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エロイ医者もSEX Drugs and ろっけんろー!@南カリフォルニア大学

2022/07/12 — 安倍晋三の楽園追放を招いた甘い「禁断の果実」. まあ'一連の騒動のまるで嘘のような裏側 ... site://tokumei10.blogspot.com 南カリフォルニア大学.
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William J. Bishop - Grant

The subject of this sketch was born in Williamson County, Tenn., on the 20th day of September, 1872.

Having lost his mother early in life, he came to Nashville as a boy and learned the craft of printer. During at least part of the time he was learning and following his trade, he made his home with Brother and Sister Henry Notgrass; and he always spoke of them with the utmost affection, and commended their kindness to him as a boy in their home. Much of his early work, and possibly the learning of his trade, was with an old gentleman, Mr. Paul, of whom he always spoke as treating him well and giving him good advice.

My first acquaintance with him was when he matriculated in the Nashville Bible School in 1894; and in 1895, February 20, he came to my home to make it his home at his pleasure. His means had given out, and he was ready, with truck packed, to leave school and resume his trade. When I learned this, I told him I would give him a home as long as he needed and would accept it. From that time he made my home his while in school, and his headquarters when in the city, till his first marriage in June, 1899.

A gloom came into our home and our hearts were saddened when the news came that Brother Bishop - "our boy," as we often called him - had departed this life at Monrovia, Cal., on April 4, 1913. Why are we sad? Certainly not for Brother Bishop. We are confident that he has gone to the home prepared by our Savior for his saints, a home far better than any earthly paradise. But, O how sad that he had to die so far from his devoted wife and loved little children! We are sure that all was done for him that loving hearts and tender hands could do. Nothing more can be done for him; but much can be done for his brokenhearted wife and orphan children by the sympathy and support of a united brotherhood, the church, which he served so faithfully.

Brother Bishop made it known, when he first became a student in the Bible School, that he desired to make his life work that of a missionary in the foreign field. All at the school, both teachers and students, loved him for his noble worth and fine character; and all rejoiced when provision was made that he should continue in the school. He himself was grateful for the opportunity, and never lost a chance to express his gratitude for the favor. He told us that he had made a vow to the Lord that, if the way should be opened in the providence of God by which he could attend school and get an education, he would give his life to service as a missionary in a foreign field. He looked upon our offer to him as God's means of opening the way; and all who knew him later know that he sacredly and faithfully kept his vow.

After leaving school, which he finally did without getting a diploma, he labored for a considerable time as evangelist in Texas, making headquarters in Paris. During all this time he was continuing preparation for his life work as missionary. At Paris he made his home with the family of Brother J.D. Elliott, on much the same plan on which he made my home his when in Tennessee. He so conducted himself that he soon won the hearts and gained the confidence of these people; and this influence very largely all the latter part of his life. After his returned from Texas, he was with us considerably and talked frequently of his future work. He was always full of hope and trust.

It was at my home, in 1895, that he met his first wife, Sister Alice Davis, a young widow who was then boarding with us. They were thus associated for some months, but it is doubtful that either of them, in that time, ever thought of marriage to each other. But in the summer he and Brother S.P. Pittman held a meeting at Cedar Hill, Tenn., where Sister Davis was then keeping a home, and she entertained them for the meeting. It was then that he learned to love her beautiful character; and on June 8, 1899, in the same home, I said the words that made them husband and wife. After a few days with us in Nashville, they started out together to visit the churches in the interest of a mission to Japan as a field. They spent several months visiting among the churches, he informed them as to the nature of the work and exhorted them as to their duty in sustaining missions; and on October 14 of that year they sailed from San Francisco for Yokohama, their destination being the great and populace city of Tokyo. There they began work immediately upon arrival (on November 2), and he rejoiced that he had now entered upon the real work of his life.

But sadness soon came. His beautiful and lovely helpmate had happened to an accident before their marriage, in which several of her ribs were fractured; and being of consumptive ancestry, tuberculosis set up in the fractured bones in less than two months after their arrival in Japan and soon spread to vital organs. The end came quickly, and she passed away on March 9, 1900, having been his wife just nine months. He buried her lifeless form in the beautiful Tokyo cemetery, and then determined to bury his grief in his work; and so he pushed on at it.

He won the confidence and love of the Japanese for whom he labored, and had the esteem and respect of the other missionary workers of the city. But he was handicapped. He needed a wife. In correspondence with Brother Elliott's family in Paris, Texas, he learned that one in that family had already learned to love him and was willing to work with him in his chosen field. He came back to America early in the year 1902, and on April 1 of that year he was united in marriage to Miss Clara May Elliott, a daughter in the family in which he had made his home when he first went to Paris to engage in evangelistic work.

He and his lovely wife spent several months traveling among the churches, as he had done before his first departure for the field, and in November they sailed from San Francisco for his Japan home. He now entered into the work there with renewed interest, his wife entering into it heartily with him. Having mastered the language of the Japanese thoroughly, he procured a printing press and reproduced and printed in that language many thousand copies of many valuable tracts and treatises. Perhaps the most important of these, the greatest work of his life and a lasting monument to his memory, was the reproduction by him in the Japanese language of McGarvey's "Commentary on Acts." Many copies of this, we understand, were printed were printed by him and are scattered in Japan.

Seven years he and his wife toiled in their adopted home. He overtaxed his strength, and they were obliged to return to America for a rest, his strength being largely depleted when he got back. They came in 1909, bring three little Japan-born girls, as the increase in his family for the time. They stayed about a year, but were both eager to go back to the work, which they did in 1910. He was not sufficiently recuperated, but went on with the work. Rumors came that his health was failing, and several months ago word came that he had developed Tuberculosis. Later we heard of his hasty flight to California, leaving his loved ones behind, and then the sad message of his departure to his eternal home before his loved ones could be brought to him. His was a noble life, and his loved ones left behind should labor should imitate him in striving to carry out those lofty ideals taught by his Master for the service of humanity.

-J.W. Grant, Gospel Advocate, 1913, pages 390,391


聖書復帰運動(せいしょふっきうんどう、英語: Restoration Movement)は、19世紀初めのアメリカで起こった宗教運動で、第二次大覚醒の影響のもと、展開された。「バートン・キャンベル運動」とも呼ばれる。



バイデンさん クリスマスのメッセージから『イエス・キリスト』排除


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God of the Bible派 Has Fallen. 、、、(爆wwwwwwww. てんこもり野郎 at 5:32. 共有. 0 件のコメント: コメントを投稿 ...
これからGod of the Bible派は衰退し続ける. God of the コーラン派もね。(爆wwwwwww. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/ushome/index.html.
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4 件のコメント:

ミネ さんのコメント...

てんこもりサンは全くもって故人に焦点あててるのが っぽい

もれなくアサシンが派遣されるんです とwwwwwwwww


ご近所 さんのコメント...

Alice in wonderland

匿名 さんのコメント...

私には大して陰謀的な臭いのする顔つきには見えませんでした テンプル大の動画を見てもです

匿名 さんのコメント...
