


DEVELOPING: Americans stranded in Sudan with no evacuation plans by

. There are 16,000 Americans registered in Sudan, many others do not register. People contacting me to say their relatives and colleagues and pastors are stranded in Sudan. Saudi Arabia and others have evacuated their citizens while the US has only evacuated government personnel. With the US Embassy shut and government personnel evacuated, it's difficult to coordinate the evacuation of other Americans stranded in Sudan. Many relatives worried as another US embassy shut.



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ペドとか、ロリとか、ショタとかかな? w

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US stalls South Korea’s NPP export plans
11 April 2023

The US government has rejected Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power’s (KHNP’s) report on the tender for a nuclear power plant project in the Czech Republic. This has increased concerns that Korea’s plans to boost its nuclear reactor exports may continue to be stalled by ongoing litigation with Westinghouse Electric Company.


Westinghouse insists that the Korean companies are using its technologies and so they need to obtain the approval of the US government before exporting them to a third country. Westinghouse company is also asking the court to block KHNP’s potential deal with Saudi Arabia.

Korea, on the other hand, claims that, while early development of its reactor technology was supported by Westinghouse, the current models it is seeking to export were developed using its own technologies and are not subject to US restrictions. KHNP says the company has developed original reactor technology over the past 30 years and now owns the intellectual property rights to its nuclear power plant technology.


The Investor suggests that if settlement negotiations between South Korea and Washington fail, Kepco and KHNP “could continue to pursue reactor exports despite the legal challenge and potentially suffer the commercial and legal fallout from Westinghouse and Washington”. However, “Warsaw and Prague might be reluctant to move forward on Korean-supplied reactor deals if the US government applies enough pressure.” The Saudi deal, however, remains a possibility.

匿名 さんのコメント...

ちょっとした騒ぎになってるようですね 英も 助けるもともと法律はないってw よくもまぁ言えますねw じゃ今まではなんだったのか?w 米は1万6千ですか 結構多いですよね いったいこんな多くの人々はなにしてたのでしょう?複数の企業やエロイものかな?にしてエグイねバイデン閣下w 他の国は他国の人も乗せて退避してるようですしね 切り捨て以外思えませんよね 今後はそうするということでしょうかね? なら・・・海外に出る人は安全なとこしか行かなくなりますよねw
