





毎日新聞 2016年3月17日 11時03分(最終更新 3月17日 11時03分)

Anderson was born in South London, England on 27 March 1927. Her father, Sidney Thomas, was a champion boxer, and her mother, Beatrice (née Aberdeen), a dressmaker.[5]
After graduating from the London School of Economics[1] with a degree in sociology and political science, she became a Social worker. She emigrated to the United States to live with her first husband, an American golfer.[3] While in America, she worked as a journalist.[6]

Anderson was also known for her charity work, particularly in support of Breast Cancer Care[6] and Barnardo's.[17]


Thomas John Barnardo (4 July 1845 – 19 September 1905) was an Irish philanthropist and founder and director of homes for poor children. From the foundation of the first Barnardo'shome in 1867 to the date of Barnardo's death, nearly 60,000children had been rescued, trained and given a better life.

Barnardo was born in Dublin, Ireland, in 1845. He was the fourth of five children (one died in childbirth) of John Michaelis Barnardo, a furrier, and his second wife, Abigail,[1]an Englishwoman and member of the Plymouth Brethren. In the early 1840s, John emigrated from Hamburg to Dublin, where he established a business; he married twice and fathered seven children. The Barnardo origins are uncertain; the family "traced its origin to Venice, followed by conversion to the Lutheran Church in the sixteenth century", but others have claimed German Jewish roots for them.[2]


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