



過去も現在もキリスト教(反GOD派)の本質はベルゼブル(サタン)を使っているユダヤ系イカサマヒーラー集団 そしてその布教活動の中心は教会ではなく病院と製薬会社と研究所


負傷・けがの治療を目的とした西洋医療は科学 病気治療を目的とした西洋医学はオカルト・呪い術・魔術

The brit milah (Hebrew: בְּרִית מִילָה, pronounced [bʁit miˈla]; Ashkenazi pronunciation: [bʁis ˈmilə], "covenant of circumcision"; Yiddish pronunciation: bris [bʀɪs]) is a Jewish religious male circumcision ceremony.[1] The steps, justifications, and imposition of the practice have dramatically varied throughout history; commonly cited reasons for the practice have included it being a way to control male sexuality by reducing sexual pleasure and desire, as a visual marker of the covenant of the pieces,[2] as a metaphor for mankind perfecting creation, and as a means to promote fertility.[3][4][5][6]

The original version in Judaic history was either a ritual nick or cut done by a father to the acroposthion, the part of the foreskin that overhangs the glans penis. This form of genital nicking or cutting, known as simply milah, became adopted among Jews by the Second Temple period and was the predominant form until the second century CE.[3][7][8][9] The notion of milah being linked to a biblical covenant is generally believed to have originated in the 6th century BCE as a product of the Babylonian captivity; the practice likely lacked this significance among Jews before the period.[2][3][10][11]

Intact genitals were considered a sign of beauty, civility, and masculinity throughout the Greco-Roman world; it was custom to spend an hour a day or so exercising nude in the gymnasium and in Roman baths; many Jewish men did not want to be seen in public deprived of their foreskins, where matters of business and politics were discussed.[12] To expose one's glans in public was seen as indecent, vulgar, and a sign of sexual arousal and desire.[3][13][12] Classical, Hellenistic, and Roman culture widely found circumcision to be barbaric, cruel, and utterly repulsive in nature.[3][13][14][15] By the period of the Maccabees, many Jewish men attempted to hide their circumcisions through the process of epispasm due to the circumstances of the period, although Jewish religious writers denounced these practices as abrogating the covenant of Abraham in 1 Maccabees and the Talmud.[3][12] After Christianity and Second Temple Judaism split apart from one another, Milah was declared spiritually unnecessary as a condition of justification by Christian writers such as Paul the Apostle and subsequently in the Council of Jerusalem, while it further increased in importance for Jews.[3]

In the mid-2nd century CE, the Tannaim, the successors of the newly ideologically dominant Pharisees, introduced and made mandatory a secondary step of circumcision known as the Periah.[3][7][8][4] Without it circumcision was newly declared to have no spiritual value.[8] This new form removed as much of the inner mucosa as possible, the frenulum and its corresponding delta from the penis, and prevented the movement of shaft skin, in what creates a "low and tight" circumcision.[3][16] It was intended to make it impossible to restore the foreskin.[3][7][8] This is the form practiced among the large majority of Jews today, and, later, became a basis for the routine neonatal circumcisions performed in the United States and other Anglosphere countries among non-Jews as well.[3][7][17] Today, brit milah is performed by a mohel on the eighth day after the infant's birth and is followed by a celebratory meal known as seudat mitzvah.[4]

Since the 18th century, a growing number of Jewish philosophers and theologians have criticized the practice of circumcision, advocating an abolishment of the practice and alternatives such as Brit Shalom.[18][19]

(せんれい、: Βάπτισμα[1]、「バプテスマ」とも)は、キリスト教入信に際して行われるサクラメント[2]秘跡=カトリック、聖礼典=プロテスタント、機密=正教会)の中心的な儀式で、水の中に沈める[3]と言う意味。儀式は、浸水(浸礼、身体を水に浸す)または灌水(頭部に水を注ぐ)や滴礼(頭部に手で水滴をつける)によって行われる[2]



未だにやってるってのがアレなわけで・・・ そりゃ汚い爺が赤ちゃんの性器をお口でアレする儀式なわけですから・・・ そんじょそこらの宗教団体なら即基地外カルト認定 ...
割礼が終わった合図だ。これで晴れてサルサちゃんはイスラム教徒になったことになる。小さな皮膚片を見て療法士は、ニンニクの皮のようだとつぶやいた。 AFPの取材に応じた ...
site://tokumei10.blogspot.com 割礼 ユダヤ教徒 イスラム教徒 - Google 検索 via kwout. 、、、(爆wwwwwwwwwww. てんこもり野郎 at 0:28.
2014/04/06 — ってか問題は大きさより「皮」の有無しじゃまいかと・・・(爆wwwwww. https://www.google.co.jp/#q=%. 韓国 割礼状況 - Google 検索 via kwout.
ユダヤ教の儀式、割礼・ベリート・ミーラーはとっても不衛生 | 匿名党 via kwout. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mar%C3%. María Valverde - Wikipedia, the free ...
2014/05/20 — 大和雅之様が、よそ様の国で、割礼によって採取される包皮の細胞が、実験で活用できる環境を、たいそう羨ましがっておられて、経血の活用、抜けた某毛 ...
2011/07/10 — チンコミサイル達の先っぽは、ちゃんとメンテナンスしてるニカ? せっかく割礼して貰ったのに、今さら包皮移植して巾着縛りにしても手遅れニダ(笑).


6 件のコメント:

匿名 さんのコメント...


匿名 さんのコメント...



匿名 さんのコメント...

ゼレさんみたいな人が何で大統領になれたんやろと思ってたら、ゼレさんソロスの隠し子説が出てきて思わず唸ってしまった。これって かわなしとつながる話なの?

GABRIEL さんのコメント...



¡Un hombre de dios! Ya basta con la broma!

匿名 さんのコメント...


ミネ さんのコメント...


ひゃー ただの水であるかの前に
