

'Get vaccinated': Rafael Nadal issues stunning rebuke to Novak Djokovic as the Grand Slam champion pleads his case in court - and faces being deported from Australia

  • Reigning Australian Open champ to spend weekend in refugee detention centre
  • Novak Djokovic faces being deported after arriving in Melbourne on wrong visa 
  • Tennis star Rafael Nadal weighed into saga by firing shot at world number one
  • Says Djokovic wouldn't be in predicament if vaccinated and followed the rules
  • Nadal was speaking at a press conference at Melbourne warm-up tournament

 Novak (in Serbo-Croatian and Slovene; Cyrillic: Новак), Novák (in Hungarian, Czech and Slovak), Nowak or Novack (in German and Polish), is a surname and masculine given name, derived from the slavic word for "new" (e.g. Polish: nowy, Czech: nový, Serbo-Croatian: nov / нов), which depending on the exact language and usage, translates as "novice", "new man", "newcomer", or "stranger".

It seems to originate, at least by common occurrence, in the province of Upper Silesia, when Germanic stock moved into the upper Oder river region, the slavs referred to the "new men" as "Nowaks".[1] Another theory is that "new man" refers to a person who has converted to Christianity or to a new arrival in a city. It was also used for newcomers to an army and as an occupational surname for people who used the slash-and-burn method to create new arable land—novina.[2] It is pronounced almost the same way in most languages, with the stress on the first syllable. The main exception is Slovene, which places the stress on the last syllable.

It is the most common surname in the Czech Republic,[3][4] Poland,[5] and Slovenia,[6] and the sixth most common in Croatia. It is also found in Romania and Moldova, in the Novac form, and among Ashkenazi Jews in various forms depending on their country of origin.[7]

新人類 NoVaccine 

Raphael is an archangel mentioned in the Book of Tobit and in 1 Enoch, both dating from the ... The trumpet is constantly poised at his lips, ready to be blown when God ...
Israfil is the angel who blows the trumpet to signal Qiyamah (the Day of Judgment); he is ... thought of as the counterpart of the Judeo-Christian archangel Raphael.

Raphael (/ˈræfiəl/; Hebrew: רֵפָאֵל, translit. Rēp̄āʾēl, lit. 'God has healed'; Ancient Greek: Ραφαήλ, Raphaḗl; Coptic: ⲣⲁⲫⲁⲏⲗ, Rafaêl; Arabic: رافائيل, Rāfā’īl, or إسرافيل, Isrāfīl; Amharic: ሩፋኤል, Rufaʾel) is an archangel mentioned in the Book of Tobit and in 1 Enoch, both dating from the last few centuries before Christ.[2][3] In later Jewish tradition, he became identified as one of the three heavenly visitors entertained by Abraham at the Oak of Mamre. He is not named in either the Christian New Testament or the Quran, but later Christian tradition identified him with healing and as the angel who stirred waters in the Pool of Bethesda in John 5:2-4.[2] In Islam, where his name is Israfil, he is understood to be the unnamed angel of Quran 6:73, who stands eternally with a trumpet to his lips, ready to announce the Day of Resurrection

 In Islamic eschatology, the Day of Resurrection (Arabic: يوم القيامة, romanizedYawm al-qiyāmah) is believed to be God's final assessment of humanity. Other names for it in the Quran are the Day of Reckoning, the Last Day, and the Hour (al-sā'ah). The sequence of events (according to the most commonly held belief) is the annihilation of all creatures, the resurrection of the body, and the judgment of all sentient beings. At this time everyone is shown their deeds and actions in regard to justice.

 Israfil (Arabic: إِسْـرَافِـيْـل, Isrāfīl; or Israfel or Rāfā'īl)[1] is the angel who blows the trumpet to signal Qiyamah (the Day of Judgment); he is thus often considered the angel of music.[2][3] Though unnamed in the Quran, he is one of the four archangels in Islamic tradition, along with Mīkā'īl, Jibrā'īl, and Azrā'īl.[1] The "Book of Dead" described Israfil as the oldest of all archangels.[4]

It is believed that Israfil will blow the trumpet from a holy rock in Jerusalem to announce the Day of Resurrection. He is commonly thought of as the counterpart of the Judeo-Christian archangel Raphael.[5][6]

 黙示録のラッパ吹き(もくしろくのラッパふき)は、 『ヨハネの黙示録』に記される、ラッパを与えられた神の御遣い(小)。 小羊(最も小さな者)が解く七つの封印の内、最後の七つ目の封印が解かれた時に現れるという。

 Raphael, along with many other prominent angels, appears in John Milton's Paradise Lost, in which he is assigned by God to re-warn Adam concerning the sin of eating of the Tree of the knowledge of good and evil. He also expounds to Adam the War in Heaven in which Lucifer and the demons fell, and the creation of the Earth.[27]

免疫記憶細胞(4) 抗原原罪(original antigenic sin) 高木 淳 1 ... 原罪”とはアダムとイブに象徴される人間が生涯負わされる罪(sin)のことである.
2021/09/24 · アップロード元: Saddleback Kids
2021/11/17 — 2021/09/25 — 免疫記憶細胞(4) 抗原原罪(original antigenic sin) 高木 淳 1 ... 原罪”とはアダムとイブに象徴される人間が生涯負わされる罪(sin)の ...
2021/11/26 — 原罪(げんざい、英語: original sin, ラテン語: peccatum originale)は、キリスト教内の西方教会において最も一般的な理解では、アダムとイヴから ...
2021/11/28 — 原罪は、「エデンの園でのアダムの罪の直接の結果として、私たちみな ... “抗原原罪”とは新型コロナワクチン接種者と推進派が生涯負わされる罪(sin).
2021/10/18 — 7. According to the Journal of Immunology Original Antigenic Sin, or OAS. ... を食べ、女に勧められたアダムも食べた(創世記3章1節 - 7節)。

原罪(げんざい、英語: original sin, ラテン語: peccatum originale)は、キリスト教内の西方教会において最も一般的な理解では、アダムとイヴから受け継がれた罪の ...



Rafael Nadal (born 1986), Spanish tennis player; Miguel Ángel Nadal's nephew

Nadal (Catalan: [nəˈðal], Occitan: [naˈdal, naˈðal], Venetian: [naˈdal]) is a surname of Catalan, Occitan, and Venetian[1][2] origin. It stems from the Latin word for birthday, natalis.[3][4

セリアック病を患っており、以前は試合中に突如体調が悪化するなどして苦しめられていた。しかし2010年にグルテンフリーの食事を取り入れると大幅に改善され、2011年の大躍進につながった。このことを記した書籍『ジョコビッチの生まれ変わる食事 -あなたの人生を激変させる14日間プログラム-[80]』(英語版のタイトル、Serve to win、は、同じ serve という語に、テニスのサーブ、つまり勝つためのサーブと、「給仕する」という意味のサーブ、つまり勝つための食事、の二つの意味を掛け合わせたものになっている) は話題を呼び、グルテンフリーは世界中で有名になった。





 セリアック病またはシリアック病coeliac disease または celiac disease)は、ムギ小麦大麦ライ麦など)に含まれるタンパク質の一種であるグルテン対する免疫反応が引き金になって起こる自己免疫疾患である。遺伝性疾患であり、グルテン関連障害の一つ。第二次世界大戦中ヨーロッパでグルテン食との関連が指摘され認識が広まった[1]欧米での罹患率は1%程度と報告されているが、日本での頻度は不明である[2]

4 件のコメント:

匿名 さんのコメント...

> Novak


GABRIEL さんのコメント...


ミネ さんのコメント...


百姓撲滅のはじまりなのかちら ってニュースみて思ったけど

匿名 さんのコメント...
