China began severely restricting the export of personal protective equipment (PPE), such as gowns and masks, months before notifying the world of the outbreak of Covid-19, it has emerged.
PPE exports to the US fell by around 50 per cent between August and September of 2019, in a significant drop which raised alarm bells at key US government agencies.
China also started to buy up global PPE stocks in Europe, Australia and the US around the same time, experts said.
The fall in PPE supplies exiting China, the world’s biggest manufacturer of PPE, raises new questions about the true timeline of the emergence of SARS-CoV-2.
An altered timeline would significantly challenge the theory that the pandemic originated from a seafood market in Wuhan, where the first cases emerged in December 2019.
The anomaly was uncovered by former US government officials including Dr Tom McGinn, a Senior Health Advisor at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and Colonel John Hoffman, a Senior Research Fellow with the Food Protection and Defence Institute whose career spans decades in US government and military.
The pair were unconvinced that the virus had started at the Wuhan Wet Market in December 2019, after and began looking for an alternative theory.
China 'began developing two Covid vaccines' before official outbreak
US senate report concluded that the pandemic most likely came from a lab leak
米国で新型コロナパンデミック対策の主導権を握ってたのはHHS(CDC, NIAID, NIH)ではなくNSCとDHSだったという無慈悲すぎる真実
It means our response to the Covid pandemic was led by groups and agencies that are in the business of responding to wars and terrorist threats, not public health crises or disease outbreaks.http://tokumei10.blogspot.com/2022/11/hhscdc-niaid-nihnscdhs.html
6 件のコメント:
ほーやっぱそうですか きな臭いですなぁ コロナ以前にインフル診断に反応なくて診断書でないって報道がありましたね 関係あるのでしょうかね? 日本全国観光でたくさんいらしてられましたね あーもうひとつ思い出しましたよ とある有名観光地の調剤薬局でその国の方数人が片言で薬欲しいって言ってましたよ あー誤解ないように 医療薬関係ではないですよ たまたまねw その国の方もただの風邪だったのでしょうw