SNAKE HEAD is found in an in-flight meal: Turkish airline steward discovers grim addition to their dinner... AFTER eating most of it!
- SunExpress steward was eating a meal on board a flight from Turkey to Germany
- After finishing most of the dish, they discovered a severed snake's head
- Airline has suspended its catering company while an investigation is carried out
- But the caterer has flat-out denied that it is responsible for the grim discovery
REVEALED: Turkish biotech tycoon charged with plotting murder of Vermont father after 'he threatened to expose him for fraud' is a former magician who 'FAKED his medical degree' then duped US healthcare whizzes including Dr. Fauci
- Serhat Gumrukcu was arrested in May on suspicion of conspiracy to commit murder
- He is accused of hiring a hit man to kill Greg Davis, a Vermont father and one of his business associates, in 2018
- Davis was found shot dead in a snow bank near his home, a day after he was picked up by a man posing as a US Marshal
- Federal prosecutors say Gumrukcu plotted to kill him because he planned to report him for fraud
- Court documents reveal that Davis was primed to report the Turk and his brother to the FBI for allegedly lying to him about profits from an oil deal
- It was 2017, around the time Gumrukcu was trying to acquire a majority stake in Enochian Biotech
- Prosecutors say he plotted to have Davis killed to stop him from ruining his biotech deal
- Before his arrest, he owned $100million worth of Biotech stock
- As of Tuesday, the company remained on NASDAQ and is worth $137m
The Turkish biotech tycoon charged with plotting the murder of a Vermont father shot dead in 2018 is a former teenage magician who allegedly faked his own medical degree to dupe US healthcare executives, including Dr. Anthony Fauci.
Serhat Gumrukcu is the 39-year-old founder of Enochian Biosciences, which claims to be developing treatments for cancer, hepatitis and HIV. The company is listed on the NASDAQ with a valuation of of $137million, of which he is believed to own $98million.
Hindenburg Research recently described the company's work as being rooted in an 'entirely preclinical pipeline of claimed miracle cures'.
Gumrukcu founded the company claiming he had extensive medical training and a PhD from a university in Russia, but he is unlicensed to practice in the US.
Prosecutors also say there is no firm proof that his degree is real.
Last month, Gumrukcu was arrested at LAX Airport on suspicion of plotting the 2018 murder of Gregory Davis, a business associate who the feds think planned to report him for fraud.
Now, he is in federal custody in California being held on charges of a conspiracy to commit murder. The 39-year-old's attorney insists he is innocent.
ブレークスルー感染者の男性(51) トルコからドイツへのフライト中に死亡年11月3日水曜日
Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine was funded by Germany—not US ... › 2020/11/09 › pf...2020/11/09 — Germany funded the development of Pfizer's COVID vaccine—not U.S.'s Operation Warp Speed ... It's said that success has many authors, and the ...Uğur Şahin ([uˈuɾ ʃaː.hin]; born 29 September 1965[citation needed]) is a German oncologist and immunologist. He is the CEO of BioNTech, which helped develop one of the major vaccines against COVID-19.[2][3] His main fields of research are cancer research and immunology.[4]
Şahin's family, originally from Turkey, moved to Germany when he was four years old. He grew up in Cologne and studied medicine at the University of Cologne, completing a doctoral thesis there in cancer immunotherapy. He initially remained in academia, in patient care as an oncohematology physician and conducting research at university hospitals in Saarland and Zürich. He founded a research group at the University of Mainz in 2000 and became a professor of experimental oncology in 2006.
In 2001, while maintaining his position at the University of Mainz, Şahin began to engage in entrepreneurial activities, co-founding two pharmaceutical companies, in 2001 and 2008, with his partner and spouse Özlem Türeci. The second of these companies, BioNTech, together with Pfizer Inc, developed one of the major vaccines used to fight the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. As a result of the company's increase in value, Şahin and Türeci became the first Germans with Turkish roots among Germany's 100 wealthiest people.[5]Şahin was born on 29 September 1965 in İskenderun into a Turkish-Alevi family.[6] He moved with his mother to Germany at the age of four to join his father, who worked in Cologne's Ford factories.[7][8] He was interested in football and popular science books, which he borrowed from the Catholic church library. Initially, his primary school teacher recommended that he attend a hauptschule, which would not have readily enabled him to attend university. Upon intervention of his German neighbour, he went to a gymnasium instead.[9][10][11] Taking advanced courses in mathematic and chemistry, he graduated from the Erich-Kästner-Gymnasium in Cologne-Niehl in 1984, and was the first child at the school with Turkish guest worker parents.[12]
Şahin met his future wife, Özlem Türeci, during his work at the Saarland University Hospital (Universität des Saarlandes) in Homburg, where Türeci completed her last year of medical studies. The couple married in 2002; they have one daughter.[13][14][15]
He and his wife are among the hundred richest people in Germany because of the value of their shareholding in BioNTech.[16] As of May 2021, Bloomberg Billionaires Index estimated his net worth at US$8.35 billion.[2]
Özlem Türeci (Turkish pronunciation: [ˈœzlæm ˈtyredʒi]; born 6 March 1967) is a German physician, scientist and entrepreneur. In 2008, she co-founded the biotechnology company BioNTech, which in 2020 developed the first messenger RNA-based vaccine approved for use against COVID-19. Türeci has served as BioNTech's chief medical officer since 2018.[2] Previously, she co-founded Ganymed Pharmaceuticals in 2001 and served as CEO until the company was acquired by Astellas Pharma in 2016. Earlier, Türeci worked primarily in research and teaching.[3] She is also a Privatdozentin at Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz, Germany.[4][5] Türeci and her spouse, Uğur Şahin, have won a number of awards, and in 2020, became the first Turkish German on the list of Germany's top 100 wealthiest people.[6]トルコ人が作ったワクチンなんぞ打つアフォ大杉!(爆wwwwwwwwww
2011/12/21 — まあ要するに諸悪の根源は朝鮮人じゃなくてヴァチカン・イエズス会って話です。(爆w 大多数の日本人・朝鮮人の共通の敵がヴァチカン・イエズス会と ...2015/12/10 — トルコ系ドイツ人のエルドアンさんとご一緒にってのがまたアレですなあ・・・(爆wwwwwww. — 後藤組。組長、後藤忠政。静岡県富士宮市。1970年山口組傘下。1991年、東京都八王子市ニ率会が系列入。福島、北海道、埼玉、熊本など十都 ...2015/12/13 — 後藤さん@TOCに繋がるシリア人の息子、 スティーブ・ジョブズ@卍ライン. — 鳩山由紀夫とオバマとテラ株式会社から後藤組とTSKビルまで芋づる式に. 鳩山由紀夫@hatoyamayukio 11時間細胞ワクチン療法に優れたテラ(株)から話を ...2011/11/21 — 1924年 5月13日 韮山-内浦間免許失効 鉄道ピクトアル9804 6月 白井新太郎、後藤幸太郎は駿豆鉄道㈱取締役辞任 鉄道史学第2号 8月1日 大仁-修善寺間 ...旧後藤組という組織全体で近藤に関する情報管理を徹底させたからだ。これを組織暴力と呼ばずして何と表現すればいいのか。 警察庁の指導でやっている弘道会の高山、竹内 ...2021/11/11 — タレントのデヴィ夫人が11日、ツイッターを更新。細木数子さん、瀬戸内寂聴さんの相次ぐ訃報にコメントした。 「昨日は細木数子さんの訃報、今日は ...2018/03/12 — › 神峯山寺の歴史と信仰 神峯山寺(かぶさんじ)は、大阪府高槻市原に位置する天台宗の仏教寺院である。山号は根本山(こんぽんざん) ...2018/05/16 — 小田求氏の過去、オペラの実力派。 イタリア(ミラノ)でのオペラ『椿姫』、『ドン・バスクアーレ』、『蝶々夫人』に出演。歌曲では太田区民プラザUCLAで反GOD派暴力装置としての特別待遇で魔改造された後藤さんはまだご健在なんでせうか?
「Guns N’ Roses(ガンズ・アンド・ローゼズ)」の死汁はけしからんニダ!(爆w
韓国誠信女子大学ソ・ギョンドク(徐坰徳)教授が26日、今度は世界的ロックバンドに抗議したことを明かした。「Guns N’ Roses(ガンズ・アンド・ローゼズ)」が日本公演を控えてSNSに公開したポスターに「旭日旗模様」が描かれているとの主張だ。
「Guns N’ Roses」は最近、SNSに11月に開催する日本公演のポスターを投稿した。
6 件のコメント:
@You3_JP: ワクチン推しの人達が得体の知れないカルト教団を結成したとのこと。
@WontBeLong0: 宮沢さんゲストの端くれラジオの予告が質問の嵐ですが,これはワクチン推しカルト的集団の「館長指令」での一斉攻撃です。今回初めて知りましたが,#大図書館 のハッシュタグを旗印にして自らをピラニアと呼び,「悪魔の提唱」アカウントが館長です。見つけただけで80人を超えます。不気味です。
@Be2SiO4_: @WontBeLong0 まさに。フォローや「いいね」を拝見するに関係性は明白。「大図書館」で頑張って勉強したのなら、猟犬ではなく発表者となられたし。彼女(館長サン)を守る・信じて盾になるとの方向性は謎。特定複数アカウントの、以前からの宮沢氏への恋着ぶりは傍目からも痛々しく異様。暇ほど毒なものはないと知る
@j_sato: @WontBeLong0 「悪魔の提唱」アカウントとは、このアカウントでしょうか?
@udomrod_1: @WontBeLong0 もうひとつ気持ち悪いハッシュタグがありました。
首チョンパとは グロイですね さあ日本にも表れるのでしょうかね 汁まーく