



Student, 22, who tripped and fell 40ft to her death from Fordham University's clock tower at 3am after she 'wanted a better view of NYC for Instagram', will receive a posthumous degree, says college

Sydney Paige Monfries was rushed to local Bronx hospital in serious condition
Fordham University confirmed her death in a letter to students on Sunday night
Police said she went to Keating Hall clock tower with friends around 3am Sunday
Monfries, 22, fell 40 feet while trying to get better view of skyline, police said
Students said Monfries may have been participating in a 'rite of passage' event
The back of her head was smashed in and her vitals flat-lined at the scene
Paramedics were able to revive her and rushed her to St Barnabas Hospital

By Valerie Edwards For Dailymail.com

Published: 10:50 EDT, 14 April 2019 | Updated: 01:33 EDT, 15 April 2019

Keating Hall is a building located at Fordham University in the Bronx, New York City. Constructed in 1936, it is considered the "centerpiece" of the university's main Rose Hill campus,[2] and is the home to the university's Graduate School of Arts and Sciences.

2019年4月14日 14:10 

【4月14日 AFP】米名門ジョージタウン大学(Georgetown University)で11日、同大を設立したカトリックのイエズス会に売られた奴隷たちの子孫に対する償いを目的とした基金の設立が、学生協会の投票で承認された。ジョージタウン大学学生協会(GUSA)によると、投票結果は賛成2541票、反対1304票。この種の基金の設立は米国で初めて。
大学側は学生投票の結果に拘束される義務はないが、トッド・オルソン(Todd Olson)副学長(学務担当)は「本学の学生による合意を尊重する」と述べた。
米国初の黒人大統領となったバラク・オバマ(Barack Obama)氏や16年の米大統領選で民主党候補に指名されたヒラリー・クリントン(Hillary Clinton)元国務長官は、奴隷子孫への賠償について支持を示さなかった。だが、20年大統領選の民主党予備選候補者では、マサチューセッツ州のエリザベス・ウォーレン(Elizabeth Warren)上院議員やテキサス州サンアントニオ(San Antonio)のフリアン・カストロ(Julian Castro)元市長らが、奴隷子孫への賠償を強く支持すると表明している。(c)AFP

イエズス会が奴隷商人だった件 - 匿名党
2013/08/29 - 連載(4)=中国、韓国人奴隷も?=イエズス会と東方貿易 via kwout. ニッケイ新聞 2009年4月15日付け 日本人奴隷の謎を追って=400年前に南米上陸か?!=連載(4)=中国、韓国人奴隷も?=イエズス会と東方貿易 十六世紀当時、 ...

パナマ文書はイエズス会案件 - 匿名党
2016/04/13 - site://tokumei10.blogspot.com ジョージタウン大学 イエズス会 - Google 検索 via kwout ... 米首都ワシントンのジョージタウン大は1日、運営母体のカトリック教会のイエズス会が、19世紀に黒人奴隷を売って多額の利益を得たことなどを反省 ...

2016/09/03 - 2016.9.2 12:17更新米ジョージタウン大、過去の人身売買を反省し奴隷の子孫入学を優遇へ 米首都ワシントンのジョージタウン大は1日、運営母体のカトリック教会のイエズス会が、19世紀に黒人奴隷を売って多額の利益を得たことなどを ...

日本の阿Qサマナや皇室サマナのケツモチたる米国内反英米勢力の ...
2016/10/14 - フォーダム大学(英: Fordham University)は、アメリカ合衆国ニューヨーク州に立地するイエズス会系の名門私立大学。1841年にセント・ジョンズ・カレッジとしてカトリックのニューヨーク大司教区により設立され、1846年にニューヨーク州の認可 ...

上智大学の神様は矢巾 - 匿名党
2015/09/18 - 2018/05/26 · Sophia University and Fordham University will co-host the symposium " International Research Forum on ... 2018/07/10 · Fordham University Faculy visited Sophia University for research exchange program.


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The Rev. Joseph O'Hare, Resourceful President of Fordham, Dies at 89
3 Apr 2020 — Appointed the board's first chairman by Mayor Edward I. Koch to oversee the city's innovative program of public-campaign financing for municipal offices, he also served ...

www.americamagazine.org › faith
Matt Malone remembers former America editor and Fordham president Joseph O'Hare | America Magazine
30 Mar 2020 — Father O'Hare shares a laugh with New York Mayor Ed Koch. Photo courtesy of Fordham University. Joseph A. O'Hare, S.J., is a towering figure in the history of America magazine.

www.americamagazine.org › faith
Joseph A. O'Hare, S.J., former editor of America and president of Fordham, dies at 89 | America Magazine
30 Mar 2020 — Justice Sotomayor served on the New York City Campaign Finance Board with Father O'Hare, who recommended her, under Mayor Edward I. Koch. “Brilliant, witty, kind, gentle but ...

news.fordham.edu › university-news
Joseph A. O'Hare, S.J., Fordham's Longest-Serving President, Dies at 89 - Fordham News - Fordham University
30 Mar 2020 — Father O'Hare devoted equal time to forging Fordham's relationships with New York City. In 1988, Mayor Edward I. Koch made him the founding chair of the New York City ...

nypost.com › 2020/03/30 › ex-ford...
Ex-Fordham president Father O'Hare dead at 89 - New York Post
30 Mar 2020 — O'Hare was appointed to the CFB by Mayor Ed Koch in 1988 and famously dueled with both of his successors — Mayors David Dinkins and Rudy Giuliani. He retired ...

www.nydailynews.com › coronavirus
Father Joseph O'Hare, chairman of the NYC's campaign finance board, died at age 89. - New York Daily News
31 Mar 2020 — Former Mayor Ed Koch appointed O'Hare as head of the board in 1988 , a role he held until 2003.