
両方とも同じGloverなのにトーマス・グラバーとロジャー・グローバー@Deep Purple・Rainbow



エリザベス★@ Balmoral @スコットランド



The Butterfly's Ball, and the Grasshopper's Feast is a poem by William Roscoe, written in 1802, and telling the story of a party for insects and other small animals.


Two anonymous sequels were The Peacock 'At Home' and The Lion's Masquerade and the Elephant's Champetre, both initially credited to "A Lady", and describing similar parties for birds and large mammals. The Peacock 'At Home' was very popular and the 1809 edition revealed the author to be Catherine Ann Dorset.[1]

The Butterfly Ball and the Grasshopper's Feast is also the title of a 1973 picture book by Alan Aldridge and William Plomer, loosely based on the poem. This greatly expanded and altered the original work, focusing more on the animals' preparations for the Ball. Aldridge went on to create two more books based on the sequels; The Peacock Party and The Lion's Cavalcade.[citation needed]

An animated short based on Aldridge's illustrations, but once more focusing on the Ball itself, was made in 1974, with Roger Glover writing the accompanying song 'Love Is All", based on the song "Love's All You Need" mentioned in the book. This was supposed to lead to a full length animated film, which did not get made. However, Glover had written a full soundtrack, which was performed and released as a rock opera, The Butterfly Ball and the Grasshopper's Feast.[2]



香川照之プロデュースの昆虫子供服、ブランド続行を発表 性加害疑惑報道を謝罪、体制変更も


高級クラブのホステス女性への性加害疑惑が報じられた俳優香川照之(56)がプロデュースする、昆虫モチーフの服育ブランド「INSECT MARKET(インセクトマーケット)」が9日、公式サイトを更新。報道について謝罪し、体制をリニューアルすると発表した。  「INSECT MARKET」は、香川による自然教育絵本シリーズ「INSECT LAND」を原作とする、NHK Eテレで放送されたアニメ「インセクトランド」関連グッズや、昆虫と草花をモチーフにした「インセクトガーデン」を扱う昆虫アパレルブランド。通販サイトで商品を販売するほか、東京・二子玉川には直営店も展開している。



A memoir of an English boy growing up on the Greek island of Corfu recounts the author's humorous adventures as he collects all kinds of animals and insects and ...
2 pages
Jan 24, 2021 — The book is a memoir about the adventures of his family and about his interests in animals, bugs and birds on the island. Right from their ...

Gerald, the youngest boy, loves animals and insects. He brings scorpions, spiders, birds, snakes and other animals to the house, and they get him into lots ...

Founded under the name Wildlife Preservation Trust International in 1971 by British naturalist, author, and television personality Gerald Durrell, it became The Wildlife Trust in 1999.[11] In the fall of 2010, the organization changed its name to EcoHealth Alliance.[12] The rebrand reflected a change in the organization's focus, moving from solely a conservation nonprofit which focused mainly on the captive breeding of endangered species, to an environmental health organization with its foundation in conservation.[13]

2021/06/06 — In the West, students are taught that the Black Death originated in China and swept across Central Asia into Europe via the Silk Road. To all ...
2021/06/06 — Peter Daszak is a British zoologist, consultant and public expert on disease ecology, ... government responses · political impact · Crimea · ...
2022/03/10 — ロシア国防省は10日、「(米国の支援を受けた)ウクライナの研究所が、コウモリのコロナウイルスのサンプルを使った実験をしていた」と主張した。
2021/09/08 — 2021/08/12 — http://tokumei10.blogspot.com/2021/07/blog-post_11.html ワクチン接種率5%のウクライナ出身のPeter Daszakはタブーですから。
2021/06/23 — British doctor Peter Daszak who tried to gag Wuhan lab leak theory is FIRED from UN commission investigating COVID after he was exposed for ...
2021/06/23 — As of 2016, Google has focused a majority of its efforts on a few key topics, based upon a premise of equality and opportunity.
Wuhan scientists and US researchers planned to create a new coronavirus in 2018: Consortium led by Brit Peter Daszak asked DARPA to fund research at lab in ...
The bid was submitted by British zoologist Peter Daszak of EcoHealth Alliance, the US-based organisation, which has worked closely with the Wuhan Institute ...
2021/07/05 — He made his debut with the Royal Opera in 1996, and has performed widely in Europe. Daszak's father was Ukrainian, ... Peter Daszak - Wikipedia.
Peter Daszak secretly orchestrated a landmark statement in The Lancet this year; It attacked 'conspiracies suggesting that Covid-19 does not have a natural ...


元凶はリンダのkyな娘、"Anti-fur" Stellaでしょうなあ(w

で、Thomas Gloverの息子もThomas Gloverだったりその孫やひ孫やその先の子孫代々がThomas Gloverだったりするわけですよ・・・(爆wwwwwwwwwwwww



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ミネ さんのコメント...

虹 2本も架かってたようだけど
随分うっすい色だったからあったとしても ってヤツだよね

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いまもトーマスくんでしたか 知りませんでしたよ
