
スナイプスパイクすってんてん You never know why


要するにWarning Labelですな。(爆wwwwwwwwwww

Hey Man!Your Jab is Spiked!





site://tokumei10.blogspot.com D-Frag!

site://tokumei10.blogspot.com D-Frag!

site://tokumei10.blogspot.com D-Frag!




洗礼により許される原罪とは異なり、抗原原罪は「詰み」すなわち『世界規模でGame Over Dudes』なのだよ

2021/09/20 — ... て スナイプスパイクすってんてんYou never know why そうでしょ? 好戦的なギークの集団 野望絶望太公望 なんて外道なまでに 劇的な下衆ゲーム ...
スナイプスパイクすってんてん ... たとえ勇者様が世界を救わなくても あるいは魔王様が世界を灭ぼさずとも あたしとっても fever ever never ゲームオーバー alright
2022/05/29 — ... 応報な 版権的に挑戦的絡まって 噛み付いて スナイプスパイクすってんてん ... 勇者様が世界を救わなくてもあるいは魔王様が世界を滅ぼさずとも.

2014/01/23 — あんぱん喰って因果応報な 版権的に挑戦的絡まって 噛み付いて スナイプスパイクすってんてん2. ゲーム製作ぶちかましYO! 3.
回答 2 件  ·  ベストアンサー: 1. >あんぱん喰って因果応報な 版権的に挑戦的 戦いをする前の腹ごし ...
... て スナイプスパイクすってんてん. You never know why そうでしょ? 好戦的なギークの集団 野望絶望太公望 なんて外道なまでに 劇的な下衆ゲーム製作ぶちかましYO!



  1. 〔隠れた所からの〕狙撃
  2. 卑劣な人
  3. 《鳥》シギ
  1. 〔隠れた所から人を〕狙撃する
  2. 〔卑劣な方法で〕(誹謗)中傷する、けなす
  3. シギ猟をする
  4. オンラインオークション終了間際に競り落とす、スナイプする


  1. 犬くぎ、先の鋭くとがったもの[部分]
  2. 《魚》〔小型の〕若サバ◆およそ15cm以下のものを指す。
  3. 若い鹿の枝分かれしていない真っすぐな一本の角
  4. 《バレーボール》スパイク◆ネット際でジャンプしてボールを強打すること。
  5. 《アメフト》スパイク◆タッチダウン後にボールを地面にたたきつける勝利のしぐさ
  6. 〔グラフなどの〕急な山形◆急上昇して急下降する形。
  7. 《電気》スパイク◆パルス波形の一部分で発生する瞬時過渡現象
  8. 〔物価などの〕急騰、急伸
  9. 《heels》〈話〉〔女性の先のとがった〕ヒール靴◆【同】spike heel
  10. 〔塀などの〕忍び返し
  1. 〔~を〕犬くぎで止める、犬くぎで固定する、〔~に〕スパイクを打ちつける、犬くぎを打ち込む
  2. 〔~を〕スパイクする
  3. 〔アルコールの入っていない飲み物に〕アルコールを入れる
  4. 〈俗〉〔記事などを〕没にする
  5. 〔他人の飲み物などに〕こっそり別の物を混ぜる◆【用法】spike + 飲み物 + with + 薬物・毒物など
    ・Spam has spiked. : スパムメール[迷惑メール]が急増している。◆sとsで韻を合わせて





Needle spiking

Needle spiking (also called injection spiking) is a phenomenon initially reported in the UK and Ireland where people have found themselves subjected to surreptitious injection of unidentified sedative drugs, usually in a crowded environment such as the dancefloor of a nightclub, and producing symptoms such as sedation and amnesia typical of date rape drugs. No verified toxicological results have been published showing the presence of known incapacitating agents in alleged victims; the prevalence of genuine cases is unknown and has been controversial, with some experts expressing doubts as to how easily such injections could be carried out without it being immediately obvious to the victim.[1][2][3][4][5]



56 reported claims of spiking by injection were recorded in September and October 2021.[6] In Nottingham, where 15 reports of needle spiking were made in October, police identified one case where a victim's injury "could be consistent with a needle".[7] In November that year, three men were arrested following reports in Brighton and Eastbourne;[8] and it was reported that people were kept inside a Yorkshire nightclub for two hours following allegations two women had been spiked with needles.[9] In Northern Ireland, the PSNI began an investigation after a woman believed she was spiked with a needle in Omagh on 6 November 2021.[10]

In December 2021, Nottinghamshire Police Service had received 146 reports of suspected needle spiking. Nine arrests were made but no suspects were subsequently charged.[11] VICE News were informed by the National Police Chiefs' Council (NPCC) of 274 reported cases between September-November 2021 in the UK. The NPCC said that no cases of injection of drugs had been confirmed, and that there was one confirmed case of "needle-sticking", involving someone being jabbed, but not necessarily spiked, with a needle; investigations were continuing to determine whether the needle contained any spiking drugs.[12]

Despite the allegations, there has not been a single prosecution from needle spiking in the UK. Furthermore, experts from the scientific and academic community have claimed the likelihood of being spiked by injection is extremely unlikely. Prof Adam Winstock, a trained consultant psychiatrist from the Global Drugs Survey, explained that “Needles have to be inserted with a level of care […] The idea these things can be randomly given through clothes in a club is just not that likely."[13]


Since the summer of 2021, over 100 cases of needle spiking have been reported in French nightclubs.[14] In May 2022, the Ministry of the Interior commented that it had found the majority of those reporting incidents had been injected with something; their spokesman said, "Too often the absence of traces detected cannot be interpreted as the absence of an injection, but as sampling too late."[14]


In Ireland, the Garda Síochána carried out multiple needle spiking investigations in October and November 2021.[15] The first known report of needle spiking in Ireland was on 27 October 2021, when a woman was spiked with a needle in a Dublin nightclub.[16]


There has been an incident of needle spiking of football supporters in May 2022 during a match between KV Mechelen and Racing Genk. Fourteen soccer fans from the same section of the stadium felt a prick and subsequently became unwell.[17]

More recently in the city of Hasselt (Limburg) twenty-four youngsters became unwell at teen festival We R Young after what is thought to be an incident of needle spiking. There is still debate as to whether this may have been an incident of group panic happening. [18]


In May 2022, Australian musician Zoé Zanias of Linea Aspera claimed she was attacked in a needle-spiking at the Berghain nightclub in Berlin, suffering from respiratory depression and an unwanted "psychedelic" experience as a result.[19][20]


As of summer 2022, the Spanish police have registered 23 cases in Catalonia, mostly in the tourist town of Lloret de Mar and in Barcelona, and 12 in the Basque Country.[21]


On 13 August 2022 the Street Parade, a large open air rave event with hundreds of thousands of participants, took place in Zurich. A total of 8 female attendees contacted first aid services claiming needle spiking attacks. One of the victims, a 16 year old woman, was allegedly spiked 14 times.[22]

Social media claims

Claims of spiking by injection have been propagated on social media, alongside other claims of drink spiking.[23][24][25]


Concerns have been raised by campaigners, politicians and student bodies.[23] In October 2021 it was reported that British home secretary Priti Patel had requested police forces investigate the alleged incidents.[7] In December that year, the Home Affairs Select Committee launched a new inquiry into spiking, including needle spiking, and the effectiveness of the police response to it.[26]

Boycotts and tougher checks

In response, a number of women from university cities decided to boycott nightclubs for "girls' nights in".[27][28] Campaigners also called on nightclubs to impose tougher checks on entry; an online petition on the issue was considered by Parliament on 4 November 2021, where it was decided no changes to the law should be made.[6][29]


7 件のコメント:

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スパイク (ゲーム会社) - 日本のゲーム会社。 → ダンガンロンパw

スパイク - アニメ『トムとジェリー』の登場人物。『ドルーピー』にも同じ名前のキャラクターが存在する。
スパイク・ウィットウィッキー - アニメ『トランスフォーマー』シリーズの登場人物。
スパイク・スピーゲル - アニメ『カウボーイビバップ』の主人公。
スパイク - 漫画『仮面ライダーSPIRITS』の登場人物。
スパイク - 漫画『ピーナッツ』の登場人物。スヌーピーの兄。
スパイク (バフィーの登場人物) - テレビドラマ『バフィー 〜恋する十字架〜』の登場人物。

スパイク (お笑い) - 吉本興業のお笑いコンビ。

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匿名 さんのコメント...

@eVDBGQP1vRkvakv: ゲノムに取り込まれているとしか思えないこの病態なんてもう最悪で、永続的にスパイクを産生する奴が既に存在する可能性が高いわけだよ。で、コイツが氏ぬだけだったらいいが蛋白の恐怖をもっとみんなが真剣に考えるべき。考えてみな、わからないから誰も言わないだけで、花粉だって蛋白だよ笑 https://twitter.com/eVDBGQP1vRkvakv/status/1566793686079664128 https://twitter.com/eVDBGQP1vRkvakv/status/1566796034470481922/photo/1

@eVDBGQP1vRkvakv: ゲノムに取り込まれた人間がどの程度いるか知らないけど、これからもどんどん打って、一時的にしろ、永続的にしろ、スギ花粉みたいにこれがまき散らされたら、どんな影響が出るかね。打ってなきゃいいとか、そういう問題ではないんだよ、既に。 https://twitter.com/eVDBGQP1vRkvakv/status/1566796034470481922

匿名 さんのコメント...

なんて口の悪い 勇者さまが怯んだらどうするのですか もっとまろやかに表現してあげてください スパイクは見えないからダイジョウブです ちょっと聞き間違えたらスパイスぐらいですバカはしななきゃなおらんていうでしょ ダイジョウブです

匿名 さんのコメント...


スパッパッパラッパーwwwwパッパッパッパッパラッパーwwwwスパッパラッパーwww Snipe & Spike !!wwww

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