


Ms Luo was reportedly the only daughter of Luo Lin, the chairman of Jinlin Real Estate in south-western Chinese metropolis Chengdu, who owns multiple luxury development projects across the country. 

Her father is said to have come from a doctor family who have practised Chinese traditional medicine for six generations.

Born in Chengdu, Ms Luo moved to Hong Kong at the age of four before studying in Australia and the United States. She was said to be a fluent English speaker and have worked as a translator for her mother before founding her own company in 2014.





TriBeluga Celebrates Three Years of Success at Bringing Startups to China

Hosts Glamorous Celebration at Exclusive Chinese Resort on Oct. 16

| Source: TriBeluga

HONG KONG, CHINA--(Marketwired - Oct 11, 2016) - TriBeluga, the incubator connecting global startups with China, will host a celebration of success at the Grand Hyatt Sanya on China's Hainan Island on October 16.

The event, dubbed The Third Wave, will showcase the incubator's accomplishments over the past three years, while providing insight into its future plans. Attending will be Tribeluga team members based in Silicon Valley, China and around the world, along with respected journalists, current Tribeluga portfolio companies, mentors, business leaders and dignitaries.

"In just three years, TriBeluga has developed a global, cross-border platform to help high-growth technology companies enter the Chinese market," said Lili Luo, President and Creator of TriBeluga. "We're proud to be sharing our partnerships at every level of the Chinese business ecosystem with promising companies."

According to Patrick Burt, Mayor of Palo Alto, "The business cultures of Silicon Valley and ZGC, the Chinese Silicon Valley, each have their distinct practices, styles and successes. Tribeluga's understanding of both cultures bridges these differences to provide high value for U.S./Chinese collaboration."

TriBeluga portfolio companies benefit from the expertise of global mentors who have successfully brought companies into China, or run large operations in the country. TriBeluga also provides funding and a range of other exclusive resources including marketing, branding and business development support for the Chinese market.

Operating primarily in the healthcare, environmental and educational sectors, TriBeluga partners with their portfolio companies to establish joint ventures and secure exclusive distribution and manufacturing rights in China. Their recruitment primarily focuses on identifying companies developing disruptive technologies, with the potential for large-scale economic and social impact.

One such company is Vtouch, which has developed gesture recognition technology, with applications in IoT and numerous other sectors. Thanks in part to support from Tribeluga they have brokered deals with seven companies and are on the cusp of major success in the Chinese market.

At the event Tribeluga will also announce the opening of a new branch office in Chengdu, marking a huge step forward in their capacity to support partner companies on the ground in China. The facility will also feature exhibition space where Chinese partners can experience for themselves the groundbreaking technologies developed by their portfolio.

"At Tribeluga we believe that doing good and doing well are not mutually exclusive and we will continue to partner with high potential technology companies that are developing the most sustainable, high-impact technologies that promise positive change for society." - Lili Luo, President and Creator

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Contact Information:

For media enquiries, please contact:
Angel Chow
+852 3119 3300 


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3 件のコメント:

匿名 さんのコメント...

TriBeluga は、Tri(3つ)と Beluga(シロイルカ)という名前が暗示しているように、中国・韓国・シリコンバレーの3つのスタートアップ・コミュニティをつなぐことを意図している。TriBeluga の創設者は、中国で国内外の有名企業のカンファレンスを運営するマネージメント会社「LCT(成都齊眾企業策劃顧問)」の共同創業者 Lili Luo(羅力力)氏だ。
Lili Luo 氏自身はビジネスで成功しているが、彼女の母親もまた、中国・成都を中心に不動産で財をなした実業家であり、Lili Luo 氏がハイソサイエティのレイヤーに属する人物であることには間違いないだろう。

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