

Washington (CNN)In March, Sen. Claire McCaskill was unambiguous. The Missouri Democrat said she never once met with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak in her 10 years serving on the Senate Armed Services Committee.
"No call or meeting w/Russian ambassador. Ever," McCaskill tweeted. "Ambassadors call members of Foreign [Relations Committee]."
Soon after that tweet, it was revealed she did interact with the Russian ambassador.

And now, CNN has learned, McCaskill spent an evening at a black-tie reception at the ambassador's Washington residence in November 2015.


2008 presidential election 
In January 2008, McCaskill decided to endorse Senator Barack Obama in his campaign for the Democratic nomination for the presidential elections of 2008, making her one of the first senators to do so. She was one of the most visible faces for his campaign,[32] and her support was crucial to Obama's narrow victory in the Missouri primary in February 2008. She has credited her daughter Maddie as the one who made her publicly endorse Obama.[33] She was frequently mentioned as a possible vice-presidential nominee for Obama, but was never seriously considered. She spoke on the opening day of the Democratic National Convention in August 2008.[34] 
2016 presidential elections 
McCaskill began her role in the 2016 Presidential election in 2013 by endorsing Secretary Hillary Clinton for President.[35] Throughout the primaries, McCaskill was among Secretary Clinton's top surrogates. She struck a dismissive tone towards the campaign of Senator Bernie Sanders, describing him as "too liberal" and "extreme" compared the enthusiasm behind his campaign to be nothing more impressive than that of Ron Paul's campaign from 2012.[36] On March 21, McCaskill called for Bernie Sanders to unite behind Hillary Clinton following Clinton's sweep of southern primaries.[37]

McCaskill Dodges When Asked About Clinton Foundation Russian Uranium Deal


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