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WHO mourns passing of Dr Peter Salama
3 days ago - ... announces with deep sadness the sudden death of Dr Peter Salama, ... Health and Principal Advisor on HIV/AIDS in New York (2004–2009), ...

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Global Health & Emergencies Advocate Peter Salama Dies At ...
3 days ago - WHO's head of Universal Health Coverage, Dr. Peter Salama, has died ... Health and Principal Advisor on HIV/AIDS in New York (2004–2009).

WHO mourns passing of Dr Peter Salama
24 January 2020 Statement
Geneva, Switzerland
The World Health Organization announces with deep sadness the sudden death of Dr Peter Salama, Executive Director of WHO’s Division for Universal Health Coverage – Life Course.
The Organization extends its most profound sympathies and condolences to Dr Salama’s family, friends and colleagues. He was 51 and leaves behind his wife and three children.
“Pete embodied everything that is best about WHO and the United Nations – professionalism, commitment and compassion,” said Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General. “Our hearts are broken.”
Dr Salama, a medical epidemiologist from Australia, joined WHO in 2016 as Executive Director of WHO’s Health Emergencies programme, which he led until 2019.
Before joining WHO, Dr Salama was Regional Director for the Middle East and North Africa at UNICEF, an organization that he joined in 2002.
Dr Salama led UNICEF’s global response to Ebola, served as its Representative in Ethiopia and Zimbabwe (2009–2015), Chief of Global Health and Principal Advisor on HIV/AIDS in New York (2004–2009), and Chief of Health and Nutrition in Afghanistan (2002–2004).
He had also worked with Médecins Sans Frontières and Concern Worldwide in several countries in Asia and sub-Saharan Africa.

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