





Bateman Street, Soho

I seem to be getting mildly obsessed by the origin of street names in Soho.

This one, Bateman Street, which connects Dean Street to Greek Street was named after the owners of the great house along one side of which it originally lay.

Monmouth House was a very grand and huge house, the back of which is marked by Bateman Street, whilst its front faced onto Soho Square, then known as King’s Square. It was designed by Christopher Wren for the Duke of Monmouth, the illegitimate son of Charles II, in 1677. He didn’t get long to enjoy the house, leading a failed rebellion against James I and losing his head as a consequence in 1685. It was snapped up (the house that is) by the Bateman family after which Bateman Street is known. There is also Bateman’s Buildings which runs straight down the middle of where the old house would have stood and into Soho Square to the north.

Bateman Street has two of the grand old Soho pubs. The Crown and Two Chairmen on the corner of Dean Street and the Dog and Duck on the corner of Frith Street. High crimes have been commited by developers upon the body of The Crown and Two; its current incarnation is as a gastro pub and is painted grey. At least it is no longer purple. The Dog and Duck on the other hand is a lovely late 19th century pub, Soho’s finest and one of the best of its type in London. Worth a visit just to look at the wooden bar. In past years the beer was often “sticky” and the glasses perhaps not always the cleanest. Nowadays these faults have been rectified and the quality of the drinks is up to the standard of the architecture and decor of the pub.

The Crown and Two does have a very nice Indian restaurant opposite. Gopal’s is an old-fashioned, unfancy curry house but a good one. It was built on the site of Victorian London’s largest venereal disease hospital, the London Lock Hospital. Think of that as you chow down on your Chicken Tikka Masala, or perhaps not. Soho was a centre of the capital’s vice trade and the hospital was located here in 1862 for the convenience of its customers.

There remains a trace of the fruitier side of life in the neighbourhood. On the corner of Bateman’s Buildings there is an old school “Gentleman’s Club” which hosts “live erotic stage shows in a plush low-lit setting.” Apparently.



This pub was called the Crown up until 1736. It is said to have been named after Queen Anne's sedan-carriers. The two chair men are meant to have had a drink here as they waited for the queen to have her portrait painted at a nearby studio.

The current form of the pub comes after a rebuild in 1929. The interior is wood-panelled with red upholstered snug corners. The upstairs is for private hire.

William Makepeace Thackeray met up with George Augustus Sala at the pub. Karl Marx might have popped in for a pint, when he lived next door. The pub was frequented by the likes of George OrwellGraham Greene and Arthur Koestler in the 1940s.

Inspired by real events, this fictional dramatization tells the story of Queen Elizabeth II and the political and personal events that shaped her reign.

Dean is a title employed in academic administrations such as colleges or universities for a person with significant authority over a specific academic unit, over a specific area of concern, or both. In the United States and Canada, deans are usually university professors who serve as the heads of a university's constituent colleges and schools. Deans are common in private preparatory schools, and occasionally found in middle schools and high schools as well.


A "dean" (Latin: decanus) was originally the head of a group of ten soldiers or monks. Eventually an ecclesiastical dean became the head of a group of canons or other religious groups.

When the universities grew out of the cathedral schools and monastic schools, the title of dean was used for officials with various administrative duties. 

Frith is an Old English word meaning "peace; protection; safety, security, freedom, refuge".[1][2]


Derived from Old English friðu, friþ, it is cognate to Old Norse friðr, Old Saxon frithu, Old High German fridu, German Friede, Dutch vrede, West Frisian frede, Luxembourgish Fridden, Icelandic friður, Common Scandinavian fred (all with meanings similar to "peace" or "calm") and also root-cognate to friend.

In Swedish, two different words with different meanings have developed from this word, the words fred (state of no war) and frid (state of no disturbance) and also the expression that something is "fredat/fredad" more or less "peaced" denoting things that are not to be touched such as animals not to be hunted or flowers not to be picked. The English word became obsolete in the Middle English period, but survived into the 17th century in the compound frith-silver "feudal payment".


In Anglo-Saxon and post-Anglo-Saxon culture, the term has a considerably broader scope and meaning. Frith has a great deal to do not only with the state of peace but also with the nature of social relationships conducive to peace. Moreover, it has strong associations with stability and security. The word friþgeard, meaning "asylum, sanctuary" was used for sacrosanct areas. A friþgeard would then be any enclosed area given over to the worship of the gods. Seating oneself on a frith-stool was sometimes a requirement for claiming sanctuary in certain English churches. Frith is also used in the context of fealty, as an expression of the relationship between a lord and his people. Frith is inextricably related to the state of kinship, which is perhaps the strongest indicator of frith. In this respect, the word can be coterminous with another significant Anglo-Saxon root-word, sib (from which the word 'sibling' is derived) - indeed the two are frequently interchanged. In this context, frith goes further than expressing blood ties, and encompasses all the concomitant benefits and duties which kinship engenders.[citation needed] Frith also has a legal significance: peace was effectively maintained in Anglo-Saxon times by the frith-guild, an early manifestation of summary justice. In the post-conquest poem Rime of King William, a deorfrið (literally animal-frith) referred to one of the royal forests set up by William the Conqueror, probably the New Forest. Stefan Jurasinski argued that frið here could have carried the legal notion of protection (Latin: pax).[3][4]

Queen と Trudeau @Windsor Castle

http://tokumei10.blogspot.com › 2022/03 › queen-tru...
2022/03/08 — The original castle was built in the 11th century after the Norman invasion of England by William the Conqueror.

Christopher Biden&William Henry Biden@ British East ...

http://tokumei10.blogspot.com › 2021/01 › christophe...
2021/01/16 — Boigne was impressed by his family ancestry, Skinners having served William the Conqueror in the 11th century.
2015/07/21 — Walter fitz Otho was a Norman in the following of William the Conqueror, the first castellan of the strategic fortress of Windsor and Keeper ...
William the Conqueror of Normandy and England. William (c. AD 1027-1087) was the son of Robert I of Normandy and great-great-great-grandson of the Viking ...
2017/07/22 — ... of the entitled shows horsemen and foot soldiers embarking on a ship bound for the invasion of England by William the Conqueror in 1066.


https://tokumei10.blogspot.com › blog-post_16
In the 10th century Rouen became the capital of the Duchy of Normandy and the residence of the dukes, until William the Conqueror established his castle at ...


Witan@January 6

 January 6 is the sixth day of the year in the Gregorian calendar. 359 days remain until the end of the year (360 in leap years).



 The Witenaġemot (Old Englishwitena ġemōtOld English pronunciation: [ˈwitenɑ jeˈmoːt], modern English /ˈwɪtənəɡəˈmt/ "meeting of wise men"), also known as the Witan (more properly the title of its members), was a political institution in Anglo-Saxon England which operated from before the 7th century until the 11th century. The Witenagemot was an assembly of the ruling class whose primary function was to advise the king and whose membership was composed of the most important noblemen in England, both ecclesiastic and secular. The institution is thought to represent an aristocratic development of the ancient Germanic general assemblies, or folkmoots. In England, by the 7th century, these ancient folkmoots had developed into convocations of the land's most powerful and important people, including ealdormenthegns, and senior clergy, to discuss matters of both national and local significance. 


American Revolution

The "Saxon myth"claimed that the old Saxon Witan originated in a representative assembly of English landholders [citation needed]. The claim was that the original assembly was then subsequently disbanded by the Norman invaders and later reappeared as the Parliament of EnglandThis idea was held across the Thirteen Colonies in North America in the years prior to the American Revolution (1776–1783). Among the believers were Americans including Thomas Jefferson and Jonathan Mayhew.[28]

2015/08/03 — 日の本タビ | 匿名党 via kwout. https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&source= ”An Arrow through his eye” 1066 - Google Search via kwout. https://www.google.co.jp/search?hl= 1066 - Google 検索 via kwout.
2017/07/07 — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caretaker_gene. Caretaker gene - Wikipedia via kwout. http://tokumei10.blogspot.com/2015/08/10661066 via kwout. http://tokumei10.blogspot.com/2014/04/globus-. Globus Cruciger via kwout.
5 日前 — 1066年という年号は、何世代にもわたって英国の小学生の心にしっかりと刻み込まれ続けている。イングランド南東部のヘースティングズの戦いにおいて、現在のフランスにあったノルマンディー公国の君主ノルマンディー ...
2017/07/22 — バイユーのタペストリー(フランス語:Tapisserie de Bayeux)は、1066年のノルマン・コンクエスト(ノルマンディー公兼イングランド王ウィリアム1世によるイングランド征服)の物語の刺繍画である。長辺約70m( ...

「バイユーのタペストリー」と「ロゼッタ・ストーン」 - 匿名党

tokumei10.blogspot.com › 2018/01 › blog-post_29
2018/01/17 — Emmanuel Macron is expected to announce that the artefact depicting the Norman conquest of England after the Battle of Hastings in 1066 will be moved from its current location in Normandy to the UK at an Anglo-French ...
2014/04/05 — Edward the Confessor 1066 - Google Search via kwout. Pope Francis also had a rather personal gift for the Queen – or rather for her newest great-grandson and third in line for the throne, the eight-month-old Prince George.


Downton@Nashville to Bridgerton









 Harry is a male given name, the Middle English form of Henry.[1] It is also a diminutive form of HaroldHarrison or Harvey.[2
 バイユーのタペストリーに描かれている場面は、ノルマン側の言い分を裏付けるものだ。ハロルドがウィリアムへの支持を誓う場面の厳粛さを描くことによって、ノルマン側の正当性と、その後に起こった出来事がノルマン人への裏切りであるという印象を強めている。その出来事とは、エドワード懺悔王が1066年に亡くなった後にハロルドが王位を掌握し、1月にイングランド王ハロルド2世として戴冠することだ。  激怒したウィリアムは、数カ月かけてノルマンディーで軍を整えた後、9月にイングランドに向けて出航した。才能ある司令官だったハロルドは、イングランド北部の反乱鎮圧にあたっていたときに、ウィリアムのサセックス海岸到着の報を受ける。すぐにありったけの兵と物資を集めて南下したものの、ハロルドはヘースティングズの戦いで最期を迎えた。ハロルドの死後、ウィリアムが王座につき、征服王と呼ばれた。




The World Beyond 911


Corunna Virus ➡ Corona Virus

http://tokumei10.blogspot.com › 2020/04 › corunna-v...
2020/04/15 — The Galician word for "crown" is coroa. It is also possible it came about through changes to the French La Couronne, also meaning "the Crown".
2021/12/16 — A more likely possibility is that the name simply means "The Crown", which in Galician is A Coroa and in Spanish is La Corona.


Corunna Virus ➡ Corona Virus


WyndHam Lathem





Y. pestis@ねずみ年 - 匿名党
tokumei10.blogspot.com › 2020/02 › y-pestis
2020/02/11 - The Chinese government's response to this month's outbreak of plague has been marked by temerity and ... The second, the Black Death, spread from Asia into Italy in 1346 and persisted for 400 years, infecting most of the ...

中国製生物兵器 キメラ肺ペスト Chinese Pneumonic Plague ...
tokumei10.blogspot.com › 2020/02 › chinese-pneumonic-plagueyello...
2020/02/12 - Plague cases are not uncommon in China, the news outlet said, but outbreaks have become less frequent. The bubonic plague, known as “Black Death” in the Middle Ages, is a highly infectious and often fatal disease that is ...

メディコ・デッラ・ペステ - 匿名党tokumei10.blogspot.com › 2020/02 › blog-post_932
2020/02/29 - 匿名党tokumei10.blogspot.com › chinese-pneumonic-plagueyellow-death ... 2017/08/07 - ペスト医者(ペストいし、英語: plague doctor )あるいはイタリア語でメディコ・デッラ・ペステ (イタリア語: medico della peste ) とはペスト患者を専門的に治療した医師のことで、黒死病が ... 闇の組織「黒死病」ことBlack Death Group

Trenton Cornell-Duranleau, 26 - 匿名党
tokumei10.blogspot.com › 2017/08 › trenton-cornell-duranleau-26
2017/08/03 - Lathem, 42, is a professor at Northwestern University and is a Black Death expert ... indicate that the pathogen responsible was the Yersinia pestis bacterium, resulting in several forms of plague, including the bubonic plague.



Trenton Cornell-Duranleau, 26 - 匿名党
tokumei10.blogspot.com › 2017/08 › trenton-cornell-duranleau-26
2017/08/03 - ... born in Lennon, Michigan to Diane Cundiff. After his mother died, he was adopted by the Cornell-Duranleau family of Corunna. https://www.google.co.jp/search?hl= Cundiff Lancashire Meaning - Google Search via kwout.

Kung Fu Kapers - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Kung_Fu_Kapers
"Kung Fu Kapers" is an episode of the British comedy television series The Goodies. It caused ... the other two, Bill reveals himself as a master of the secret Lancashire martial art known as "Ecky-Thump"—which mostly revolves around hitting unsuspecting people with black puddings while wearing flat caps and braces.

Goodies fans choose Kung Fu Kapers as favourite episode ...
www.bbc.com › news › uk-england-bristol-51204679
Jan 25, 2020 - The show starred Graeme Garden, Bill Oddie and Tim Brooke-Taylor, collectively known as The Goodies. The festival has brought the three ...

Comedian Tim Brooke-Taylor of The Goodies dies with COVID ...
abcnews.go.com › Entertainment › wireStory › comedian-tim-brooke...
2 days ago - British comedian Tim Brooke-Taylor, a member of comedy trio The Goodies, has died after contracting the new coronavirus.

The Goodies - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › The_Goodies
The Goodies were a trio of British comedians: Tim Brooke-Taylor, Graeme Garden, and Bill ... was unable to stop laughing whilst watching a sketch in the episode "Kung Fu Kapers" in which Tim Brooke-Taylor, dressed as a kilted Scotsman, ...

site://tokumei10.blogspot.com Kung Flu

site://tokumei10.blogspot.com Kung Flu

site://tokumei10.blogspot.com Kung Flu

The 13th Doctor Who - 匿名党
tokumei10.blogspot.com › 2017/07 › the-13th-doctor-who
2017/07/17 - The 13th Doctor Who. https://news.google.com/news/search/section/. Doctor Who - Google News via kwout. Whittaker was born in Skelmanthorpe to Adrian Whittaker, former president of the Huddersfield Cricket League, and ...

Doctor WHO's Sophia Myles - 匿名党
tokumei10.blogspot.com › 2020/04 › doctor-whos-sophia-myles
2020/04/03 - 5 日前 - She was born in Paris, France on July 28, 1933 to parents, Prince Xavier and Madeleine de Bourbon, who had a total of six children (she is pictured left in her youth). The royals are members of the House of Bourbon- ...




ファウチせんせの母校、コーネル大学が感染爆発で閉鎖 感染者は全員2回または3回接種済


34 秒) 
ANALYSIS: If the goal is to prevent infection, the 95 percent vaccination rate on Cornell's campus has not accomplished that. Cornell University has ...
2017/08/03 — Northwestern professor, 42, and Oxford University employee, 56, are wanted for murder after a Chicago hair stylist, 26, was found dead with ...

2020/03/13 — M.D. from Cornell University Medical College in 1966. He then completed an internship and residency at The New York Hospital-Cornell Medical ...


Trenton Cornell-Duranleau, 26

Northwestern professor, 42, and Oxford University employee, 56, are wanted for murder after a Chicago hair stylist, 26, was found dead with 'multiple stab wounds' inside a luxury apartment
American Wyndam Lathem and Briton Andy Warren are 'armed and dangerous'
Friends are wanted for the brutal murder of Trenton Cornell-Duranleau, 26
Ex-bus driver Warren, 56, works in payroll at Oxford and on first trip to America
Lathem, 42, is a professor at Northwestern University and is a Black Death expert
Cornell-Duranleau was found stabbed inside Lathem's Chicago apartment
Police say murder is 'domestic incident' and suspects should hand themselves in

Cornell-Duranleau, a native of Michigan, worked as a hair stylist and loved video games, cars and cartoons, according to his obituary shared on Facebook by his mother.

By Snejana Farberov For Dailymail.com and Martin Robinson, Uk Chief Reporter For Mailonline
Published: 15:41 EDT, 2 August 2017 | Updated: 09:18 EDT, 3 August 2017

An obituary posted by his mother on Facebook said Cornell-Duranleau passed away suddenly and was born in Lennon, Michigan to Diane Cundiff. After his mother died, he was adopted by the Cornell-Duranleau family of Corunna.

で、ジョン・レノンが殺された日、これまた偶然おいらが居た場所がOxford大学のMerton Collegeだったりするわけですよ。(爆wwwwww

Black Death expert

 Corunna (/kəˈrʌnə/ CORE-UN-NUH)[6] is a city and county seat of Shiawassee County in the U.S. state of Michigan.[7] The population was 3,497 at the 2010 census.[8] The city is surrounded by Caledonia Charter Township and is slightly east of the city of Owosso.


Corunna was platted in 1837.[9] It was made the county seat in 1840, incorporated as a village in 1858 and made a city in 1869.[10] Andrew Parsons, tenth Michigan Governor (March 8, 1853 – January 3, 1855), was a long-time resident of Corunna. A historical marker commemorating Parsons in Corunna was erected in 1969.[11]

The city's name comes from the spanish city La Coruña, in the north of Spain





There is no clear evidence as to what the name derives from. It seems to be from Crunia, of unknown origin and meaning. At the time of Ferdinand II of León (reigned 1157–1188) the name Crunia was documented for the first time. As usual in Galician-Portuguese (as well as in Castilian Spanish), the cluster ni naturally evolved into the sound [ɲ], written nnn or nh in old Galician orthography, nn in Spanish (later abbreviated to ñ, like the original Latin cluster "nn"), and nh in Portuguese and alternative Galician spelling. "A" is the Galician-Portuguese article equivalent to English the; compare Castilian Spanish la ("the").

One proposed etymology derives Crunia from Cluny, the town in France. During its height (c. 950–c.1130) the Cluniac religious movement became very prominent in Europe. There is another town named Coruña in Burgos Province.

A more likely possibility is that the name simply means "The Crown", which in Galician is A Coroa and in Spanish is La Corona. It seems less likely that it traces back to the Galician clunia.[citation needed] The name is reputedly from the Greek Κορώνα (Crown), referring to the crown of Geryon that was buried by Hercules under the lighthouse he built to his honour. The hero Hercules slew the giant tyrant Geryon after three days and three nights of continuous battle. Hercules then—in a Celtic gesture—buried the head of Geryon with his weapons and ordered that a city be built on the site. The lighthouse atop a skull and crossbones representing the buried head of Hercules' slain enemy appears in the coat-of-arms of the city of A Coruña, Loukeris (2019).[9][10]

A proxy evolution within the Portuguese language points out to the Latin word Colonya as its origin, where the L was transformed into R which occurs widely in Portuguese. A similar happening can be found today in Coronie, a Surinamese town which also made its course outside the Portuguese system.

A folk etymology incorrectly derives Coruña from the ancient columna, or Tower of Hercules.[citation n


site://tokumei10.blogspot.com Crown of Thorns

site://tokumei10.blogspot.com Crown of Thorns

site://tokumei10.blogspot.com Crown of Thorns

"Like a Stone" is a song by the American rock supergroup Audioslave, released as the second ... Commerford's then 1-year-old son, Xavier was featured in the video.

Like A Stone by Audioslave song meaning, lyric interpretation, ... The video was shot in Jimi Hendrix' old house where he wrote "Purple Haze.





Christopher John Cornell ( Boyle; July 20, 1964 – May 18, 2017) was an American singer, songwriter, and musician best known as the lead vocalist and rhythm guitarist for the rock bands Soundgarden and Audioslave. He also had a solo career and contributed to soundtracks. Cornell was also the founder and frontman of Temple of the Dog, a one-off tribute band dedicated to his late friend Andrew Wood.

2019/01/09 — Christopher is related to the names Chris meaning "Anointed" and christop meaning "follower of Christ" or "little Christ"





site://tokumei10.blogspot.com Skinners

site://tokumei10.blogspot.com Skinners

site://tokumei10.blogspot.com Skinners


bABEl@Sixes and Sevens











19 件のコメント:

ミネ さんのコメント...



匿名 さんのコメント...

煙が出て松w きんぐさん 噂のように1&2のように縁起悪いのかな 人気なさそうだしw 10年ぐらいはもつのかな?

匿名 さんのコメント...


匿名 さんのコメント...


匿名 さんのコメント...


匿名 さんのコメント...

・bateman→boat man→viking?
・king signal→~からの伝言?

frith→peace & prosperity. (in norse) arm of the sea,river→freyr?
・billy batのコウモリって…

匿名 さんのコメント...

freyr, viking,毛皮派,寡黙な方のイエス,イギリス聖歌「エルサレム」,リアルダヴィンチコード,covid19/corona作戦…もしそうなら壮大なタイトル回収&リアル神回(゚∀゚)
なんかauribus oculi fideliores suntの供給過剰でしんどい….w

匿名 さんのコメント...


匿名 さんのコメント...

viking→vie king→living king, king of life

匿名 さんのコメント...

なのでno life kingは敵
ノーライフキング いとうせいこう

匿名 さんのコメント...

・no mrna? . ( ゚∀゚)アハハハハ
・nor man?

匿名 さんのコメント...

なのでnorman = mrnaを打たない(or mrnaが無い?) & 人間ではない生命体orなにか
SF展開に…( ゚Д゚)

匿名 さんのコメント...

ばいきんまん (ワクチンマン)

life kingに通じるものを感じるw
normanはno romanともとれるかな?
site://tokumei10.blogspot.com ワクチンマン

匿名 さんのコメント...

greek st. について

→本記事表題の「batemanからenglishの"e"を取る」( ゚Д゚)ナルホド!


匿名 さんのコメント...

・乗っとる , 奪う
・vik-ing 移動する,カーブしてる,曲がるなにか
・vi-king 勝負する,挑戦する,競う"king"or王
・king - the most important chess piece, of which each player has one, which the opponent has to checkmate in order to win. The king can move in any direction, including diagonally, to any adjacent square that is not attacked by an opponent's piece or pawn.


匿名 さんのコメント...

・batman→ norman + viking
・norman→ batmanの実体を説明
・viking→ batmanの本質や性質みたいな事を説明

5月5日(10)のthe dog & duck来店は未来(守るもの、警戒or捨てるもの)を示唆し戦うことを宣言した重要イベントだったと推察


匿名 さんのコメント...

= boatmanとして働く者
= 反するものと戦う者

= boat ←アングロサクソン"bat"から派生(じゃなんでわざわざ"e"をつけたの?)
= 消す, 終わらせる,弱らせる
= 打ちのめす

= 何かを打つor叩く物(boatの意味からoarかpaddleの事?)
= コウモリ,皮をstrikeするもの
←中世英"bakke"←印欧祖"bhlag-" (to strike)
…って事はcometsの"shake, rattle and roll"はbatmanのテーマソング!?( ゚д゚)
16世紀英方言では"flitter-mouse"←古高地独"fledaron" (to flutter)
…スペル発音違うけどrocky horrorのフルター博士を思い出す( ゚д゚)

batman =boatのような何かに乗り、自身の皮で飛び瞬間移動する甲高い音を出す何か
超音波を発するラッパを吹く羽が生えてるHomo Superiorが出現したらHomo Sapiensは例外なく絶滅する
安定のSF…( ´∀`)

Christian Baleのアメリカン・サイコとバットマンシリーズがリンクしてそう…繋がっていくなぁ

匿名 さんのコメント...

外側からそっと観察してる感じがするし、今まで調べた言葉とどこか似たような感じもします( ゚Д゚)

ヒナコウモリ科 「コウモリ」の由来 蚊を食べるから「蚊欲(かほり)」が転じたという説

匿名 さんのコメント...

