
ニコラス・クルーズ(Nikolas Cruz)容疑者@Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School

フロリダの高校で乱射、生徒ら17人死亡 元在校生の男拘束
2018年2月15日 9:59 発信地:マイアミ/米国

【2月15日 AFP】(更新、写真追加)米南部フロリダ州パークランド(Parkland)にある高校で14日、元在校生の男(19)が銃を乱射し、生徒ら17人が死亡した。地元当局が発表した。警察は男を拘束して動機などを調べている。米国では学校での銃撃事件が後を絶たず、今年に入ってから今回で18件目となった。

地元ブロワード(Broward)郡のスコット・イズラエル(Scott Israel)保安官によると、犠牲者には生徒のほか成人が含まれている。成人が教員かは現時点で確認できていない。現場は「凄惨だった」とも語った。

拘束されたニコラス・クルーズ(Nikolas Cruz)容疑者はこの高校の元生徒で、懲戒として退学させられていたという。犯行には半自動ライフルが使われた。

在校生の女子生徒はCBSニュース(CBS News)に対し、教室に警報が鳴り響いた当初はいつもの火災警報と思ったが、避難していている間に銃声が6発ほど聞こえたと証言。そのため皆一目散に逃げ始めたと語っている。


米国の団体Everytown for Gun Safetyによると、全米では学校での銃撃事件が今年に入ってからすでに18件起き、うち10件で死傷者が出ている。今回現場となった学校でも警官1人が常駐し、入り口も1カ所に限られていたが、事件を防げなかった。

ドナルド・トランプ(Donald Trump)大統領はツイッター(Twitter)で犠牲者の家族に哀悼の意を表するととともに、「米国の学校で子どもも先生も、誰もこんな不安な思いをさせてはいけない」と訴えた。(c)AFP

Marjory Stoneman Douglas (April 7, 1890 – May 14, 1998) was an American journalist, writer, feminist, and environmentalist known for her staunch defense of the Everglades against efforts to drain it and reclaim land for development. Moving to Miami as a young woman to work for The Miami Herald, she became a freelance writer, producing over a hundred short stories that were published in popular magazines. Her most influential work was the book The Everglades: River of Grass (1947), which redefined the popular conception of the Everglades, as a treasured river instead of a worthless swamp. Its impact has been compared to that of Rachel Carson's influential book Silent Spring (1962). Her books, stories, and journalism career brought her influence in Miami, enabling her to advance her causes.
As a young woman Douglas was outspoken and politically conscious of the women's suffrage and civil rights movements. She was called upon to take a central role in the protection of the Everglades when she was 79 years old. For the remaining 29 years of her life she was "a relentless reporter and fearless crusader" for the natural preservation and restoration of the nature of South Florida.[1] Her tireless efforts earned her several variations of the nickname "Grande Dame of the Everglades"[2] as well as the hostility of agricultural and business interests looking to benefit from land development in Florida. Numerous awards were given to her, including the Presidential Medal of Freedom, and she was inducted into several halls of fame.

Douglas lived to 108, working until nearly the end of her life for Everglades restoration. Upon her death, an obituary in The Independent in London stated, "In the history of the American environmental movement, there have been few more remarkable figures than Marjory Stoneman Douglas."[3]

Marjory left for college in 1908, despite having grave misgivings about her mother's mental state. Her aunt and grandmother shared her concerns, but recognized that she needed to leave in order to begin her own life.[12] She was a straight-A student at Wellesley College,[13] graduating with a BA in English in 1912. She found particular gifts in a class on elocution, and joined the first suffrage club with six of her classmates.[14] She was elected as "Class Orator" at Wellesley, but was unable to fulfill the office since she was already involved in other activities. During her senior year while visiting home, her mother showed her a lump on her breast. Marjory arranged the surgery to have it removed. After the graduation ceremony, her aunt informed her it had metastasized, and within months her mother was dead. The family left making the funeral arrangements up to Marjory.[15]


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