

韓国の東北アジア歴史財団のイ・サンギュン研究委員が執筆した竹島(韓国名・独島)に関する研究論文「韓仏地理教育比較研究」が、フランスのカーン大学空間社会研究所が発刊する学術誌「空間と社会(Espaces et societes)」第34巻(2012年12月号)に掲載された。韓国メディアが20日、報じた。

欧米圏では竹島を、1849年に竹島を発見したフランスの漁船「Liancourt号」から取って付けられた「リアンクール岩礁(Liancourt Rocks)」と呼ぶケースが多い。しかし、フランスでは同国の地理学者イヴ・ラコストが1984年に地理雑誌「Herodote」に発表した論文で「竹島」の呼称を使用したことから「竹島」が定着しているという。

イ研究員は、フランスは昔から日本に対して友好的な態度を示しているとし、 「論文には独島の呼称や写真が添付されている。フランスの学術誌に掲載されたことにより、フランス圏でも独島の呼称が一般的に使われることを期待している」と述べた。


The Franco-English name of the islets derives from Le Liancourt, the name of a French whaling ship which came close to being wrecked on the rocks in 1849.

North Korea also rejected Japan's sovereignty over the islands and expressed support for South Korean control of the islands



1 件のコメント:

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MS. HARF: Yep. Our next question: Elliot Waldman from Tokyo Broadcasting.
QUESTION: Hi, Marie. Thanks. I have just a couple questions that hopefully will be quick, on the Secretary’s remarks with the foreign minister --
MS. HARF: Yep.
QUESTION: -- of the R.O.K.
MS. HARF: Yep.
QUESTION: Sorry, can you hear me? MS. HARF: Yeah, I can. Can you hear me?
MS. HARF: Can other people hear me?
QUESTION: I lost you for a second there.
MS. HARF: Elliot, can you hear me?
QUESTION: I think – I can, yeah. (Laughter.) Sorry. So my question – my first question is just on the Dokdo issue. I think there might have been some confusion when the Secretary was answering that question. I don’t – I’m not – I didn’t see it, but just from the transcript, it seems like there was some lines crossed or something.
MS. HARF: Yeah, let me address that one first. It wasn’t clear that the questioner was asking about the Liancourt Rocks, which is what you’re asking about.
MS. HARF: And then – apparently the question also referenced the Senkaku Islands --
MS. HARF: -- so Secretary Kerry addressed our longstanding position on that issue. Nothing has changed about our policy on the Liancourt Rocks. We don’t take a position on the sovereignty of those islands.
QUESTION: Okay. So he thought the question was about Senkaku.
MS. HARF: Yeah, I think it was – it was referenced during the question as well, and I think he just picked up on that and said our policy on that. But our policies haven’t changed in either place, so --
MS. HARF: Yep.
QUESTION: Okay, got it.
MS. HARF: Yep.
QUESTION: And then – so the Secretary made some very clear comments about the need for the R.O.K. and Japan to improve their relations. But the Foreign Minister Yun, in his remarks, made some pretty clear barbs at the Japanese side, saying – saying that, essentially, the ball is in their court and they need to get their act together before we can improve relations. Is there a concern that this kind of represents a bit of a stalemate and that both Japan and the R.O.K. are kind of saying it’s up to the other side to take the initiative here?
MS. HARF: Well, I think what we’ve said repeatedly and what the Secretary’s said is that he is going to continue urging our allies and partners in the region to concentrate on areas of cooperation, right, and that strong and constructive relationships between all countries in the Asia-Pacific region are important to their interests, but also to our interests. And of course between two key allies of ours, that’s even more the case, right? So he was reiterating what we’ve said for a very long time. I don’t want to do any more analysis on where the relationship goes from here other than to say that we’re engaged in trying to help or at least encourage them to move forward on the relationship.
QUESTION: Are there any actions you would like to see either or both sides take in order to do this specifically (inaudible)?
MS. HARF: I don’t have anything specific to outline for you. I’m happy to check with our folks and see if there’s anything specific. Not to my knowledge, but it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. So let me see – I think we’ll probably be talking about this a lot, and certainly during the Secretary’s trip, and also the President’s upcoming trip to Asia. So let me see if I can get you a little more on that.
QUESTION: Absolutely. Okay, thanks.
MS. HARF: Is that it?



