

 3月17日に肺炎のため79歳で死去した、ロック歌手・内田裕也さんのお別れの会「Rock’n Roll葬」が3日、東京・青山葬儀所で営まれ、タレントの堺正章(72)、歌手の郷ひろみ(63)ら950人が参列した。
裕也さんのロック葬の参列者には、返礼品としてカップ焼きそばと缶バッジが配られた。カップ焼きそばは、裕也さんが生前に最後のCM出演をした「日清焼そばU.F.O.(濃い濃いソース)」で、裕也さんの“濃い”生き方が理由で、製造元の日清食品に協力を依頼した。缶バッジは、裕也さんがいつもスーツにつけていたことに由来しており、白地に裕也さん直筆の「Rock’n Roll 内田裕也」の文字が印刷された。


相沢英之さん死去 - 匿名党
2019/04/04 - 三男、宏光さんの妻は、人気デュオ「Wink」としても活躍した、タレントの相田翔子(49)。 https://www.nikkansports.com/general/nikkan/news/201904040000434.html. 要するに・・・ 石破茂〈自民党幹事長〉と、献金した在日韓国人は「お父様 ...

UFOのポール・レイモンドが死去でアジアン・ビート Has Ended


"U.F.O." is a song by British rock band Coldplay. It was written by all four members of the band for their fifth studio album, Mylo Xyloto. The album's opening track, "Mylo Xyloto" and "A Hopeful Transmission" are based on the chords from the second half of this song. After the song ends, the track includes a short instrumental section (reminiscent of "Prospekt's March/Poppyfields") that segues into the following track, "Princess of China". The track also features samples from a sample of Sigur Rós' "Takk...".
It was released on 21 April 2012 as a limited edition 7" single for Record Store Day, serving as the overall fifth single release from Mylo Xyloto, alongside with "Up with the Birds". On the strength of digital downloads, the track charted at number 43 on the South Korea Gaon International Chart following the release of the album. 

Floats may be performed with arms locked straight, meaning the elbows do not support the body. Rather, these floats involve strength and speed to keep the entire body up. To assist this extremely difficult athletic move, often the legs bend upwards, the body leans forward slightly, and/or the hands are turned in the direction of spin.
  • UFO or Air Turtle - Movement is like that of a turtle, with legs pointing back, except that arms are extended and locked. Knees may be bent or legs may flail outward.
    • Reverse UFO - A UFO float executed with hands behind the back, near the bottom.
    • Buddha - Similar to Air Turtles except that the knees are kept locked together and behind the arms, shins parallel to the floor, back as parallel to the floor as possible. Bboy Waka of Headhunterz was one of the first to perform Buddhas in his sets.
    • Deadman - Similar to UFO's where the legs are held straight together. It is a commonly seen movement done in gymnastics floor routines. Bboy Junior is a famous bboy who is known to use Deadman floats in his sets.
  • Boomerang - While sitting with legs in front and in a V shape, the hands are placed in between the thighs. The legs are lifted and kept straight while the hands walk in a circle. This looks quite different from most other floats.


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United Federation(/Force) of Orient