"Fulford was a philanthropist, giving considerable donations to institutions such as the Brockville Rowing Club, the Wall Street Methodist Church, the Brockville General Hospital, and the YMCA; in his will, he left a large sum of money to establish a home for indigent women."
"Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People were marketed in 87 countries worldwide, including Canada, Britain, France, Belgium, South Africa, Singapore, Australia and China. Fulford was an innovative advertiser. He relied heavily on testimonials, submitted by customers, of miraculous recoveries. He would have these printed in newspapers in a way that it was difficult to differentiate news articles from the advertisements, so readers would see headlines proclaiming these miraculous recoveries, and read on to learn that they were saved by Pink Pills. By 1900, he was spending £200,000 yearly in Britain alone on advertising."
"The Origional owner was Dr. William Williams not william jackso. The pink pills for pale people were developed in Brockville Onatrio, where the heir to Dr. Williams patent was sold to the fulford family. And these were placebo iron pills"
"The story behind the Beans went that an Australian scientist, Charles Forde, had discovered an ancient aboriginal remedy. The actual inventor was a Canadian called Charles E Fulford (I don’t know if he was connected to the Fulfords of Dr Williams’ Pink Pills fame), and the story about the aborigines was completely made up. Although this was revealed during a 1905 court case where Fulford sued the proprietor of an imitation product, the Bile Beans became very popular in the 20th century and were still on sale in the 1980s."
6 件のコメント:
George Taylor Fulford
"Fulford was a philanthropist, giving considerable donations to institutions such as the Brockville Rowing Club, the Wall Street Methodist Church, the Brockville General Hospital, and the YMCA; in his will, he left a large sum of money to establish a home for indigent women."
"Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People were marketed in 87 countries worldwide, including Canada, Britain, France, Belgium, South Africa, Singapore, Australia and China. Fulford was an innovative advertiser. He relied heavily on testimonials, submitted by customers, of miraculous recoveries. He would have these printed in newspapers in a way that it was difficult to differentiate news articles from the advertisements, so readers would see headlines proclaiming these miraculous recoveries, and read on to learn that they were saved by Pink Pills. By 1900, he was spending £200,000 yearly in Britain alone on advertising."
"The Origional owner was Dr. William Williams not william jackso. The pink pills for pale people were developed in Brockville Onatrio, where the heir to Dr. Williams patent was sold to the fulford family. And these were placebo iron pills"
> ジェイク・エーデルスタイン, ベンジャミン・フルフォード, デーブ・スペクター
"The story behind the Beans went that an Australian scientist, Charles Forde, had discovered an ancient aboriginal remedy. The actual inventor was a Canadian called Charles E Fulford (I don’t know if he was connected to the Fulfords of Dr Williams’ Pink Pills fame), and the story about the aborigines was completely made up. Although this was revealed during a 1905 court case where Fulford sued the proprietor of an imitation product, the Bile Beans became very popular in the 20th century and were still on sale in the 1980s."
site:tokumei10.blogspot.com ベンジャミン 下村好男
アドテックスの元副社長ら2人逮捕 資産6300万不正流用
大証ヘラクレス元上場で、民事再生法適用を申請して経営破綻(はたん)したコンピューター関連機器メーカー「アドテックス」(東京都港区)の資産約6300万円を不正流用したとして、警視庁組織犯罪対策3課は16日、 民事再生法違反(詐欺再生)容疑で、指定暴力団山口組弘道会系元組長で、同社元副社長、下村好男容疑者(45)=東京都中央区=と、税理士で同社元執行役員、菊地大輔容疑者(31)=横浜市=を逮捕した。
マスコミソフィア会の会員が電通社長に 1973年外・西卒の石井直氏(59)
>長沼孝一郎 サンタクララ大学
> ジェイク・エーデルスタイン, ベンジャミン・フルフォード, デーブ・スペクター