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Why the snake had another snake in its mouth

Mitch believes the red-belly had recently finished consuming the eastern brown tail and was resting when he arrived. Unaware the reptile had recently eaten, he pulled it by the tail to bag and relocate it. “Only once I got it out in the open the head popped out,” he said. “I had to look at it for a few seconds just to confirm that it was actually a snake sticking out of another snake's mouth.”

When he opened his bag to release the snakes, the smaller one could no longer be seen, leading Mitch to believe it had been consumed.


The red-bellied black snake (Pseudechis porphyriacus) is a species of venomous snake in the family Elapidae, indigenous to Australia. Originally described by George Shaw in 1794 as a species new to science, it is one of eastern Australia's most commonly encountered snakes. Averaging around 1.25 m (4 ft 1 in) in length, it has glossy black upperparts, bright red or orange flanks, and a pink or dull red belly. It is not aggressive and generally retreats from human encounters, but can attack if provoked. Although its venom can cause significant illness, no deaths have been recorded from its bite, which is less venomous than other Australian elapid snakes. The venom contains neurotoxins, myotoxins, and coagulants and has haemolytic properties. Victims can also lose their sense of smell. 

The red-bellied black snake was first described and named by English naturalist George Shaw in Zoology of New Holland (1794) as Coluber porphyriacus.[4] Incorrectly assuming it was harmless and not venomous,[5] he wrote, "This beautiful snake, which appears to be unprovided with tubular teeth or fangs, and consequently not of a venomous nature, is three, sometimes four, feet in nature."[4] The species name is derived from the Greek porphyrous, which can mean "dark purple", "red-purple" or "beauteous".[6][7] It was the first Australian elapid snake described.[5] The syntype is presumed lost.[2] French naturalist Bernard Germain de Lacépède described it under the name Trimeresurus leptocephalus in 1804.[8] His countryman René Lesson described it as Acanthophis tortor in 1826.[9] German biologist Hermann Schlegel felt it was allied with cobras and called it Naja porphyrica in 1837.[10]

The eastern brown snake (Pseudonaja textilis), often referred to as the common brown snake, is a species of highly venomous snake in the family Elapidae. The species is native to eastern and central Australia and southern New Guinea. It was first described by André Marie Constant Duméril, Gabriel Bibron, and Auguste Duméril in 1854. The adult eastern brown snake has a slender build and can grow to 2 m (7 ft) in length. The colour of its surface ranges from pale brown to black, while its underside is pale cream-yellow, often with orange or grey splotches. The eastern brown snake is found in most habitats except dense forests, often in farmland and on the outskirts of urban areas, as such places are populated by its main prey, the house mouse. The species is oviparous. The International Union for Conservation of Nature classifies the snake as a least-concern species, though its status in New Guinea is unclear.

Considered the world's second-most venomous land snake after the inland taipan (Oxyuranus microlepidotus), based on its LD50 value (subcutaneous) in mice, it is responsible for about 60% of human snake-bite deaths in Australia.[a] The main effects of its venom are on the circulatory systemcoagulopathy, haemorrhage (bleeding), cardiovascular collapse, and cardiac arrest. One of the main components of the venom is the prothrombinase complex pseutarin-C, which breaks down prothrombin

John White, the surgeon-general of the First Fleet to New South Wales, wrote, A Journal of a Voyage to New South Wales in 1790, which described many Australian animal species for the first time. In it, he reported a snake that fits the description of the eastern brown snake,[5] but did not name it.[6] French zoologists André Marie Constant Duméril, Gabriel Bibron, and Auguste Duméril were the first to describe the species in 1854. They gave it the binomial name Furina textilisfurine tricotée (knitted furin) in French – from a specimen collected in October 1846 by Jules Verreaux, remarking that the fine-meshed pattern on the snake's body reminded him of fine stockings, which was the inspiration for the name.[7] Due to differences in appearance, different specimens of the eastern brown snake were categorised as different species in the early 19th century. German herpetologist Johann Gustav Fischer described it as Pseudoelaps superciliosus in 1856, from a specimen collected from Sydney.[8] German-British zoologist Albert Günther described the species as Demansia annulata in 1858.[9] Italian naturalist Giorgio Jan named Pseudoelaps sordellii and Pseudoelaps kubingii in 1859.[10]

Gerard Krefft, curator of the Australian Museum, reclassified Duméril, Bibron, and Duméril's species in the genus Pseudonaia [sic] in 1862 after collecting multiple specimens and establishing that the markings of young snakes faded as they grew into adult brown snakes. He concluded the original description was based on an immature specimen and sent an adult to Günther,[11] who catalogued it under the new name the same year when cataloguing new species of snakes in the British Museum's collection.[12] After examining all specimens, Günther concluded that Furina textilis and Diemansia annulata were named for young specimens and Pseudoelaps superciliosus, P. sordelli, and P. kubingii were named for adults, and all represented the same species, which he called Diemenia superciliosa.[13] Belgian-British naturalist George Albert Boulenger called it Diemenia textilis in 1896, acknowledging Duméril, Bibron, and Duméril's name as having priority.[14] In subsequent literature, it was known as Demansia textilis as Diemenia was regarded as an alternate spelling of Demansia.[15]



12 件のコメント:

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I'm forming a Super PAC to Draft RFK Jr. to run for President
Wanna help?

Steve Kirsch6 hr ago
Amazon.com: Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: books, biography, latest update
The federal agencies are so brain damaged it will take major surgery to fix them. Congress clearly isn’t up to the task. We need new leadership in the White House.

I can’t think of anyone more qualified to clean up the mess and unite the country than RFK Jr.

So I’m putting together a Super PAC to encourage him to run for President on the Democratic side against Biden.

If you'd like to help out, please fill out the form here. There will be both volunteer and paid opportunities available.

If you have worked for a Super PAC before, it’s especially helpful to me if you register, even if your time is limited.


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> アカハラクロヘビ


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Disclose.tv on Twitter: "NEW - Shamanism is now Britain's "fastest-growing" religion amid growing "climate change" anxiety. https://t.co/SExB0PgmRZ" / Twitter

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Freemasonry Pushes Church of England to Back Plans to Bless Gay Couples and Drop the Phrase ‘Our Father’ from the Lord’s Prayer – Leo Zagami

ミネ さんのコメント...


の前に 生殺し っつ行程があるのねw

草木 さんのコメント...

>2023年2月14日 3:52




匿名 さんのコメント...

French Historian: World War III Has Already Begun | ZeroHedge

草木 さんのコメント...

>2023年2月14日 20:20


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Superantigenic character of an insert unique to SARS-CoV-2 spike supported by skewed TCR repertoire in patients with hyperinflammation

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Firstly, you can see that the PRRAR is unique to Sars Cov 2 compared to the other corona viruses, and therefore is likely to be the result of Gain of Function research.

GABRIEL さんのコメント...



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なーに気にすることもない 心当たりのある人々があの世にry