The university traces its roots to St. Joseph's Seminary in Baeron, a Catholic refuge in modern-day Jecheon, North Chungcheong province. It was founded in 1855 before Christianity was legalized. After the legalization of Christianity, the school moved to Yongsan-gu, Seoul, in 1887, and was renamed Seminary of Sacred Heart of Jesus. A hospital associated with the seminary was opened in 1936. The seminary became Songsim College in 1947 (Songsim, or 聖心, means 'Sacred Heart' in Korean) and the medical school was established in 1954. The name was later changed to Catholic College. Songsim Women's College was founded in 1964; the two colleges were merged in 1990 to form the present-day entity of Catholic University.
3 件のコメント:
世界最大のヨハネ・パウロ2世像 2013年04月15日 09:39 発信地:チェンストホバ/ポーランド
金大建(キム デゴン、1821年8月21日 - 1846年9月16日)は朝鮮最初のカトリック司祭。1984年に教皇ヨハネ・パウロ2世によって他の102名の殉教者と共に列聖され、聖人にあげられた。
金大建 Andrew Kim Taegon
→仏海軍提督セシル Jean-Baptiste Cécille
In June 1846, Cécille sailed to Okinawa to try to establish relations with Japan.[4] He then sailed to Nagasaki but was denied landing.
In September 1846, Cécille sailed to Korea in order to obtain the release of an imprisoned Korean priest named Andrew Kim Taegon, but Kim was soon executed.