
バイクに乗ったエルビスの息子ことロビー・クニーヴェル勇者 死去


Evel Knievel's son Robbie Knievel dies at age 60: The daredevil who had a stunning 350 motorcycle jumps under his belt passes away after cancer battle

  • Evel Knievel's son Robbie Knievel - who was also known as Kaptain - died at 60
  • The daredevil passed away in hospice following battle with pancreatic cancer
  • He took after his father's career of jumping his motorcycle over objects
  • One of his biggest jumps was in 2009 when he jumped over the man-made volcano in front of the Mirage Hotel on the Las Vegas Strip
  • Evel was so famous in the 1970s he was a regular on The Tonight Show 
  • Evel retired in 1981 after breaking more than 40 bones in his body 

 Robert Craig "Evel" Knievel (/kəˈnvəl/; October 17, 1938 – November 30, 2007) was an American stunt performer and entertainer. Over the course of his career, he attempted more than 75 ramp-to-ramp motorcycle jumps. Knievel was inducted into the Motorcycle Hall of Fame in 1999.[1] He died of pulmonary disease in Clearwater, Florida, in 2007, aged 69.



リサ・マリー・プレスリー勇者 急死 マイケル・ジャクソン、ニコラス・ケイジと結婚



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