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ビタミンD (vitamin D) は、ビタミンの一種であり、脂溶性ビタミンに分類される。必須栄養素だが、日光浴によって生合成もされる。カルシウムの働きに関わり骨などの健康に関与する。ビタミンDはさらにビタミンD2(エルゴカルシフェロール、Ergocalciferol)とビタミンD3(コレカルシフェロール、Cholecalciferol)に分けられる。ビタミンD2は大部分の植物性食品には含まれず、キノコ類に含まれているのみであり[1]、ビタミンD3は動物に多く含まれ、ヒトではビタミンD3が重要な働きを果たしている。ちなみにビタミンD1は、ビタミンD2を主成分とする混合物に対して誤って与えられた名称であるため、現在は用いられない。
また、ビタミンDは免疫反応などへの関与も示唆されている。作用機構および機能の多様性から、ビタミンAとともにホルモンに分類されることがある。 ビタミンDはコレステロール合成の前駆体である7-デヒドロコレステロールから人体内で合成できるが、消化管からのビタミンDの吸収が低下すると容易にビタミンD欠乏症になる。
Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2018 Jun; 84(6): 1121–1127.
Published online 2018 Apr 16. doi: 10.1111/bcp.13573PMCID: PMC5980613PMID: 29498758A review of the growing risk of vitamin D toxicity from inappropriate practice
Vitamin D is a particularly important sterol hormone, with evidence emerging of its beneficial effects well beyond bone. In consequence of this and increased global recognition of vitamin D deficiency in the general population, there has been a resurgence in treatment with vitamin D preparations. However, the increasing use of vitamin D treatments has also seen a substantial increase in the number of reports of vitamin D intoxication, with the majority (75%) of reports published since 2010. Many of these cases are a consequence of inappropriate prescribing, and the use of high‐dose over‐the‐counter preparations or unlicensed preparations. This review highlights that the majority of cases were preventable and discusses the inappropriate use of poorly formulated, and unlicensed vitamin D preparations.
Keywords: hypervitaminosis D, iatrogenic, toxic, toxicity, vitamin DIntroduction
Vitamin D is somewhat of a misnomer as it is, in fact, a potent sterol hormone 1. In consequence, there has been considerable research interest focused on this molecule over the past decade, particularly when compared with the relatively stable research output associated with other vitamins (Figures 1 and and2).2). The high prevalence of vitamin D deficiency is well recognized in Europe but is in fact a global problem, with female adolescents in the Middle East at particular risk 2, 3, 4, 5. This, and the beneficial effects of treatment on areas beyond bone 1, may have prompted the marked increase in the use of vitamin D therapies 6. Similarly, population‐based guidelines 7 and advice from chief medical officers 8 have further supported the widespread use of vitamin D supplementation, with a recommended intake of 400 IU per day for those aged 4 years and above in the UK. However, vitamin D treatment is not without risk, as vitamin D toxicity is a potentially serious adverse effect of treatment. Vitamin D deficiency may also rise with increasing obesity rates as obesity is a key risk factor for vitamin D deficiency 9.
Sterol is an organic compound with formula C
28O, whose molecule is derived from that of gonane by replacement of a hydrogen atom in position 3 by a hydroxyl group. It is therefore an alcohol of gonane. More generally, any compounds that contain the gonane structure, additional functional groups, and/or modified ring systems derived from gonane are called steroids. Therefore, sterols are a subgroup of the steroids.