnavox Advanced Products, and an engineering group leader for King Radio Corporation.[3] He also worked for AlliedSignal.[1]
In 1989, with Gary Burrell, Kao co-founded Garmin, a company best known for manufacturing devices that use the Global Positioning System.[1][4]
Kao stepped down as CEO of Garmin in 2012, but remains executive chairman and a member of the board.[5]
In 2005, Kao gave $17.5 million to the College of Engineering of the University of Tennessee, $12.5 million of which was designated for the construction of a new facility.[6] In May 2007, groundbreaking ceremonies were conducted for the new Min Kao Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Building. The building was dedicated in March 2012.[7]
In 2014, Kao donated $1 million to the University of Kansas College of Engineering for the building of electrical and computer engineering design labs.[8] In 2015, Kao donated $1 million to the Kansas State University College of Engineering for building four labs.[9]
Personal life
Kao is married to Fan Kao.[4] They have a son, Ken Kao, who is a film producer, and a daughter, Jen Kao, who is a fashion designer.[4] They reside in Leawood, Kansas.[1] In 2011, he purchased an apartment in 15 Central Park West, Manhattan, New York City.[10] He is selling his Kansas City area residence for $5 million as he spends the majority of his time in Manhattan.[11]
As of February 2020, his personal wealth was estimated at $4.1 billion.
4 件のコメント:
> 高民環
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