Anger in Kyiv as Emmanuel Macron refuses to back claims Russia has carried out genocide in Ukraine
- US President Joe Biden said Tuesday Russia was committing genocide in Ukraine
- Mr Macron warned against such language, saying he wanted to 'rebuild peace'
- Biden last night approved a £600m package to Ukraine, including helicopters
In different periods of time and in different countries the word majolica has been used for two distinct types of pottery.
Firstly, from mid-15th century onwards there was maiolica, a type of pottery reaching Italy from Spain, Majorca[1] and beyond. This was made by a tin-glaze process (dip, dry, paint, fire), resulting in an opaque white glazed surface decorated with brush-painting in metal oxide enamel colour(s).
During the 17th century, the English added the letter j to their alphabet.[2] Maiolica was commonly anglicized to majolica thereafter.
Secondly, there is the Victorian mid to late 19th century type of pottery also known as majolica made by a more simple process (paint, fire) whereby coloured lead silicate glazes were applied direct to an unfired clay mould, typically relief-moulded, resulting in brightly coloured, hard-wearing, inexpensive wares both useful and decorative, typically in naturalistic style. This type of majolica was introduced to the public at the 1851 Great Exhibition in London, later widely copied and mass-produced. Minton & Co., who developed the coloured lead glazes product, also developed and exhibited at the 1851 Exhibition a tin-glazed product in imitation of Italian maiolica which they called also majolica.
マジョリカ陶器まじょりかとうきMajolica 英語
Maiolica イタリア語イタリアで焼かれた錫釉(すずゆう)色絵陶器。名称の由来は、中世末期にスペインで焼かれた錫釉色絵陶器(イスパノ・モレスク陶器)が、イベリア半島の東部に浮かぶマジョルカ島を経由して運ばれていたためとされている。しかし、それよりはやく、イタリアでも中部のシエナやオルビエート、南部のシチリア島で素朴な錫釉の壺(つぼ)や水差しなどが焼成されており、これらをマイヨリカ・アルカイコとよぶ。スペインから伝えられた錫釉色絵陶器の技法と様式は15世紀になってフィレンツェやファエンツァなどで模倣されたが、やがてルネサンスの開花とともに、ウルビーノやデルタなど各地で窯が築かれ、ジョルジョ・アンドレオーリ、ニッコロ・ペリパリオらの優れた絵付師が輩出した。最盛期は15世紀末から約半世紀で、古典神話や歴史、聖書物語などをモチーフとした「イストリアート」とよばれるものやグロテスクなものなど、マジョリカ独自の様式を発展させた。これらの美しいマジョリカ陶器の影響は16世紀以降、アルプス以北の全ヨーロッパに及んでいるが、17世紀以降は、デルフト、マイセンなどに押されて衰微した。
We understand by majolica
Leon Arnoux, the artistic and technical director of Mintons, wrote in 1852 "We understand by majolica a pottery formed of a calcareous clay gently fired, and covered with an opaque enamel composed of sand, lead, and tin...".[3]
He was describing the Minton & Co. tin-glazed product made in imitation of Italian maiolica both in process and in styles. Remember, tin-glaze is simply plain lead glaze with a little tin oxide added. His description is often referenced,[4] in error, as a definition of Minton's other new product, the much copied and later mass-produced ceramic sensation of the Victorian era, Minton's coloured lead glazes 'Palissy ware'. The 16th century French pottery of Bernard Palissy was well known and much admired.[5][6] Mintons adopted the name 'Palissy ware' for their new coloured glazes product, but this soon became known also as majolica.[7] Minton & Co. appear to have done little to promote the clear distinction between their tin-glazed and coloured glazes products.
Minton Archive first design for majolica
Thomas Kirkby's design G144 in the Minton Archive[8] is inscribed "This is the First Design for Majolica ...". The design is Italian Renaissance in style. Close-up images illustrate a design suited for fine brushwork on flat surfaces. The design is for Minton's rare tin-glaze Majolica imitation of Italian tin-glaze maiolica. Minton's designs for Palissy ware, also known as majolica, were suited for 'thick' painting of coloured lead glazes onto surfaces moulded in relief to make best use of the intaglio effect.[9]
Coloured glazes earthenware
Earthenware coated with coloured lead glazes[10] applied directly to an unglazed body has from mid-19th century onwards been called majolica,[11] e.g.: "20th century majolica", "Mexican majolica", Sarreguemines majolica, Palissy majolica, majolica glazed Parian ware. The science involved in the development of multiple temperature compatible coloured lead glazes is complex, but the process itself is simple (paint.[12]fire.) This majolica is the vibrantly coloured, frequently naturalistic style of earthenware, developed and named "Palissy ware" by Minton & Co. and introduced to the public at the 1851 Great Exhibition that was mass-produced throughout Europe and America and is widely available.[13] In English this majolica is never spelt with an i in place of the j. It is however pronounced both with a hard j as in major and with a soft j as in maiolica. In some other languages i is indeed used for both coloured glazes earthenware and for tin-glazed earthenware: France maiolique, and Italy maiolica.
Examples of coloured glazes majolica (paint, fire.)
Clay mould 'biscuit' painted with thick coloured lead glazes, simultaneously, then fired. Process requires just two stages and low skill in painting. When fired in the oven, at a controlled temperature, every colour fuses to the clay body, usually without running into each other. A triumph in ceramic technology by Leon Arnoux,[14] Art Director, that transformed the fortunes of Mintons.
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2022/04/14 12:47
スウェーデンとフィンランド、NATO加盟に意欲 ロシアは警告
(英語記事 Russia warns Sweden and Finland against Nato bid)