





1957年(昭和32年)に バドミントンラケットの製造を開始する[1]1958年(昭和33年)に株式会社へ改組して輸出を拡大する。1963年(昭和38年)に貿易部門を担う株式会社ヨネヤマスポーツ(現・同社海外営業部)を設立して工場拡張と事業展開を図る。



Badminton House

The estate was the location for some scenes of the films The Remains of the Day, 28 Days Later and Pearl Harbor.Adjacent to Badminton House is the parish church of St Michael and All Angels, built in 1785. It serves as the principal burial place of the Somerset family. Nearly all Dukes and Duchesses of Beaufort are interred here.[9]


 The Remains of the Day is a 1993 British-American drama film adapted from the Booker Prize-winning 1989 novel of the same name by Kazuo Ishiguro. The film was directed by James Ivory, produced by Ismail Merchant, Mike Nichols, and John Calley and adapted by Ruth Prawer Jhabvala. It stars Anthony Hopkins as James Stevens and Emma Thompson as Miss Kenton, with James Fox, Christopher Reeve, Hugh Grant, Ben Chaplin, and Lena Headey in supporting roles.

The film was nominated for eight Academy Awards, including Best Picture, Best Actor (Hopkins), Best Actress (Thompson) and Best Adapted Screenplay (Jhabvala). In 1999, the British Film Institute ranked The Remains of the Day the 64th-greatest British film of the 20th century.[3] 


In 1958 post-war Britain, Stevens, the butler of Darlington Hall, receives a letter from recently separated Miss Kenton, a housekeeper two decades ago. Their former employer, the Earl of Darlington, has died a broken man, his reputation destroyed by pre-war support of Germany. He was labeled a traitor and Nazi sympathizer although sharing his position with many others in the mid-1930s.

His stately country house was sold to retired US Congressman, Jack Lewis. Allowed to borrow the Daimler, Stevens sets off to the West Country to try to convince Miss Kenton to return as housekeeper.

A flashback shows Kenton's arrival as housekeeper in the 1930s. The ever-efficient Stevens manages the household well, priding in and deriving his entire identity from his profession. Miss Kenton, equally invaluable, efficient and strong-willed, is warmer and less repressed. They occasionally butt heads, particularly over Stevens's father (now an under-butler) who is failing and no longer able to perform his duties, which Stevens refuses to see. He displays total professionalism by carrying on as his father lies dying.

Relations between Stevens and Kenton eventually thaw, and she clearly shows her feelings. Despite their proximity, Stevens outwardly remains detached; he is dedicated solely as Lord Darlington's butler. Greatly repressed, Miss Kenton embarrasses Stevens catching him reading a romance novel; which he explains is to improve his vocabulary, asking her not to invade his privacy again.

Meanwhile, Darlington Hall is often frequented by politicians, mostly like-minded, fascist-sympathising British and European aristocrats, with the exception of Congressman Lewis, who disagrees with Lord Darlington and his guests. Calling the "gentleman politicians" meddling amateurs, he says "Europe has become the arena of Realpolitik", warning them of impending disaster. Later, aristocratic guest Geoffrey Wren directs a series of political and economic questions to Stevens, who won't answer. Wren claims this shows the lower classes' ignorance, not with a worthy opinion, saying, Q.E.D.

Prime Minister Chamberlain and the German Ambassador meet, seeking appeasement and peace for Nazi Germany. In the midst of these events, and after exposure to Nazi racial laws, Darlington suddenly tells Stevens to dismiss the two newly appointed, refugee German-Jewish maids, despite his protest. Miss Kenton threatens to resign if he does, but later confesses she cannot as she has no family and nowhere to go. She believes that he didn't care about the girls' fate. When later Lord Darlington wants to rehire the maids, neither Stevens nor Miss Kenton can locate them..

Lord Darlington's godson, journalist Reginald Cardinal, is appalled by the secret meetings in Darlington Hall. Concurring with Congressman Lewis's earlier protests, he tells Stevens his uncle is being used by the Nazis. Despite Cardinal's indignation, he does not denounce or criticise his master, feeling it is not his place to judge him.

Eventually, Miss Kenton forms a relationship with a former co-worker, Tom Benn, who proposes and asks her to run a coastal boarding house with him. Miss Kenton tells Stevens as an ultimatum, but he will not admit his feelings, only offering his congratulations. She leaves Darlington Hall prior to the start of WWII. Finding her crying, his response is to call her attention to a neglected domestic task.

En route to meeting Miss Kenton in 1958 in the Daimler, Stevens is mistaken for gentry by locals in a pub, but chooses not to correct them. Doctor Carlisle, local GP, speaks with him, realising he is likely a manservant, though says nothing. Promising to bring fuel the next morning to Stevens's car, he arrives with it, correctly establishing Stevens's identity. Stevens explains his dilemma in the bar and Carlisle, fascinated, asks Stevens what he thought about Lord Darlington's actions. At first denying having even met him, he later admits to having served and respected him. He states that it was not his place to either approve or disapprove, as he was merely a butler. He does, however, confirm that Darlington admitted that his Nazi sympathies were misguided and he had been too gullible. While Lord Darlington was unable to correct his terrible error, he himself is now en route to correct his own.

He meets Miss Kenton (though separated, still Mrs Benn), and they reminisce. Stevens mentions that Lord Darlington's godson, Reginald Cardinal, was killed in the war. He also says Lord Darlington died from a broken heart after the war, after suing a newspaper for libel, losing the suit and his reputation.

Miss Kenton declines the offer to return to Darlington Hall, as she wishes to remain near her pregnant, grown daughter. She may go back to her husband, because, despite being unhappy for many years, he needs her. As they part, they are both quietly upset. Back at Darlington Hall, Lewis asks Stevens if he remembers much of the old days, to which Stevens replies that he was too busy serving. A pigeon then becomes trapped in the hall, and is eventually freed by them both, leaving Stevens and Darlington Hall far behind. 

2017/10/12 — http://10kom.blogspot.com/2017/10/badminton-. Badminton House via kwout. 長崎生まれでPublic School出身でもない石黒さんがここら辺りのことを、1989年にご存じだったとはおいらには到底思えないわけで・・・(爆 ...


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1924年 - 新潟県三島郡(現・長岡市)に生まれる。三波春夫(歌手)とは少年時代からの友人であった。




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