Aurora appears most often in sexual poetry with one of her mortal lovers. A myth taken from the Greek by Roman poets tells that one of her lovers was the prince of Troy, Tithonus. Tithonus was a mortal, and would therefore age and die. Wanting to be with her lover for all eternity, Aurora asked Zeus to grant immortality to Tithonus. Zeus granted her wish, but she failed to ask for eternal youth to accompany his immortality, and he became forever old. Aurora turned him into a grasshopper.
In Greek mythology, Tithonus or Tithonos (Ancient Greek: Τιθωνός) was the lover of Eos, Titan of the dawn, who was known in Roman mythology as Aurora.しかし、コレはまた
警官や市民を次々と殺害し、劇場型犯罪や予想のできない残酷な奇策でバットマンを心理的に追い詰めていくジョーカー。ジョーカーはバットマンが正体を明かさなければ毎日人を殺し続けると脅し、さらに街の希望のシンボルであるハービーをもつけ狙う。 これまで自身のルールに従って戦ってきたバットマンは、秩序を一切持たないジョーカーに苦戦を強いられ続ける。そんなバットマンを自分と同じ狂人だと語り、その信念を気休めに過ぎないと笑い飛ばすジョーカーの真の目的は、金でもバットマンの命でもなく、ゴッサムに恐怖と混沌をもたらし、良心の奥に隠れた人間の「本質」をさらけ出すことにあった。ダークナイト
× 池田大作 死
○ 池田隆政氏@正仁親王妃華子のはとこ死去
× The Dark Knight and The Sun Rise.
○ The Break of Dawn . サンライズ

San Antonio was named for Saint Anthony of Padua, whose feast day is on June 13, when a Spanish expedition stopped in the area in 1691. Famous for Spanish missions, the Alamo, the River Walk, the Tower of the Americas, the Alamo Bowl, Marriage Island and host to SeaWorld and Six Flags Fiesta Texas theme parks, the city is visited by approximately 26 million tourists per year according to the San Antonio Convention and Visitors Bureau. The city is home to the four-time NBA champion San Antonio Spurs and the annual San Antonio Stock Show & Rodeo, one of the largest in the country.
Anthony of Padua or Anthony of Lisbon, O.F.M., (born Fernando Martins de Bulhões; 15 August 1195 – 13 June 1231)[1] was a Portuguese Catholic priest and friar of the Franciscan Order. Though he died in Padua, he was born and raised in a wealthy family in Lisbon. Noted by his contemporaries for his forceful preaching and expert knowledge of scripture, he was the fastest canonized saint and proclaimed a Doctor of the Church on 16 January 1946.
WWF、スペイン国王を役職から解任 象狩り発覚で 本人は「後悔している」
2012.7.22 23:13
日本では1968年に東京動物園協会の古賀忠道理事長らを中心として「野生生物保護基金日本委員会」(WFJC)が設立され、1971年9月22日に世界自然保護基金ジャパン(WWFジャパン)が発足した。WWFジャパン発足当初の所管官庁は環境省[5]。WWFジャパンの2006年4月の職員数は54名で、公務員や銀行員、獣医や薬剤師の資格を持つ人など職歴はさまざまである。著名なところでは、名誉総裁に秋篠宮文仁親王、会長に、徳川恒孝・日本郵船元副社長、理事に、豊田章一郎・トヨタ自動車取締役名誉会長、成田純治・博報堂代表取締役社長 、日枝久・フジテレビジョン代表取締役会長 、福地茂雄・日本放送協会会長、 評議員に、末吉竹二郎・国連環境計画・金融イニシアチブ(UNEP FI)特別顧問など[6]。
Had I had sushi, I would’ve been in the same place where one of the victims was found.
Holmes = Holly
Holly and ivy have a great significance since the pagan time when even the Christianity wasn’t there. Holly and ivy leaves are evergreen, and as such were used at that time as decorations to celebrate the Winter Solstice festival and to appreciate the new growth to come. When Christianity came in to existence, use of these green leaves remained in spite of many objections. Today, it has emerged as a custom to decorate the holy church and homes with these leaves on Christmas. “The Holly & the Ivy” is a very famous Christmas carol, which actually depicts a vast meaning in it. According to a popular Christian belief, the prickly leaves resemble the crown of thorns of Jesus Christ, wore at the time of crucifixion, whereas Ivy plant recalls people that they should stick to God to get His blessings and support in their lives as Ivy plants needs the same to grow and flourish. Apart from these, there are few superstitions regarding the holly and the ivy. Check out their symbolism.
Holly and Ivy Symbolism
Christmas evergreens represent endurance while the berries represent resurrection of life. Since the 15th century, holly and ivy were essential part of Christmas decorations for church.
If the holly used for Christmas decorations is smooth, the wife will be master.
If the holly used for Christmas decorations is prickly, the husband is the master.
Prudent couples use both kinds of hollies on Christmas to assure balanced and harmonious home.
Holly was used as a protection against witches, evil spirits and thunder.
Holly leaves were scratched with the initials of the close admirers by the unmarried girls and sown into night clothing or kept under their pillow. It was said that it would bring them dream of their future husband. For this charm to be more effective, a borrowed wedding ring was worn on the third finger of the left hand.
Holly is regarded as a masculine plant and ivy a feminine one, hence, too much ivy is believed to bring bad luck.
A leaf of ivy was left in a bowl of water on Hogmany (New Years Eve) until the eve of Twelfth Night (Little Christmas) on 6th January. If it remained fresh and green a good year was expected. If it withered and had black spots by the end, ill health was prophesized.
It was must to remove all leftovers of greenery and children had to gather all the Yuletide decorations.
Good luck followed those who found a holly bush loaded with berries while removing Christmas greenery.
Holly leaves should not be removed from the Christmas decorations before Epiphany Eve (Jan. 5)
7 件のコメント:
丁関根氏 82歳(中国共産党前中央宣伝部長)新華社通信によると、22日、病気のため北京で死去。1985年に鉄道相に就任したが、事故頻発の責任をとって88年に辞任。党中央統一戦線部長を経て、92年に宣伝部長(政治局員)に昇格した。2002年の引退まで江沢民(ジアン・ズォーミン)政権下で、宣伝・イデオロギー担当として報道統制などを行った。
劇団四季 浅利慶太
日米の「マルサ」連携 国際的脱税に対応、同時査察も
【リゼロ19話】フランダースの犬:Birth of Blues
19話、お付き合いありがとうございましたー! ちなみに、19話も色々と見せ方で話し合いが持たれましたが、一番揉めたのが最後のスバルのケータイのアラームです! 何にするか、すげェ揉めた! #rezeroneko
— 鼠色猫/長月達平 (@nezumiironyanko) 2016年8月7日
谷村新司さんの「昴」とか、「戦場のメリークリスマス」とか、「スシ食いねェ!」とか、意見が激しく飛び交う中、最終的にスバルっぽいとのことから「よあけのみち」になりました! でも、決まったあとも色々と大変な苦労があったんだぜ! #rezeroneko
— 鼠色猫/長月達平 (@nezumiironyanko) 2016年8月7日