Biggest mass execution in Saudi Arabia's history sees 81 men killed in ONE day, as country's state television says criminals which included members of Al Qaeda 'followed the footsteps of Satan'
- 73 Saudis, 7 Yemenis and 1 Syrian were killed in the biggest Saudi execution ever
- The state claims the men are 'murderers of innocent men, women and children'
- The number of executed surpassed the mass execution of 63 militants in 1980
- It is unclear how the men died but Saudi Arabia tends to use beheadings
柱(鬼滅の刃) - アニヲタWiki(仮) - アットウィキ › アニヲタWiki(仮)2020/10/24 — 鬼殺隊の最精鋭集団にして最高戦力。所謂最高幹部ポジションも兼ねる。 定員が9人と決められているため、柱としての実力があっても柱の数が8人以下でなければ柱になることはできない。 ちなみにこの9名という数字である ...→8+1=9八紘一宇
八紘一宇(はっこういちう)、または八紘為宇とは「天下を一つの家のようにすること」、「全世界を一つの家にすること」を意味する語句であり、「天皇総帝論」、「唯一の思想的原動力」等ともいう。『日本書紀』の「八紘(あめのした)を ... 国柱会の名称は、日蓮の三大請願の一つ「我日本の柱とならん」から智学によって命名された。独立した宗派としての正式名称は「本化妙宗」。 また、智学の造語であり、戦前日本では国家主義のスローガンとして多用された「八紘 一宇」を ... 国柱会 - Wikipedia › wiki › 国柱会特に満州国には皇軍慰安隊を国柱会より派遣し、関東軍軍人を支援している。この時期が国柱会の歴史上もっとも活況だった時代であり、日蓮系諸教団の中でもエリート主義集団と目される ... 本部: 東京都江戸川区一之江6丁目19番地18号意図的なのかはわからないが、岩手県花巻市の「宮沢賢治記念館」ではエスペラント学習、日蓮宗の「国柱会」活動、それに関しての石原莞爾との関係が人目に着
2 件のコメント:
9 × 9 = 81
亜 Q × 阿 Q = 八(紘)一(宇)
Faced with restriction on trade, shipping, and immigration, a nationalistic and eventually asian_monroe_doctrinemilitaristic view of a Pan-Asian brotherhood–later called hakko ichiu (“eight crown cords, one roof”)—emerged. It was a cry for “Asians for Asians” and would lead to Japan’s invasions of Korea–then a puppet state of China–and Manchuria. The rise of Pan-Asianism is a complicated story, but it has at its roots a conflict of interests between conservative and military elitists and a liberal base comprised of the new middle class who were, for the first time, finding a voice in political discourse. One thing these two groups shared was the idea that there was a distinction between the “civilizations” of Eastern (Asian) and Western (European) societies. The liberals studied the colonialism of Europe in Asia and viewed Japan’s place in Asia through the adaptation of Western practices into a Japanese sphere. Western hegemony would be replaced by a true Asian hegemony with Japan at its head. The militarists saw Pan-Asianism as a means to further a conquest mentality of Asia. But both groups sought to protect Japan’s domestic politics through a form of Asian hegemony. Japan understood that the only way to wrest political and economic power in Asia from Western nations was to control the Asian market and continent.
In April 2005, Putin said that “the collapse of the Soviet Union was the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the century.” While some analysts have viewed this as Putin’s secret longing from his KGB days of a Soviet Union that expanded into the Balkans, Eastern Europe and the northern Middle East, what Putin is lamenting in his statement is quite the opposite. Often, he has chastised the West, and the United States primarily, for violating the sovereignty of the state (for example, his March 2003 condemnation of the UN ruling allowing for force in Iraq). Like the Japanese, Putin–a keen student of history himself–watches as Western hegemony increasingly disrupts the fabric of Russian life and the fragile tapestry of the “civilizations” that border his nation–especially Islamic nations. What countries like the United States saw as a pro-Democracy revolt in the 1990s, Putin knows was a revolution of ethnic, religious, and economic ideals that released an “epidemic of disintegration that spread to Russia itself.” Russian statehood stands to collapse. It was this ideal that drove Russia into Georgia and again into Crimea. While Putin doesn’t have a “Pan-Russianism” in his mind and nor could he since the break-up of the former Soviet Union was strongly along ethnic lines, there is an economic hegemony to his goals. Putin understands that Russia straddles the bridge between Asia and Europe and to control that power controls the much of the world. However, he can only do this if he has his borders under control.