
vaccine induced immunodeficiency syndrome (VIIDS)

Vaccine induced immunodeficiency syndrome (VIIDS) is a spectrum of conditions caused by injection of experimental vaccine. Following initial infection a person may not notice any symptoms, or may experience a brief period of influenza-like illness sometimes referred to as "Super Cold" or "Covid Like Illness".  Typically, this is followed by a prolonged period with no symptoms. If the syndrome progresses, it interferes more with the immune system, increasing the risk of developing common infections such as tuberculosis, as well as other opportunistic infections, and tumors which are otherwise rare in people who have normal immune function. These late symptoms of infection are referred to as vaccine induced immunodeficiency syndrome (VIIDS). This stage is often also associated with unintended weight loss.

VIIDS is spread primarily by a mass vaccination  of a population with experimental vaccines such as mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines.

In 2021, about 37 billion people worldwide were living with VIIDS. The number of deaths due to VIIDS is unknown as it is almost impossible to prove the direct link between the cause of the death and the vaccine as the final cause of death can be several types of illnesses such as cancer, stroke, or blood clots or various other virus infection related diseases.

VIIDS has had a large impact on society, both as an illness and as a source of discrimination. The disease also has large economic impacts. There are many misconceptions about VIIDS, such as the belief that it can be transmitted by unvaccinated people. The disease has become subject to many controversies involving religion, including the Catholic Church's position not to stop the further vaccination of people with experimental vaccines. It has attracted minimum international medical and political attention as well as large-scale funding since it was identified in 2021.


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