
イスラエル 一週間で5人の接種済国会議員がブレークスルー感染

 Meanwhile, Labor MK Gilad Kariv, who contracted COVID-19 despite being fully vaccinated, was hospitalized early Tuesday at Sheba hospital in Tel Hashomer.

Reports said that Kariv, a Reform rabbi who chairs the Knesset’s Constitution, Law and Justice Committee, decided to head to the hospital after his symptoms worsened and after consulting the parliament’s doctor.

His office said he was receiving oxygen, feeling well and was under medical supervision in the hospital’s coronavirus ward.

Four other lawmakers caught the virus in the past week: Ofer Cassif (Joint List), Inbar Bezek (Yesh Atid), Simcha Rothman and Itamar Ben Gvir (both Religious Zionism).



で、その後音沙汰無しのちょっぴりおデブなNOA KIRELさんはどうなったの?(爆wwwwwww


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