




Gary Wright, singer of the mid-1970s hit ‘Dream Weaver,’ dies at 80

He was a founding member of the U.K.-based band Spooky Tooth and an in-demand session musician who played on all of George Harrison’s solo albums.

Gary Wright, the musician best known for his hit singles “Dream Weaver” and “Love Is Alive,” died Monday. He was 80. Wright’s son Dorian confirmed the news to Variety.

His son Justin told NBC News the cause was Parkinson’s disease and Lewy body dementia.

He was a founding member of the U.K.-based band Spooky Tooth and was an in-demand session player from the late ’60s on, playing on all of George Harrison’s solo albums — including his epochal 1970 debut, “All Things Must Pass” — and on Ringo Starr’s early singles (and, much later, with Starr’s All-Starr Band) as well as Nilsson, Tim Rose, B.B. King and many others. Yet he will be best remembered for the mid-1970s hits mentioned above, which were part of a vaguely mystical, synthesizer-driven style of hit single of the era — Steve Miller’s “Fly Like an Eagle” is another example — and which saw him appearing on many music shows, wearing satin gear and rocking a keytar.



ゲイリー・ライトGary Wright1943年4月26日 - 2023年9月4日)は、アメリカ合衆国ミュージシャン。自身の歌った楽曲「夢織り人」(Dream Weaver)や、ハリー・ニルソンの楽曲「ウィザウト・ユー」へのピアニストとしての参加などで知られる。元ビートルズジョージ・ハリスンとは友人であった。


ゲイリー・ライトはニュージャージー州クレスキルCresskill)で生まれ育ち、7歳の時にはテレビ番組のショーに出演した。彼はテナフライ高等学校(Tenafly High School)に入学した[1]


1971年11月23日、ライトはテレビ番組『ディック・キャヴェット・ショウ』(The Dick Cavett Show)のエピソードで、「ワンダー・ホイール」というバンドが彼の作った曲「Two Faced Man」を演奏したことがきっかけで名前を紹介された。このバンドにはジョージ・ハリスンが好意でスライドギター演奏にて参加していた。これは、ライトがハリスンのアルバム『オール・シングス・マスト・パス』でピアノ演奏を行っていたのが縁となって実現したことであった。

1974年のスプーキー・トゥース解散後、ライトはソロで音楽活動を続け、その活動は楽曲「夢織り人」で頂点に達した。この曲のシングルは1976年にビルボード・ホット100で3週連続2位を記録し、ゴールドディスクに認定された。この曲はまた、映画『ウェインズ・ワールド』およびそのサウンドトラック、映画『ラリー・フリント』などの作品にフィーチャーされている。1976年には、続くシングル作品「Love Is Alive」もチャート2位(2週連続)を記録している。

アルバム『夢織り人 - ドリーム・ウィーヴァー』(The Dream Weaver)は大ヒット作品となったものの、その後の彼の作品は評論・売り上げのどちらにおいても人気を博すものではなかった。ラジオ放送も手助けにならず、新たなヒットシングルも出なかったために、彼のキャリアはにわかに停滞することとなった。しかしながら、ライトはそれでも1970年代・1980年代・1990年代にわたってアルバムの制作を続けてゆく。

ライトが最後にポップ・チャートにおいて顕著な成功を収めたのは、1981年に「Really Wanna Know You」(アリ・トムソン(Ali Thomson)との共作)がチャート第16位を記録したときであった。

ライトの1981年のアルバム『ライト・プレイス』に収録された楽曲「Comin' Apart」は、2004年アーマンド・ヴァン・ヘルデンArmand Van Helden)が発表したクラブ音楽「マイ・マイ・マイ」(My My My)にサンプリングされている。

1991年に、日本人アーティストTMNのシングル『Love Train/We love the EARTH』、アルバム『EXPO』のエンジニアとして参加。当時ニューヨークで最先端だったサウンドを日本に持ち込んだ。

2008年、ライトはリンゴ・スター&ヒズ・オール・スター・バンドに参加してツアーを行った。同年11月には、6曲収録のミニアルバム『Waiting to Catch the Light』をリリースしている。


Autobiography of a Yogi has introduced meditation and yoga to many Westerners since its publication.[25] The book has many famous advocates, particularly in the business and entertainment communities.

One of the most famous advocates of the book was Steve Jobs, the co-founder, and formerly Chairman and CEO of Apple Inc. Jobs "first read Autobiography of a Yogi as a teenager, then re-read [the book] ... once a year ever since."[26] Marc Benioff, CEO of Salesforce.com, told his story of attending Steve Jobs' memorial service, where the attendees were handed a small brown box on their way out. "This is going to be good," he thought. "I knew that this was a decision he made, and whatever it was, it was the last thing he wanted us all to think about." The box contained a copy of the book.[27]

George Harrisonlead guitarist of the Beatles, received his first copy of Autobiography of a Yogi from Ravi Shankar in 1966 and, according to Shankar, "that was where his (George Harrison's) interest in Vedic culture and Indian-ness began."[28] Gary Wright, who wrote the song Dream Weaver, wrote: "In 1972, my friend George Harrison invited me to accompany him on a trip to India. A few days before we left, he gave me a copy of the book Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda. Needless to say the book inspired me deeply, and I became totally fascinated with Indian culture and philosophy. My trip was an experience I will never forget."[29]

Elvis Presley was introduced to Autobiography of a Yogi in 1965 by his hair dresser-turned-guru, Larry Geller.[30] Elvis continued to study the book throughout the 1970s. He left a copy of the book behind in a Nashville hotel room on 21 January 1977. Later on this book was auctioned off with a letter of authenticity[31]

The actress Mariel Hemingway says that she was introduced to the Autobiography of a Yogi by Peter Evans, a direct disciple of Yogananda. She was "mesmerized by the Autobiography of a Yogi and loved the whole great Hindu tradition of spiritual seeking ..."[32]

The actor Dennis Weaver gave a copy of the book to Linda Evans, saying that it had changed his life. Evans says that, "Because of Dennis, I took the first step in what would become a life long spiritual journey."[33]

Andrew Weil, director of the program in Integrative Medicine at University of Arizona, wrote the book Eating Well for Optimum Health. He mentioned reading the Autobiography of a Yogi, which he said, "awakened in me an interest in yoga and Indian religious philosophies." He continued, "It is filled with wondrous tales from an exotic land, none more amazing than that of Giri Bala, 'a woman yogi who never eats.'"[34]

The work has also attracted less favourable comments. Srinivas Aravamudan has described its contents as "miracle-infested territory" whose "single most memorable feature ... is a repetitive insistence on collocating the miraculous and the quotidian. ... The autobiography is an eclectic directory of sorts that might be dubbed a hitchhiker's guide to the paranormal galaxy". Aravamudan notes the "aggressive marketing" of the Yogoda Satsang and Self-Realization Fellowship, that Yogananda himself "worked the mass media" and used a technique described as "Guru English". He notes that Yogananda was the collator of the testimonials that purport to validate the miracles described, which appear at a rate of around one per page.[35]

According to Chris Welch and the liner notes on the album, Tales From Topographic Oceans, a concept album recorded by Yes, the progressive rock group, was inspired by "a lengthy footnote on page 83" of Autobiography of a Yogi. The footnote describes four Shastric scriptures that cover religion, art, social life, medicine, music and architecture. On 3 March 1973, Jon Anderson was given a copy of Autobiography of a Yogi by Jamie Muir at Bill Bruford's wedding. Anderson became particularly fascinated by the footnote on page 83, which inspired him to write much of the material for Tales from Topographic Oceans.[36]

Cholo-goth icon Rafael Reyes credits the book with saving his life and opening him to spiritual self-awareness.[37]

James Dudley, in his book Library Journal: Autobiography of a Yogi, wrote: "Yogananda's masterly storytelling epitomizes the Indian oral tradition with its wit, charm, and compassionate wisdom.[38]

Phil Goldberg, in his book The Life of Yogananda, states that Autobiography of a Yogi is "the book that changed the lives of millions".[39]

Rishi Prabhakar states in his website, that he was introduced to meditation in his college days via reading a book by Paramahansa Yogananda[40]

Today, reading Autobiography of a Yogi has become an unofficial prerequisite for prospective students of the Self-Realization Fellowship's "Lessons for Home Study," a set of lessons, reflections, and assignments that one may read and apply before being initiated into Kriya Yoga.[41]









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根 → Island Root

















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匿名 さんのコメント...

あは まだまだですねw 少しだけわかりました 島根 深淵のようですね 

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匿名 さんのコメント...

邪道ヨギ団長さんは毛皮派 ということになるのかな?

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