
ワクチン接種者に未接種者より頻繁に発生するCovid-Like Illness (CLI)こと類似コロナ感染症=ワクチンの深刻な副反応




Covid-Like Illness (CLI)こと類似コロナ感染症=ワクチンの深刻な副反応

Hospitals full of vaccinated patients

And it is not just Covid -- it is "everything else"

This article is a continuation of my thinking about vaccinated people having unusual amount, and unusual nature, of health problems. It is not a sound bite about “Joe Brandon” and is kind of long and thorough and some may find it boring. I wrote it mostly to provide fodder for other people who want to write about such things.

Everything in my article points to Covid vaccines somehow ruining general, innate immunity


Pneumonia and Covid-Like illness

USA: CDC MMWR study “Interim Estimates of COVID-19 Vaccine Effectiveness” that looked at Covid-Like Illness (CLI) in Jun-Aug 2021. Covid-like illness to them is pneumonia and difficulty breathing and the source is emergency room visits. It may be due to Covid or due to, say, a bacterial lung infection.

It proudly declares that among sufferers of CLI, there is more “positive Covid tests” among unvaccinated. It is great for CDC, but is it good for the vaccinated? Well, it depends on whether the vaccinated become healthier overall after getting the vax and whether they tend to end up in emergency rooms a lot.

There is an answer to that question in CDC data, and the answer is that the vaccinated are LESS healthy and get MORE non-Covid CLI than the unvaccinated.

Let’s look at non-Covid CLI. The CDC article actually gives enough numbers to do some useful calculations.

I then calculated the average fully vaxxed percentage of the population for the period (47.22%), and the average fully UNvaccinated percentage (43.11%). Based on this number, I calculated the relative risk (RR) of “non-Covid CLI” between vaxxed and unvaxxed. It turned out that the vaxxed were 20% MORE LIKELY to have non-Covid CLI!

I thought the vax was supposed to make us healthier, not more open to pneumonias! But somehow it does.

It gets worse from here.

Covid-like Illness, Take Two

USA: CDC MMWR study “Laboratory-Confirmed COVID-19 Among Adults Hospitalized with COVID-19–Like Illness”. I covered it previously. It shows that vaccinated people get CLI/pneumonia 5 or so months after vaccination.

I will briefly rehash my article: it finds a huge number of people with CLI, with the rates of CLI among old people following vaccination rates of old people — but with a 5 month delay!

That delay means that over 5 months post-vaccination, something happens to older vaccinated people that makes them so much more susceptible to pneumonia. The temporal relation also nicely proves causality. After all, if old people start showing up in hospitals with pneumonia 5 months after vaccination, we know it was because of vaccination and NOT because they are “just old”. They were old before and right after vaccination. Five months after vaccination, they started falling ill in droves.

Again, read my article.


Disturbing antivax numbers from the CDC!

Older vaccinated people end up in hospitals 5-6 months after vaccination



集団コロナ特化型免疫ブースター・サプレッサー接種政策のホントの目的は死因のすり替え 動機は機能獲得実験の正当化



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> Covid-Like Illness (CLI)



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