
韓国 一価ワクチンの提供停止へ 低迷してた二価ワクチンの接種率が再び上昇傾向





Government to shorten vaccination interval to 90 days

  • Published 2022.11.23 16:06The government said it will reduce the interval between Covid-19 vaccinations from the current 120 days to 90 days, regardless of the number of vaccinations, from Thursday this week. 

The new measure comes after an analysis of neutralizing antibodies against the Omicron variant for high-risk groups showed that the neutralizing antibody titer starts to decrease seven weeks after receiving the second booster shot.

The government's prediction that the winter epidemic peak may come earlier than expected also played a role in the decision.

Health officials said they decided to use booster inoculations during the winter season with only the improved bivalent vaccines, which produce higher neutralizing antibody titers than existing monovalent vaccines.

As a result, Korea will no longer provide Pfizer, Moderna, Novavax, and SK Bioscience's monovalent vaccine from Dec. 17. 

Accordingly, reservations of monovalent vaccines for the first and second booster vaccinations will be suspended from Monday next week.

As the government has been actively encouraging vaccination, such as operating an intensive vaccination period from Monday, the vaccination rate has recently been on the rise.

While the vaccination rate for those aged 60 or older in the first week of November (Nov. 1-7) was 10.7 percent, it rose to 17.1 percent in the third week of November (Nov. 15-21).

In the case of vulnerable facilities, the vaccination rate rose significantly from 7.2 percent to 17.4 percent during the same period, and the average number of vaccinations per day increased from around 2,000 to over 5,000.

On Wednesday, Korea added 70,324 new Covid-19 infections, including 69 cases from abroad, bringing the total caseload to 26,725,053, according to the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency (KDCA).

The nation also reported 53 more Covid-19 deaths, raising the death toll to 30,164. The fatality rate stood at 0.11 percent. The number of critically ill patients came to 477, up 16 from the previous day, the KDCA said.

According to the KDCA, about 44.69 million among 52 million Koreans have been fully vaccinated. In addition, about 33.69 million people had received their first booster shots, and 7.58 million had their second booster shots.



Gov't offers incentives to bivalent vaccine recipients 

Starting Monday, people who receive an updated COVID-19 vaccine will be offered free tickets to traditional palaces as an incentive offered by the government to individuals getting a booster shot ahead of a possible surge in infections this winter.

More than one month has passed since the government rolled out the bivalent vaccines targeting Omicron subvariants, but a mere 5.4 percent of eligible recipients have been inoculated as of Friday.

The country is bracing for a surge in infections this winter, with the number of daily cases hovering at around 50,000 in recent days. The government predicts the figure to reach as high as 200,000 in the coming weeks.

Against this backdrop, health authorities have decided to implement a "carrot and stick" approach to encourage people to roll up their sleeves for a bivalent vaccine dose that offers protection against BA.4 and BA.5 variants.

The Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency (KDCA) has designated a four-week special period for the administration of bivalent vaccines from Monday through Dec. 18, aiming to reach a 50-percent inoculation rate among the elderly population aged 60 and over.

During that period, hospitals will offer walk-in vaccinations, and individuals who receive the bivalent dose will get discounts to templestay programs and free tickets to traditional palaces and gardens. Local governments of regions with high vaccination rates will be offered rewards and subsidies.

Meanwhile, residents of long-term care facilities who have not received a bivalent booster dose will be banned from going outside. The single booster dose can be administered four months after completing a primary vaccination or infection, according to the KDCA.

The KDCA added that high-ranking government officials, such as ministers and local government heads, will soon receive the doses to encourage people to follow suit.

But it remains to be seen whether these measures will be effective in increasing the vaccination rate. A recent survey conducted by Hangil research on 1,000 adults aged 18 and above found that 65 percent of the respondents did not trust the safety of the bivalent vaccine.

As for reasons why, when allowed multiple answers, they said, the vaccines don't seem to offer proper protection from the virus (34 percent), they were concerned about possible side effects (28 percent), they were worried about getting too many COVID-19 vaccines (22 percent) and felt it was not necessary to get a vaccine after prior infection (21 percent).


4 件のコメント:

GABRIEL さんのコメント...


匿名 さんのコメント...


匿名 さんのコメント...

それはいいですね さすがです 引き続き接種率を上げられるといいと思います

ミネ さんのコメント...

2カ月切るペース さすが!

ニカ頼むニダ とオーダーして