

 Substack raised an initial seed round in 2018 from investors including The Chernin Group, Zhen Fund, Twitch CEO Emmett Shear, and Zynga co-founder Justin Waldron.[28] Andreessen Horowitz provided $15.3 million in Series A funding in 2019, some of which went to bringing high-profile writers into Substack's network.[29]

 Malaria No More UK is a charity working to combat malaria in Africa. The Malaria No More UK office is located in London.[1]

Malaria No More UK launched in 2009.The charity is made up of a small team working on advocacy, communications & fundraising projects across the UK & Africa.[citation needed]

Malaria No More UK is run by an Executive Director, who reports to a Board of Trustees including Entrepreneur Heather Rabbatts; Peter Chernin, Co-founder of Malaria No More and Simon Fuller, Founder of XIX Entertainment.

Malaria No More was founded in the US at the White House Summit on Malaria in 2006 by former News Corporation President Peter Chernin and Wall Street pioneer Ray Chambers, now the first UN Special Envoy on Malaria. Malaria No More Affiliates operate in the UK, US, Netherlands, Canada and Japan and together they form part of a growing global network of organisations tackling malaria under the Roll Back Malaria Partnership, including the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.[citation needed]


ZhenFund (Chinese: 真格基金; pinyin: Zhēngé jījīn) is a Beijing-based venture capital firm founded in 2011 by New Oriental co-founders Bob Xu and Victor Wang. It is considered one of the largest Angel investors in China.[2]

In 2011, Bob Xu and Victor Wang established ZhenFund in collaboration with Sequoia Capital China.[1] Bob and Victor previously co-founded New Oriental, one of the largest education conglomerates in China.

The firm invests in early stage ventures, seed stages, series A, series B, and series C rounds.

It invests in various industry fields such as the internet, technology, artificial intelligence, corporate services, healthcare and education.[citation needed]

ZhenFund is headquartered in Beijing with additional offices in Shanghai, Shenzhen and Palo Alto.[3]

Jun 3, 2021 — ... in a new funding round jointly led by Sequoia Capital China, state-backed China Merchants Medical and Healthcare Industry Equity Fund, ...
Jun 4, 2021 — ... million) to bankroll development of an mRNA vaccine against COVID-19. Sequoia Capital China co-led the financing with backers including ...

まあ要するに米国の著名反ワクチン派は全員、ユダヤ方面のワクチン推進派の回し者、要するにソフトランディング工作推進要員なわけですよ。マローンせんせとかDr. Geert Vanden Bosscheとか全員・・・(爆wwwwwwww

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> Malaria No More UK

