— 苫米地英人 (@DrTomabechi) September 11, 2021
RT アメリカで去年末に接種した50代の医師の友人が、子どもでも分かる程の速さで老けて、髪の毛もチリチリになって、最近は足が悪くなり杖をつき始めました。こんな事になるのでしょうか?
SARS-CoV-2 vaccines: Lights and shadows
Vaccines to prevent acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection elicit an immune neutralizing response. Some concerns have been raised regarding the safety of SARS-CoV-2 vaccines, largely based on case-reports of serious thromboembolic events after vaccination. Some mechanisms have been suggested which might explain the adverse cardiovascular reactions to SARS-CoV-2 vaccines. Different vaccine platforms are currently available which include live attenuated vaccines, inactivated vaccines, recombinant protein vaccines, vector vaccines, DNA vaccines and RNA vaccines. Vaccines increase the endogenous synthesis of SARS-CoV-2 Spike proteins from a variety of cells. Once synthetized, the Spike proteins assembled in the cytoplasma migrate to the cell surface and protrude with a native-like conformation. These proteins are recognized by the immune system which rapidly develops an immune response. Such response appears to be quite vigorous in the presence of DNA vaccines which encode viral vectors, as well as in subjects who are immunized because of previous exposure to SARS-CoV-2. The resulting pathological features may resemble those of active coronavirus disease. The free-floating Spike proteins synthetized by cells targeted by vaccine and destroyed by the immune response circulate in the blood and systematically interact with angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptors expressed by a variety of cells including platelets, thereby promoting ACE2 internalization and degradation. These reactions may ultimately lead to platelet aggregation, thrombosis and inflammation mediated by several mechanisms including platelet ACE2 receptors. Whereas Phase III vaccine trials generally excluded participants with previous immunization, vaccination of huge populations in the real life will inevitably include individuals with preexisting immunity. This might lead to excessively enhanced inflammatory and thrombotic reactions in occasional subjects. Further research is urgently needed in this area.
Ageing, ACE2 deficiency and bad outcome in COVID-19
From the journal Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (CCLM)Some phenotypes associated with severe forms of COVID-19 share a variable degree of ACE2 deficiency [6]. It has been suggested that the loss of ACE2 enzymatic activity (mediated by the interaction between ACE2 and SARS-CoV-2 Spike proteins) is particularly detrimental among patients with baseline ACE2 deficiency for the consequent marked imbalance between angiotensin II and angiotensin1,7 [6]. Specifically, phenotypes of lower ACE2 expression are identified by the presence of hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and, notably, older age [6].
Ageing has been associated with decline in levels of ACE2 expression in experimental and human models [8], [9], [10]. Ageing-related decrease in ACE2 expression levels was observed in lung epithelial cells of aged rats compared to young rats [9]. Xie and co-workers [9] determined the characteristic of ACE2 expression in lung and the effect of ageing on its expression among rats at three distinct ages (young-adult, 3 months; middle-aged, 12 months; old, 24 months). ACE2 was predominantly expressed in alveolar epithelium, bronchiolar epithelium, endothelium and smooth muscle cells of pulmonary vessels with similar content [9]. The decrease of ACE2 content was relatively slight between young-adult and middle-aged groups [9]. Conversely, ACE2 expression was markedly reduced among older group (young-adult vs. old: by 78% in male rats and 67% in female rats, p<0.001; middle-aged vs. old: by 71% in male rats and 59% in female rats, p<0.001) [9].
Similarly, a study by Yoon and coworkers [8] evaluated the association between the change in the expression of ACE2 and arterial ageing in mice. Levels of ACE2 were measured in the thoracic aortas from 2-month-old, 12-month-old, and 24-month-old C57/BL6 mice. Results demonstrated that the expressions of ACE2 decreased with age [8].
A bioinformatic analysis of publicly available human genomics and transcriptomics gene expression data by Chen and coworkers [10] demonstrated that ACE2 expression decreases during ageing in many tissues. Specifically, the Authors documented a decrease in ACE2 expression with age in blood, adrenal gland, colon, nervous system, adipose tissues, and salivary gland [10]. They also documented a significant association of age, sex, ethnic groups, and body mass index (BMI) with ACE2 expression. However, the association with age was the strongest followed by sex, ethnicity, and BMI [10].
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それ以下なら低能 SDGsがなきゃ即死な底辺の底の底だ