
NYで暴力団幹部の海老沢さん「地対空ミサイル購入で逮捕」 麻薬の密売およびマネロン


Yakuza boss is busted in NYC sting 'for trying to buy surface-to-air MISSILES stolen from a military base in Afghanistan so he could funnel them to militias in Myanmar who paid him in meth and heroin'

  • Takeshi Ebisawa, 57, of Japan, unwittingly negotiated deals with an undercover DEA agent, with plans to have US-made weapons shipped to insurgent groups
  • The groups had planned on paying with thousands of kilos of meth and heroin, then distributing those drugs in New York 
  • In turn, the weapons would be provided to two militant groups engaged in the ongoing violence in the war-torn of Myanmar, also known as Burma 
  • All four men were busted Monday and Tuesday in Manhattan and are being held following their first court appearances
  • Ebisawa, a known member of the Yakuza international crime syndicate, has been under DEA surveillance since 2019


海老澤 浩海老沢 浩、えびさわ ひろし)は日本のヤクザ。指定暴力団・住吉会副会長・四代目親和会幹部。五代目羽黒一家理事長。海老澤組組長。
2021/05/25 — 海老澤浩は住吉会系の暴力団組長であったが、2017年8月21日、共犯者たちとともに、茨城県ひたちなか市の東方沖で、船で受け渡しする「瀬取り」という ...
2021/07/05 — 住吉会系の暴力団の元組長 海老澤浩被告(61)は平成29年、ほかの暴力団幹部などに指示し、茨城県ひたちなか市の沖合で覚醒剤470キロ余り、およそ300 ...
... 住吉会系「羽黒一家五代目」幹部で「海老澤組」組長、海老沢浩容疑者(57)=覚せい剤取締法違反(営利目的輸入)容疑で逮捕状=に旅券返納命令を出した。

... 密輸したとして、覚醒剤取締法違反(営利目的輸入)などの罪に問われた元・指定暴力団・住吉会系「羽黒一家五代目」幹部で「海老澤組」組長・海老沢浩被告(61)= ...


4 件のコメント:

GABRIEL さんのコメント...


匿名 さんのコメント...

https://www.yomiuri.co.jp › national
ロケットランチャー構える「ヤクザの組長」、武器・麻薬を仲介…米当局のおとり捜査で逮捕 - 読売新聞オンライン
4 時間前 — 知人男性によると、被告はタイで「ヤクザの組長」を名乗っていたという。これが米当局の発表につながったとみられる。男性に対し、「シャン州軍」側

匿名 さんのコメント...

Department of Justice (.gov)
Justice Department Announces Nuclear Materials Trafficking ...
7 hours ago — ...In response to Ebisawa’s repeated inquiries, UC-1 agreed, as part of the DEA’s investigation, to help Ebisawa broker the sale of his nuclear materials to UC-1’s associate, who was posing as an Iranian general (the General), for use in a nuclear weapons program. Ebisawa then offered to supply the General with “plutonium” that would be even “better” and more “powerful” than uranium for this purpose. An example of a photograph sent by Ebisawa is shown below:...

Department of Justice (.gov)
U.S. Attorney Announces Nuclear Materials Trafficking Charges ...
8 hours ago —

匿名 さんのコメント...

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