
ウェルカム・トラストからMr Lawrenceまで芋づる式に


Top British scientist who publicly dismissed Covid lab leak theory had privately condemned 'Wild West' research being carried out in Wuhan

  • Sir Jeremy Farrar, head of the Wellcome Trust, admitted to fears the virus might have been tied to research taking place in city where it first appeared
  • Emails also show Anthony Fauci was alarmed by unusual feature of coronavirus
  • He advised colleagues that they might need to tip off the FBI and MI5
  • Revelations are latest development in mystery of how the pandemic was caused 



新型コロナワクチン接種超積極推進派の公益信託団体ウェルカム・トラスト 『ブースターは百害あって一利なし』との結論の研究のスポンサーに







新型コロナワクチン接種超積極推進派の公益信託団体ウェルカム・トラスト 『ブースターは百害あって一利なし』との結論の研究のスポンサーに





英国のウェルカムトラストは、アメリカ合衆国外にある助成財団としては最大のものの一つであり、創設者(出捐者)のヘンリー・ウェルカムが製薬会社のオーナーであった ...
2021/11/12 — GHIT Fundは、日本政府、複数の製薬会社、ビル&メリンダ・ゲイツ財団、ウェルカムトラスト国連開発計画(UNDP)が参画する日本で初めての国際的 ...
2020/03/12 — ワクチンの開発や、長期的な感染予防に役立てる。 1.25億米ドルのうち、ビル&メリンダ・ゲイツ財団とウェルカムトラストが5,000万米ドルずつ、マスター ...
2020/02/03 — ワクチン開発の公募について 厚生労働省が創設に関わり、2017年より拠出 ... に加え、ビル&メリンダ・ゲイツ財団、ウェルカムトラストが拠出し、平 ...
  • 2020/09/15 — ... 財団、ウェルカムトラストが拠出し、平時には需要の少ない、エボラ出血熱のような世界規模の流行を生じる恐れのある感染症に対するワクチンの ...
Perceptions of the importance of vaccines for children; Did people report vaccinating their children? The relationship between trust in scientists and attitudes ...

2017/09/07 — 本年1月のダボス会議で正式発足した、感染症流行対策のためにワクチン ... ウェルカムトラストの事務局長のWhiting氏とともにワクチン開発の将来に ...

2022/03/28 — ウェルカムトラストが「芸術」や「文化」を医療の分野に取り入れ始めたの ... ビル&メリンダ・ゲイツ財団、ウェルカムトラスト等がワクチン開発を ...



英国政府は4月20日、感染症のワクチン開発期間を大幅に短縮するため、国際機関や国内外企業、大学などの専門家による諮問機関「パンデミック準備パートナーシップ(Pandemic Preparedness Partnership)」を設置した。2021年に英国が務めるG7議長の諮問機関として位置付け、各種感染症のワクチンや治療、検査の開発期間短縮により、将来の世界的な感染流行を防ぐのが狙い。具体策や行程表を検討し、6月のG7首脳会議(サミット)で答申する。






三回接種済のエリザベスも★になった事ですし、色々動きが出てきてますがMSMは必死にダイバーション ・・・(爆wwwwwwwww


                                      News Release

Wellcome Trust banks on Chinese cohort study

Grant and Award Announcement

Wellcome Trust

The Kadoorie Biobank Study in China, one of the world's largest blood-based epidemiological studies, has received a £2.5 million funding boost from the Wellcome Trust to take it forward into the next decade.

The Kadoorie Biobank Study was established in 2004 with initial funding from the Kadoorie Charitable Foundation in Hong Kong as a collaborative project between Oxford University's Clinical Trial Service Unit & Epidemiological studies Unit (CTSU) and the Chinese National Centre for Disease Control and Prevention. Since its launch, it has recruited over 500,000 men and women aged 35-74 from rural and urban areas throughout China. Over the next few decades, the health of participants in the study will be closely monitored.

Prospective cohort studies, such as the Kadoorie Biobank Study and the UK Biobank, are an important way of studying environmental and genetic causes of common conditions such as heart diseases, stroke, diabetes and cancer. The information generated will help explain the large differences in the rates of different diseases between and within different countries, such as stroke, which in many parts of China is more than five times more common than in the UK. Such studies involve extensive data collection for each participant by questionnaire and physical measurements, including height, weight, lung function and blood pressure, and long-term storage of blood sample, and then monitoring the health of the participants over a long period of time.

"China is uniquely placed for large-scale medical research, and this study is borne out of more than twenty years of close collaboration between the two institutions," explains Professor Zhengming Chen from the University of Oxford, who leads the study in the UK. "There is a great deal of unexplained variation in disease rate and risk exposure and a high incidence for many common conditions such as stroke. Also, China has a well-established health infrastructure enabling long-term follow-up of mortality and morbidity."

The Kadoorie Biobank is integrated within China's national systems of health care and disease surveillance. This greatly simplifies the process of confirming causes of death as well as medical diagnoses and treatment for events that require hospitalisation. This is expected to be particularly useful in studying factors that influence the incidence, survival, and health care costs associated with various diseases.

"To date, the study has been very successful, recruiting 515,000 people – more than the initial ambitious target of 500,000," says Professor Liming Lee, the lead Chinese principal investigator for the study. "These people are drawn from ten geographic regions ranging from the far north of China to its southern border, providing a very broad range in disease patterns and exposure profiles. The funding from the Wellcome Trust will help to facilitate its further development and international collaboration."

The funding from the Wellcome Trust is for the next five years of the project. It will cover data management and detailed analysis, blood storage, long-term follow-up for cause-specific mortality and hospital admission, and validation of around 25,000 reported hospitalised events annually, as well as re-surveying around one in twenty of the participants.

"The Kadoorie Biobank is an exceptional resource which should provide valuable insights about the underlying causes of disease," says Dr Pat Goodwin, Head of Pathogens, Immunology and Population Health at the Wellcome Trust. "This will be particularly important in China, a country of rapid economic growth with increasing demands on its health care system from chronic diseases, resulting from increased affluence, an aging population and the adoption of Western lifestyles."



中国大敗北 新型コロナに



カドゥーリ家@Baghdadi Jewsにロックオン!(爆wwwwww




米国による「香港ドルのドルペッグ解除」でカドゥーリ家@Baghdadi Jews破綻

1993: A WWII survivor who built Hong Kong dies - Jewish ...
www.haaretz.com › jewish ›
Lawrence Kadoorie rose from a Japanese prison camp to restore his family's fortunes and help forge Hong Kong's future with China.


Search the collections ; Louis Pasteur : his life and labours / by his son-in-law ; tr. from the French by Lady Claud Hamilton ; with an introduction by John ...
  • Find thousands of books, manuscripts, visual materials and unpublished archives from our collections, many of them with free online access. Search the catalogue.
Mar 18, 2015 — The Wellcome Trust will collaborate with the UK Government, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Institut Pasteur International ...
We propose to work closely with the WHO/AFRO, Africa CDC and existing networks and structures across Africa and globally to provide this clinical research ...
Jan 31, 2020 — Wellcome is calling on researchers, journals and funders to ensure that research findings and data relevant to the coronavirus outbreak are ...
Barts Health NHS Trust; Bath and North East Somerset Council ... Centre Pasteur Du Cameroun ... Institut Pasteur; Institut Pasteur de Dakar


Lawrence Kadoorie, Baron Kadoorie, CBE (2 June 1899 – 25 August 1993) was a Hong Kong industrialist, hotelier, photographer and philanthropist.
Family: Horace Kadoorie (brother); ‎Ellis Kadoo...
Children: Michael Kadoorie; Rita Kadoorie‎
Born: 2 June 1899; Hong Kong
  • The Kadoorie family or "Khedouri" (Hebrew: כדורי, Arabic: خضوري) are a wealthy Hong Kong-based family, originally Mizrahi Jews from Baghdad, Iraq. ... Lawrence Kadoorie, Baron Kadoorie, CBE (1899–1993) was a famous ...
KADOORIE, LAWRENCE, BARON (1899–1993), Hong Kong businessman and communal leader. Kadoorie was descended from prominent Sephardi business families in Hong ...
KADOORIE, LAWRENCE, BARON (1899–1993), Hong Kong businessman and communal leader. Kadoorie was descended from prominent Sephardi business families in Hong ...
Aug 25, 2014 — Lawrence Kadoorie rose from a Japanese prison camp to restore his family's fortunes and help forge Hong Kong's future with China.
Mar 10, 2021 — The Sephardi Jews, whose ethnic origins were routinely mocked by their ... Lawrence Kadoorie, a chip off the old block when it came to ...
1919). The Kadoories, a Sephardi Jewish family, emigrated originally from Baghdad to Hong Kong in 1880. The family moved to England in 1910, but Sir Elly ...

The Kadoorie Family, Sephardi Jews, emigrated from Baghdad in 1880 to settle in the Far East. The family fortunes were founded by Sir Elly Kadoorie and Sir ...


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