Biden orders Justice Dept. to end use of private prisons
『オレンジ・イズ・ニュー・ブラック』(原題:Orange Is the New Black:OITNB)は、ネットフリックスで配信される、女子刑務所を舞台としたアメリカのテレビドラマである。
"the new black" には「最新の流行、最新のトレンド」という意味があり[3]、オレンジは囚人服(劇中では新入りの囚人用の服[4])の色なので、ここから、「オレンジ(囚人服)は今年の流行色」ないしは「今のトレンドは(オレンジ色の)囚人服」という意味になる。さらに、囚人 (orange) になることによって、黒人 (black) のような差別を受けるという暗喩もある[4]。
Throughout the series, it is shown how various forms of corruption, funding cuts by the corporate owner to increase profit by millions, privatization of prison, overcrowding, guard brutality and racial discrimination (among other issues), affect the prisoners' safety, health and well-being; the correctional officers’ lives; and the prison's basic inability to fulfill its fundamental legal responsibilities and ethical obligations as a corrections institution.[11] One of the show's key conflicts involves the minimum-security prison's Director of Human Activities (aka the warden, under privatization nomenclature), Joe Caputo, whose efforts and aims as a warden constantly conflict with the corporate interests of MCC, which acquired the facility when it was about to be shut down. This theme is continued when a new forward-thinking & caring warden is hired at the maximum security prison, and unlike Caputo actually institutes educational programs and positive changes. She is fired for these actions and her attitude toward the corporate corruption, although her short-lived changes have profound positive results.
2008/02/26 — 住友の他にも、東急電鉄株とかオレンジ共済とか、佐藤茂の絡んでいる事件は多いですよ。 【^▽^】ジョーカー氏小佐野賢治は『梟商―小佐野賢治の昭和戦国史』ですかねぇ。 児玉-小佐野のラインはまだ調べが足り ...
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