


A famed Black Panther who's also a communist has faced calls to pay reparations after discovering her ancestors were white puritans who arrived in the US on the Mayflower.

Angela Davis, 79, was flabbergasted to discover both sides of her family were white, and that her mom's ancestors were slave owners, on PBS show Finding Your Roots.

And the stunning revelations sparked calls for the famously woke Marxist University of California professor to herself pay reparations, having previously called on whites to pony-up in the past. 

Sharing a tweet about the show, conservative pundit Matt Walsh wrote: 'It gets better. She's also descended from a slave owner. On her father's side is a pilgrim. On her mother's side is a slave owner. Looks like Angela Davis owes some reparations.' 

Another Twitter user called AK Kamara wrote: 'Angela Davis, the radical Marxist and former black panther, recently discovered she is also the ancestor of colonizers and slave owners. I guess she owes herself reparations. This timeline is hilarious.'

Davis became nationally known in 1970 when guns she owned were used in the holding up of a Marin County courtroom in California which left four dead, including the judge.

After the FBI issued a warrant for her arrest she went on the run and became listed as one of the department's 10 Most Wanted. After her eventual arrest she spent 16 months in jail before being found not guilty.

Davis was born in Birmingham, Alabama, in 1944 during an era of segregation and violent racial division in the South.

While studying in West Germany in her youth she was drawn to far-left politics and upon returning to the US became involved with the Black Panthers and the Communist Party USA. 

She appeared shocked during the TV interview that aired this week in which Finding Your Roots host Henry Louis Gates, Jr. told her of her ancestry.

'No. I can't believe this. My ancestors did not come here on the Mayflower,' she said - only to be later told that they did indeed arrive in the US aboard the famed pilgrim ship. 

The Mayflower was an English boat that brought white English families, known as the Pilgrims, to the American continent to permanently establish the New England colony in 1620.

'You are descended from the 101 people who sailed on the Mayflower,' reiterated Gates Jr., who is the director of the Hutchins Center for African and African American Research at Harvard University.

The one-hour show, in which public figures learn about their ancestry, outlined how William Brewster, who traveled aboard the boat with his wife Mary Wentworth Brewster, was Davis's 10th great-grandfather.

Mary was one of only five adult women from the Mayflower to have survived the first winter after arriving in the US and one of only four such to survive until the 'first Thanksgiving' in 1621, which she was said to have helped cook. 

The revelation caused many to point out the complexity of ancestry and on social media some suggested that by some logic Davis should pay black reparations.

The concept of reparations - an idea she has endorsed in the past - is that people with ancestors who were enslaved should be financially reimbursed by those whose ancestors enslaved them.

'This vividly illustrates the absurdity of reparations as a concept, among other things,' said one person on Twitter, in response to a clip of the revelation. 

'Before any talk about reparations everybody needs to take the ancestry DNA test. I think a lot of people would be shocked to to discover who they were descended from,' said another. 

Davis also made discoveries about her mother, Sallye Bell, who was found to be the daughter of a successful white Alabama lawyer who himself descended from a slave owner.

Bell was a school teacher and grew up in a foster home, never knowing either of her biological parents. Her mother had genetics that traced back to Africa but her father was John Austin Darden, who was also involved in politics, and was born in Rockford Coosa, Alabama, in 1879.

'He has my mother's lips,' Davis said as she was presented a photo of her grandfather. 'I can't get used to the fact this is my mother's father.'

A clipping from an old Alabama newspaper shone light on who Darden had been. 

'The former publisher of the Goodwater Enterprise, who served as both a representative and a senator at various times from 1914 to 1933, had practiced law here 40 years.' 

'Was he a member of the Ku Klux Klan or the white citizens council?' Davis asked. 'That's something I would also want to know. Because in those days in order to achieve that power one had to thoroughly embrace white supremacy.

'I'm both glad and I'm angry. I'm really, really angry,' she added. 

As Gates went back further in time things got murkier still. Stephen Darden, her fourth great grandfather, was born in colonial Virginia around 1750.

He was a patriot who played the drums during the Revolutionary War, according to a muster roll. Afterwards he moved from Virginia to Georgia, where he owned a farm and at least six slaves.

'I always imagine my ancestors as the people who were enslaved. My mind and my heart are swirling with all of these contradictory emotions,' said Davis.

'I'm glad on the one hand we've begun to solve this mystery, we have something we didn't have before, but at the same time I think it makes me even more committed to struggling for a better world.

'This world that could give rise to such a beautiful person as my mother was not the world I want to see in the future,' she added.

Davis's father Benjamin Frank Davis grew in up in Lyndon, Alabama. His mother was Mollie Spencer butm similarly, nothing was known about his father.

Alabama Census records indicated that for at least ten years Mollie lived next door to a white man named Murphy Jones. Records stated that he sold her two acres of land for two hundred dollars and that the two were likely relatively close.

Using genetic profiles of Murphy's known living relatives, researchers found multiple matches to Angela, indicating that Jones was her grandfather.

Mollie Spencer's father was named Isom Spencer and was listed as collateral on a loan document filed by a slave owner named William K. Pauling, who owned a plantation in Marengo, Alabama.  

'I assume that my ancestors lived on plantations as slaves, but of course I didn't know who they were and I didn't know who the slave owners were,' she said.

It transpired that Isom was a remarkable figure who marked the transition of her family from enslaved to free. Court records uncovered by PBS showed he even brought a complaint against the slaver over his nephews, who were being held in the plantation under 'apprenticeships'. 

'I'm happy to find there's a motif of resistance there because that is what I feel I've been trying to do since I was a teenager,' said Davis, reflecting on her grandfather's struggle.


アンジェラ・デイヴィス(Angela Davis、1944年1月26日 - )は、アメリカ合衆国活動家[2]著作家[3]学者である[4][注 1]カリフォルニア大学サンタクルーズ校名誉教授である。マルクス主義者で、アメリカにおける左翼運動の重要な活動家として知られる。また、デイヴィスは階級フェミニズム、アメリカの刑務所制度、産獄複合体などの専門家として知られる。


ブラックパンサー党: Black Panther Party, BPP)あるいは日本語黒豹党(くろひょうとう)は、1960年代後半から1970年代にかけてアメリカ黒人民族主義運動・黒人解放闘争を展開していた急進的な政治組織。1966年、カリフォルニア州オークランドにおいてヒューイ・P・ニュートンボビー・シールにより、都市部の貧しい黒人が居住するゲットー警察官から自衛するために結成された。共産主義と民族主義を標榜しており、革命による黒人解放を提唱し、アフリカ系アメリカ人に対し武装蜂起を呼びかけた。また、貧困層の児童に対する無料の食事配給や、治療費が無料の「人民病院」の建設を行った。日本では、かつて新聞などで「黒豹党」と呼ばれることが多かった。 

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2022/03/26 — 嘘を嘘と見抜くことよりまるで嘘のような真実を真実だと見抜く方がはるかに難しい. https://tokumei10.blogspot.com/2014/02/blog-post_4652.html.
2022/07/27 — 2022/03/26 — 嘘を嘘と見抜くことよりまるで嘘のような真実を真実だと見抜く方がはるかに難しい. https://tokumei10.blogspot.com/2014/02/blog-post_4652 ...
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まるで嘘のような真実を真実であると見抜ける人以外が奇跡を起こす「トンスルZ」を作製し使用・利用するとゴッドブローにより非常に残酷な結果を招き死に至る ...
2021/11/24 — https://tokumei10.blogspot.com/2014/02/vacantistap.html. 嘘を嘘とry. まるで嘘のような真実をry. 、、、(爆wwwwwwwwwwwwwww.
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週刊女性PRIME2/22(水) 11:32

 イェール大学アシスタント・プロフェッサーの成田悠輔氏(38)の発言が物議を醸している。成田氏は以前からワイドショーなどで極端ともとれるような言動を繰り返しており、問題の発言は2021年12月に配信された『ABEMA Prime』で高齢化社会の対応策について私見を述べたときのこと。これが今になって拡散されたかたちだ。 【写真】三浦瑠麗、国葬参列の際に炎上した“露出多め”シースルー喪服姿 《僕はもう唯一の解決策ははっきりしていると思っていて。結局、高齢者の集団自決、集団切腹みたいなものではないか……》  続けて、 《僕はこれを大真面目に言っていて、やっぱり人間は引き際が重要だと思う。別に物理的な切腹ではなくて、社会的な切腹でもいい。過去の功績を使って居座り続ける人がいろいろなレイヤーで多すぎる。これがこの国の明らかな問題》  と持論を述べている。  この発言の拡散に反応したのは日本、というよりも世界各国だった。


 先陣を切ったのはアメリカの『ニューヨーク・タイムズ』で「これ以上ないほど過激」と批判。続いて同国の『ビジネスインサイダー』『FOXニュース』『ニューヨーク・ポスト』紙やイギリスの『デイリー・メール』『ザ・テレグラフ』、そのほかにもドイツ、ロシア、シンガポール、ベトナム、トルコ、韓国、インドなど各国のメディアが取り上げ、世界的な炎上となった。成田氏は『ニューヨーク・タイムズ』の取材に対して、 《日本では、政治、伝統産業、メディア、エンターテイメント、ジャーナリズムの世界で、同じ大物たちが長年にわたって権力を握り続けている》 《『集団切腹』『集団自決』という表現は『抽象的な比喩』であるが、潜在的なネガティブな意味合いについて、もっと注意深くあるべきだった》とし、《反省して、昨年からこの言葉を使うのをやめた》と答えている。  成田氏は《発言は 『文脈を無視して引用されたもの 』》と主張しているが、『集団自決』と『切腹』というこの二つの言葉は文脈云々にかかわらず、過激でセンセーショナルな言葉であることは論を俟(ま)たない。『抽象的な比喩』として用いることが果たして的確だったのか……。  成田氏はかねてから『武士道』に思い入れが強いらしく、2019年2月、グロービスが主催した社会保障制度改革のパネル討論で江戸時代中期の書物『葉隠』の『武士道というは死ぬことと見つけたり』という一節を取り上げて、高齢化し老害化しないために《人は適切な時期に“切腹”すべし》と発言しており、22年元旦に配信された2022年の元日、YouTubeチャンネル「日経テレ東経済学」での生配信では、 《(集団自決は)まったくメタファーではなくて、三島由紀夫とかリアルにそういうことをやって、しかもそれが日本人の死に様の1つの象徴みたいな感じで。国内外でも結構受け入れられていて、『カッコいい』ってことに三島由紀夫は今でもなっている訳じゃないですか。普通にファッションとして、『ハラキリ』は成立するんじゃないかと思っているんですよね》  と発言している。また、『集団自決』や『切腹』は議論のためのメタファーだとも言っているが、そもそも『切腹』は武士に対する刑罰の一種でもあったもの。武家社会では自身や一族の名誉を守るために許されていたものでもあったが、尊厳死の手段と捉えていいものだろうか。たとえ比喩だとしても『切腹』という表現は乱暴すぎる。同様に『集団自決』に関しても、いいイメージはない。

最終更新:2/22(水) 14:48

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2023年2月24日 8:50



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> Angela Davis



Angela Davisといい

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世界でもいろいろバレてきてますね 日本もそろそろでしょうかね?

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her ancestors were white puritans


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草木 さんのコメント...

成田 悠輔(なりた ゆうすけ、1985年〈昭和60年〉[1] - )は、日本の経済学者、起業家。イェール大学アシスタント・プロフェッサー[2][注 1]、一橋大学特任准教授[18]、東京大学招聘研究員、半熟仮想株式会社代表取締役[19][20]。専門はデータ・アルゴリズム・数学・ポエムを使ったビジネスと、公共政策の創造とデザイン[20]





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ロー(マル) しカ(トリッ)ク(教会)