
”This is about Saving Lives”「命を救うぞ!」と「Protein 14」をちょちょいといじくったら「14へ行け」が出ますた!(爆w



Most RNA viruses lack the mechanisms to recognize and correct mutations that arise during genome replication, resulting in quasispecies diversity that is required for pathogenesis and adaptation. However, it is not known how viruses encoding large viral RNA genomes such as the Coronaviridae (26 to 32 kb) balance the requirements for genome stability and quasispecies diversity. Further, the limits of replication infidelity during replication of large RNA genomes and how decreased fidelity impacts virus fitness over time are not known. Our previous work demonstrated that genetic inactivation of the coronavirus exoribonuclease (ExoN) in nonstructural protein 14 (nsp14) of murine hepatitis virus results in a 15-fold decrease in replication fidelity. However, it is not known whether nsp14-ExoN is required for replication fidelity of all coronaviruses, nor the impact of decreased fidelity on genome diversity and fitness during replication and passage. We report here the engineering and recovery of nsp14-ExoN mutant viruses of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) that have stable growth defects and demonstrate a 21-fold increase in mutation frequency during replication in culture. Analysis of complete genome sequences from SARS-ExoN mutant viral clones revealed unique mutation sets in every genome examined from the same round of replication and a total of 100 unique mutations across the genome. Using novel bioinformatic tools and deep sequencing across the full-length genome following 10 population passages in vitro, we demonstrate retention of ExoN mutations and continued increased diversity and mutational load compared to wild-type SARS-CoV. The results define a novel genetic and bioinformatics model for introduction and identification of multi-allelic mutations in replication competent viruses that will be powerful tools for testing the effects of decreased fidelity and increased quasispecies diversity on viral replication, pathogenesis, and evolution.

Funding: This work was supported by Public Health Service awards from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases T32-AI049824 (LDE); R01-AI026603 (MRD); P01-AI059443 (RSB and RLG); F32-AI080148 (RLG); U54-AI057157 (MMB); and NIH contract N01-AI-30071 and HHSN272200900007C (DJS). Additional support was provided by Public Health Service award CA68485 to the Vanderbilt University DNA Sequencing Shared Resource of the Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center. The funding organizations had no role in study design, data collection or analysis, or preparation of the manuscript.


コロナウイルス (SARS-CoV)の変異のスピードが21倍にアップしたとさ・・・(爆wwwwwwwwww





 The responsible strain, named Makona, carries an A-to-V substitution at position 82 (A82V) in the glycoprotein (GP), which is associated with enhanced infectivity in vitro. 
An effective experimental vaccine for Ebola exists, and more than a hundred and seventy-five thousand people have received it. Even so, the virus is finding new victims and extending its geographic range. Three cases of Ebola recently appeared in Uganda, and there have now been four cases in the Congolese city of Goma, which has roughly two million residents and is situated on the border with Rwanda. The W.H.O. recently estimated that more than two hundred million dollars in emergency funding would be needed to bring the virus under control. That money hasn’t been raised yet.

Ebola particles copy themselves every eighteen hours. This is the generation time of the virus—the time it takes for a particle of Ebola to get inside a human cell and potentially create thousands of identical copies of itself in the cell.

 Some virologists wonder whether Kivu Ebola could start evolving, or whether it has already started to evolve, in a way that makes it more dangerous to people—perhaps by becoming more contagious, in which case it would get much harder to control. These questions introduce a new aspect to the international emergency.

During the Ebola epidemic that ravaged West Africa in 2014 and 2015, that form of Ebola showed possible signs of evolving. Virologists are still trying to determine the significance of what happened. The epidemic began in a village in Guinea, in December, 2013, when some particles of Ebola apparently went from a bat into a small boy. That strain of the virus, now referred to as Makona Ebola, killed the boy and most of his family, and then began spreading. In the end, around thirty thousand people were infected and more than eleven thousand died before Makona Ebola was finally brought under control and eliminated from the human population. (There were eleven cases in the United States.)

As the epidemic progressed, a team of researchers, led by Pardis Sabeti, a genomic scientist at Harvard and the Broad Institute, studied the genetic code of various samples of Ebola taken from the blood of people who had been infected. They found that the virus began mutating as soon as it got into people. “From the outset, I was intrigued by the large number of mutations we found,” Sabeti told me. Makona Ebola quickly developed into several basic varieties. Then, in late May, 2014, one of the lineages took off like a wildfire and spread rapidly all over Sierra Leone and Liberia. This lineage is named the A82V Makona Variant of Ebola. For simplicity, I’ll call it the Makona mutant. The majority of patients in the epidemic were infected with the Makona mutant, including all eleven individuals in the United States. Meanwhile, the other lineages of Ebola died out. It seemed that the Makona mutant had somehow beaten them in a contest for survival.












14へ行け じゅうよんへいけ 14平家






※ 同シリーズの名物キャラクター。一応は友好的な存在だが、彼の詩をけなすなどして怒らせてしまうと殺されてしまう。ちなみにその際、他の怪物等が相手の時と違って戦闘にはならず、何の抵抗も出来ずあっという間に14行きとなる。 





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