Death汁とAcuitas Therapeutics@カニダとトルドー家@イエズス会と効果のない覚せい剤・コカイン中毒治療薬を高額販売してた元ジャンクボンドトレーダー
Sep 14, 2020 — Acuitas is a private company that specializes in the development of lipid nanoparticle (LNP) delivery systems for nucleic acid therapeutics.President and CEO of Acuitas Therapeutics, Dr. Thomas D. Madden is a world-renowned expert in the area of nanotechnology.Pfizer Enters into Agreement with Acuitas Therapeutics for ...
https://www.pfizer.com › news › press-release-detail › p... Jan 10, 2022 — ... working with Pfizer to advance new vaccines and therapeutic products,” said Dr. Thomas Madden, President & CEO of Acuitas Therapeutics.Terren Scott Peizer, is an investor and company executive. He is the CEO of Acuitas Group Holdings and Neurmedix.[1] He is also the CEO and chairman of Ontrak.[2] He has held senior executive positions within technology and biotech companies, at Goldman Sachs and First Boston,[1] and as a bond salesman at Drexel Burnham Lambert.[3][4]
Peizer's hometown is Beachwood, Ohio.[5] He attended Beachwood High School.[6] Peizer graduated from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.[1]
In 1983, Peizer worked at Goldman Sachs[1] and later worked at First Boston as a salesman. Michael Milken hired Peizer as a bond salesman at Drexel Burnham Lambert in 1985.[7] He was the manager of David M. Solomon's account with Drexel[5] and given a 3.5 million dollar salary and a $500.000 loan to invest in the partnership.[8]
で、後はこれまた昔、おいらと面識のある金玉男尺八のボスこの方・・・Solomon performs regularly as a disc jockey under the stage name "David Solomon"[9] producing a variety of electronic dance music (EDM).[45][46] He has performed at nightclubs and music festivals around New York, Miami, and the Bahamas.[10] Solomon maintains the Instagram account "@davidsolomonmusic" to catalogue his exploits as a music producer.[2] In June 2018, he released a cover of the Fleetwood Mac song, "Don't Stop".[47] The song was originally played on Sirius XM's BPM: Electronic Dance Music Hits the previous January.[48] "Don't Stop" was listed in Spotify's 263,361-follower playlist "Happy Summer Beats".https://tokumei10.blogspot.com/2022/02/deathacuitas-therapeutics.html
Michael Robert Milken (born July 4, 1946) is an American financier. He is known for his role in the development of the market for high-yield bonds ("junk bonds"),[2] and his conviction and sentence following a guilty plea on felony charges for violating U.S. securities laws.[3] Milken's compensation while head of the high-yield bond department at Drexel Burnham Lambert in the late 1980s exceeded $1 billion over a four-year period, a record for U.S. income at that time.[4] With a net worth of $6 billion as of 2022, he is ranked by Forbes magazine as the 412th richest person in the world.[5][6]
Milken was indicted for racketeering and securities fraud in 1989 in an insider trading investigation. As the result of a plea bargain, he pleaded guilty to securities and reporting violations but not to racketeering or insider trading. Milken was sentenced to ten years in prison, fined $600 million (but his personal website claims $200 million)[7] and permanently barred from the securities industry by the Securities and Exchange Commission. His sentence was later reduced to two years for cooperating with testimony against his former colleagues and for good behavior.[8] Milken was pardoned by President Donald Trump on February 18, 2020.
Since his release from prison, he has also become known for his charitable giving.[9] He is co-founder of the Milken Family Foundation, chairman of the Milken Institute, and founder of medical philanthropies funding research into melanoma, cancer and other life-threatening diseases.[10] A prostate cancer survivor, Milken has devoted significant resources to research on the disease.[11]
According to Forbes, Milken has given away between 5-10% of his fortune, earning a philanthropy score of 3 out of 5.[45] Upon his release from prison in 1993, Milken founded the Prostate Cancer Foundation for prostate cancer research, which by 2010 was "the largest philanthropic source of funds for research into prostate cancer".[46] Milken himself was diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer in the same month he was released.[47] His cancer is currently in remission. The Prostate Cancer Foundation works closely with Major League Baseball through its Home Run Challenge program to promote awareness of prostate cancer and raise money for medical research. Each season in the weeks leading up to Father's Day, Milken visits many ballparks and appears on TV and radio broadcasts during the games.
In 2003, Milken launched a Washington, D.C.-based think tank called FasterCures, which seeks greater efficiency in researching all serious diseases. Key initiatives of FasterCures are TRAIN, Partnering for Cures and the Philanthropy Advisory Service.[47]
On March 11, 2014, President Steven Knapp of George Washington University in Washington, D.C. announced the university was renaming its public health school after Milken as a result of a total of $80 million in gifts, $50 million from the Milken Institute and the Milken Family Foundation and $30 million gift from Viacom chairman Sumner Redstone. These gifts are designated to research and scholarship on public health issues.[48]
The Prostate Cancer Foundation (PCF), headquartered in Santa Monica, California, funds research into the prevention and cure of prostate cancer.[1]
One in nine U.S. men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in his lifetime. A man of African descent is 74% more likely to develop prostate cancer than a Caucasian man, and more than twice as likely to die from the disease.[2] Active duty military personnel are twice as likely to develop prostate cancer as their civilian counterparts.[3]
Several important prostate cancer discoveries made in the past 25 years have been as a result of PCF's actions, whether in funding or in coordination. These results include the development of new medications, gene therapy approaches, and the development of vaccines that signal the body's immune system to kill cancer cells.
In 2017, 81% of every dollar spent goes to the prostate cancer research mission. Since 2007, more than $52.8 million has been awarded to the Young Investigator Program, a PCF program that gives recent MDs and PhDs the opportunity to conduct pivotal research at a critical point early in their careers as research scientists.[4]
In 2017, the PCF Global Research Enterprise supported teamwork and team science with a portfolio that included 372 active research awards totaling $118 million. There are 220 active Challenge Award teams and 110 active Young Investigators, who represent the next generation of scientific discovery. PCF's efforts and advocacy have helped produce a 20-fold increase in government funding for prostate cancer research.
PCF set itself apart at its founding in 1993, when prostate cancer research was considered a dead end. PCF attempted—and has succeeded with—a new model: invest in the most innovative and promising programs that merit major investment; reduce the red tape and shorten the time from grant request to response, so that the best-qualified researchers get answers sooner and get to work faster; form a community with researchers, investors and pharmaceutical companies so everyone can work toward the same goals. PCF's global influence now extends to 22 countries.
In 2016, PCF expressed support for the goals of then-Vice President Joe Biden's Cancer Moonshot initiative.[5][6]
Jonathan Simons, a physician-scientist, medical oncologist, and leader in prostate cancer research is currently President and chief executive officer of the Foundation.[7]
site://tokumei10.blogspot.com ゴールドマン
エヌ・エス・アールが大株主の未上場会社にヴァーナルがあり、「許永中企業」と指摘されています。講談社+α文庫の「新版・企業舎弟 闇の抗争」によると、日本レース仕手戦に巻き込まれた山野親子が頼った東邦生命の太田社長に紹介されたのが許永中とのことですが、ゴールドマンはヤマノと資本・業務提携関係にあります。許永中は東邦生命ビル(現:渋谷クロスタワー)に「東邦エンタープライズ」の事務所を構えていた時期がありましたが、ゴールドマン傘下の投資会社、ジュピターインベストメント(代表:李鴻基)が現在の西麻布三丁目のビルに引っ越す前は、渋谷クロスタワーに事務所がありました。西麻布三丁目には週刊文春記事に登場したGS証券持田社長が所有する仏料理店「コット」があり、隣の西麻布四丁目にはGSが大量保有し、且つGSのカバレッジ銘柄だったテイクアンドギヴ・ニーズの本社があります。この本社前で住吉会の幹部が射殺されたのでしたね。http://tokumei10.blogspot.com/2009/08/blog-post_27.html
武田 正彦(たけだ まさひこ、1927年7月15日 - 2007年2月15日)は、日本の弁護士、実業家。
広島県呉市出身。現役で東京大学文科一類合格、進学。1953年(昭和28年)- 東京大学法学部卒業。1956年(昭和31年)- 神戸家裁判事補。1959年(昭和34年)- 神戸簡裁判判事。同年アメリカミシガン大学ロー・スクール留学。1961年(昭和36年)- 福岡家裁判事補、判事。1964年(昭和39年)- 弁護士登録。以来、主に渉外、特許事件を担当する。1972年(昭和47年)- ピエール・カルダンの日本代理店「ピエール・カルダン・ジャパン」(PCJ)を設立。社長、カルダンブランドを日本に定着。その後、長くカルダン本社国際戦略のアドバイス役を務めた。1975年(昭和50年)- 郷里・広島県呉市の学校法人呉武田学園理事長に就任。1987年(昭和62年)- 日本レース(現・エコナックホールディングス)社長に就任。同社再建に尽力した。
武田正彦 元日本レース(現エコナック)元社長ですね、わかります。(w エコナックと言えば最近逮捕者を出した酒井法子さんしゃぶ事件で一世を風靡したエー ...2009/08/14 — 同ビルのB1F, 1F, 2F区分所有者はエコナックhttp://www.econach.co.jp/ir/PDF/ ... 東証1部「エコナック」の経営権を握る歌舞伎町44名焼死事件ビル ...同ビルのB1F, 1F, 2F区分所有者はエコナック http://www.econach.co.jp/ir/PDF/06092902koteishisansyutoku.pdf. エコナック株式会社@京都方面・・・.2009/08/12 — 同ビルのB1F, 1F, 2F区分所有者はエコナック http://www.econach.co.jp/ir/PDF/06092902koteishisansyutoku.pdf. 2009年8月12日 14:38; 酒井容疑者は ...https://tokumei10.blogspot.com/2022/11/yoshiki.html
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