

École Grégoire-Ferrandi is one of France’s leading professional training schools located in the 6th arrondissement of Paris in a 25000 sq. m. site. Its culinary school is called École Supérieure de Cuisine Française (ESCF)
The school offers three areas of training and specializations within each area:
  • culinary arts: cooking and service, catering, bakery and pastry
  • restaurant management
  • craftsmanship and interior design
There are 1500 students and 2000 professionals in continuous education with a success rate of over 90% for job placement six months after graduation.


  • 1932: The Paris Chamber of Commerce and Industry established the first “Atelier Ecole” offering professional training in foodservice. Over the next fifty years, the training program grew steadily and the Ferrandi School earned a reputation for excellence.
  • 1950: The leather program of the Paris Chamber of Commerce located to Rue de l’Abbé Grégoire, in the heart of Paris’s famous Latin Quarter.
  • 1958: The Ferrandi School also moved to the Latin quarter, next to the Grégoire School.
  • 1983: The Ferrandi School created the Ecole Supérieure de Cuisine Française program to provide the highest level of culinary training and associated management skills in France.
  • 1997: The Grégoire and the Ferrandi schools merged to form L’Ecole Grégoire-Ferrandi.

The current 6th arrondissement, dominated by the Abbey of Saint-Germain-des-Prés—founded in the 6th century—was the heart of the Catholic Church power in Paris for centuries, hosting many religious institutions.
In 1612, Queen Marie de Médicis bought an estate in the district and commissioned architect Salomon de Brosse to transform it into the outstanding Luxembourg Palace surrounded by extensive royal gardens. The new Palace turned the neighborhood into a fashionable district for French nobility.

Since the 1950s, the arrondissement, with its many higher education institutions, world famous cafés (Café de Flore, Les Deux Magots, La Palette etc.) and publishing houses (Gallimard, Julliard, Grasset etc.) has been the home of much of the major post-war intellectual and literary movements and some of most influential in history such as surrealism, existentialism and modern feminism.


2016年10月には同年1月に設立されたKスポーツ財団という朴槿恵の外遊の際にテコンドーの演武を見せたりするために設立された財団と同年10月に設立されたミル財団という韓国料理世界化を目標とする二つの財団に全経連会長のホ・チャンスに集めさせた774億ウォン(約80億円)の寄付金を親子で私的に流用したのではという疑惑を持たれた。ちなみにKスポーツ財団の理事長はチェ・ソウォン(チェ・スンシルの新名 )がお気に入りのスポーツマッサージ・センターの経営者だったが親子はドイツに逃げた[21][22][23]


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