January 6 is the sixth day of the year in the Gregorian calendar. 359 days remain until the end of the year (360 in leap years).
- 1066 – Following the death of Edward the Confessor on the previous day, the Witan meets to confirm Harold Godwinson as the new King of England; Harold is crowned the same day, sparking a succession crisis that will eventually lead to the Norman conquest of England.[1]
The Witenaġemot (Old English: witena ġemōt, Old English pronunciation: [ˈwitenɑ jeˈmoːt], modern English /ˈwɪtənəɡəˈmoʊt/ "meeting of wise men"), also known as the Witan (more properly the title of its members), was a political institution in Anglo-Saxon England which operated from before the 7th century until the 11th century. The Witenagemot was an assembly of the ruling class whose primary function was to advise the king and whose membership was composed of the most important noblemen in England, both ecclesiastic and secular. The institution is thought to represent an aristocratic development of the ancient Germanic general assemblies, or folkmoots. In England, by the 7th century, these ancient folkmoots had developed into convocations of the land's most powerful and important people, including ealdormen, thegns, and senior clergy, to discuss matters of both national and local significance.
American Revolution
The "Saxon myth"claimed that the old Saxon Witan originated in a representative assembly of English landholders [citation needed]. The claim was that the original assembly was then subsequently disbanded by the Norman invaders and later reappeared as the Parliament of England. This idea was held across the Thirteen Colonies in North America in the years prior to the American Revolution (1776–1783). Among the believers were Americans including Thomas Jefferson and Jonathan Mayhew.[28]
2015/08/03 — 日の本タビ | 匿名党 via kwout. https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&source= ”An Arrow through his eye” 1066 - Google Search via kwout. https://www.google.co.jp/search?hl= 1066 - Google 検索 via kwout.
2017/07/07 — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caretaker_gene. Caretaker gene - Wikipedia via kwout. http://tokumei10.blogspot.com/2015/08/1066. 1066 via kwout. http://tokumei10.blogspot.com/2014/04/globus-. Globus Cruciger via kwout.
5 日前 — 1066年という年号は、何世代にもわたって英国の小学生の心にしっかりと刻み込まれ続けている。イングランド南東部のヘースティングズの戦いにおいて、現在のフランスにあったノルマンディー公国の君主ノルマンディー ...
2017/07/22 — バイユーのタペストリー(フランス語:Tapisserie de Bayeux)は、1066年のノルマン・コンクエスト(ノルマンディー公兼イングランド王ウィリアム1世によるイングランド征服)の物語の刺繍画である。長辺約70m( ...
「バイユーのタペストリー」と「ロゼッタ・ストーン」 - 匿名党
tokumei10.blogspot.com › 2018/01 › blog-post_29
2018/01/17 — Emmanuel
Macron is expected to announce that the artefact depicting the Norman
conquest of England after the Battle of Hastings in 1066 will be moved from its current location in Normandy to the UK at an Anglo-French ...
2014/04/05 — Edward the Confessor 1066
- Google Search via kwout. Pope Francis also had a rather personal gift
for the Queen – or rather for her newest great-grandson and third in
line for the throne, the eight-month-old Prince George.
Downton@Nashville to Bridgerton
Downton@Nashville to Bridgerton
- January 5 – Edward the Confessor dies after a 24-year reign at London. The Witenagemot (or Witan) proclaims Harold Godwinson king of England.
- January 6 – Harold Godwinson (or Harold II) is crowned king of England, probably in the new Westminster Abbey, where Edward the Confessor's funeral took place before.[1]
- January – Harold II marries Ealdgyth, daughter of Ælfgar (earl of Mercia), and widow of King Gruffydd ap Llywelyn.
- March 20 – Halley's Comet reaches perihelion. Its appearance is subsequently recorded in the Bayeux Tapestry.
- September 12 – William the Conqueror assembles an invasion fleet (around 700 warships) at Saint-Valery-sur-Somme.
- September 18 – Harald Hardrada of Norway lands on the beaches of Scarborough and begins his invasion of England.
- September 20 – Battle of Fulford: Norwegian forces under Harald Hardrada defeat the English earls Edwin and Morcar.
- September 25 – Battle of Stamford Bridge: Harold II defeats the forces of Harald Hardrada and his own brother Tostig Godwinson.
- September 27 – William the Conqueror and his army set sail from the mouth of the River Somme, beginning the Norman conquest of England.
- September 28 – William the Conqueror lands on the English coast at Pevensey. He splits his forces, and sails with the main army to Hastings.[2]
- October 6 – Harold II marches south from Stamford Bridge (near York) to counter the threat of invasion from William the Conqueror.
- October 11 – Harold II arrives at London, but leaves shortly later. After a two-days march he and his army reaches Caldbec Hill.
- October 14 – Battle of Hastings: William the Conqueror and Harold II meet in battle at Hastings. Although Harold has the superior position on the battlefield, he is defeated and killed by William the Conqueror.
- October 15 – Edgar Ætheling is proclaimed king of England (but is never crowned). He is soon forced to submit to the rule of William the Conqueror.
- December – William the Conqueror moves along the south coast to Dover, and builds fortifications in the existing castle at the top of the cliffs.
- William the Conqueror moves to Canterbury and finally enters London. Archbishop Stigand and other English leaders submit to William's rule.
- December 25 – William the Conqueror is crowned as king William I of England in Westminster Abbey over Edward the Confessor's grave.
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