


Now Rudy Giuliani is warned he will be sued by Dominion voting machine company 'imminently' after weeks of baselessly accusing it of running election fraud

  • Letter accuses Trump lawyer of a 'smear campaign' against the company
  • A series of courts have tossed out Trump claims of voter fraud
  • Company employee Eric Coomer is also suing, claiming defamation
  • Seeks preservation of communications with lawyers, election affidavits, the media, and info on his compensation 

A law firm representing the Dominion voting machine company has instructed Donald Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani that he is facing 'imminent' legal action and should preserve relevant documents.

The communication, made by a boutique law firm specializing in defamation suits and litigation, comes as conservative media outlets have been forced to air awkward retractions after spending weeks airing attacks on election firms and software as Trump's allies level accusations of election fraud.

Giuliani was contacted by the firm of Clare Locke, LLP,  whose named partner says on the firm's web site that he ''played a central role representing Chiquita in several highly-publicized matters involving' resulting in a $10 million cash settlement from the Cincinnati Enquirer.

Clare sent a letter to Giuliani as well as White House counsel Pat Cipollone instructing Giuliani immediately to cease making  'defamatory claims against Dominion.'

'With this letter you are on notice of your ongoing obligations to preserve documents related to Dominion's claims for defamation based on allegations that the company acted improperly during the November 2020 presidential election and somehow rigged the election in favor of President-Elect Joe Biden,' according to the letter.

Giuliani has pointed to the voting machines, as has former Trump lawyer Sidney Powell, who first outlined a vast conspiracy involving Venezuela, China, Cuba, and the machines which Powell claimed 'flipped' votes to Trump.

The letter, first reported by CNN, states there is 'no confusion about your obligation to preserve and retain all documents relating to Dominion and your smear campaign against the company.'

The company is being represented by Clare and Megan Meier from the firm.https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9083603/Now-Rudy-Giuliani-warned-sued-Dominion-voting-machine-company.html

Payments to foreign terrorist groups

In the 1990s and early 2000s, faced with an unstable political situation in Colombia, Chiquita and several other corporations including the Dole Food Company, Fresh Del Monte Produce and Hyundai Motor Corporation made payments to paramilitary organizations in the country, most notably the United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia (AUC).[40] Chiquita paid the AUC $1.7 million in a ten-year period. Although official accounts from the company state they only made these payments as the AUC was extorting payments from Chiquita in order to ensure their security,[41] these claims are disputed as Chiquita also allowed AUC to use their loading facilities to transport AK-47s.[42] Indeed, the Chiquita's United States counsel had warned them that this extortion defense in cases where the company benefitted from these payments,[43] and the company's lawyer reportedly told them to stop making the payments.[42] Chiquita's dealings with AUC continued even after it was officially designated as a terrorist organization in the United States. Although the company eventually voluntarily disclosed their involvement with AUC to the United States Department of Justice,[44] they still sent over 300 thousand dollars to the organization even after the Justice Department instructed them to halt all payments.[42]

On 14 March 2007, Chiquita Brands was fined $25 million as part of a settlement with the United States Justice Department for having ties to Colombian paramilitary groups. According to court documents, between 1997 and 2004, officers of a Chiquita subsidiary paid approximately $1.7 million to the right-wing United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia (AUC), in exchange for local employee protection in Colombia's volatile banana harvesting zone. Similar payments were also made to the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), as well as the National Liberation Army (ELN) from 1989 to 1997, both left-wing organizations.[45][46] All three of these groups are on the U.S. State Department's list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations. Chiquita sued to prevent the United States government from releasing files about their illegal payments to Colombian left-wing guerrillas and right-wing paramilitary groups.[47]

On 7 December 2007, the 29th Specialized District Attorney's Office in Medellín, Colombia subpoenaed the Chiquita board to answer questions "concerning charges for conspiracy to commit an aggravated crime and financing illegal armed groups". Nine board members named in the subpoena allegedly personally knew of the illegal operations.[48] One executive for the company penned a note which proclaimed that the payments were the "cost of doing business in Colombia" and also noted the "need to keep this very confidential – people can get killed."[49]

In 2013 and 2014, Chiquita spent $780,000 lobbying against the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act, hiring lobbyists from Covington and Burling, a high-powered white shoe law firm.[50]

On 24 July 2014, a US appeals court threw out a lawsuit against Chiquita by 4,000 Colombians alleging that the corporation was aiding the right-wing paramilitary group responsible for the deaths of family members. The court ruled 2-1 that US federal courts have no jurisdiction over Colombian claims.[51][52]

In 2016, Judge Kenneth Marra of the Southern District of Florida ruled in favor of allowing Colombians to sue former Chiquita Brand International executives for the company's funding of the outlawed right-wing paramilitary organization that murdered their family members. He stated in his decision that “'profits took priority over basic human welfare' in the banana company executives' decision to finance the illegal death squads, despite knowing that this would advance the paramilitaries' murderous campaign."[53] In February 2018, an agreement between Chiquita and the families of the victims had been reached.[54]

Information about who was behind the Chiquita payments to terrorist groups was made available by the National Security Archive, a nongovernmental research organization, in a series of document releases related to Chiquita's operations.[55]

In 2018, Colombia's Office of the Attorney General filed charges against 13 Chiquita Brands International executives and administrators after tracing payments made by a local Chiquita affiliate to the paramilitary group AUC, some of which was used to buy machine guns.[56]

The company mascot "Miss Chiquita", now Chiquita Banana, was created in 1944 by Dik Browne, who is best known for his Hägar the Horrible comic strip. Miss Chiquita started as an animated banana with a woman's dress and legs. Vocalist Patti Clayton was the original 1944 voice of Miss Chiquita, followed by Elsa Miranda, June Valli and Monica Lewis. Advertisements featured the trademark banana character wearing a fruit hat. The banana with a fruit hat was changed into a woman in 1987.[34] A new Miss Chiquita design was unveiled in 1998.[6] Peel-off stickers with the logo started being placed on bananas in 1963. They are still placed by hand today to avoid bruising the fruit.[34]

A commercial in 1947 with a theme song in English ended with the lyrics "si, si" emphasizing for consumers the origin of the bananas as Latin America. Another commercial featured a man of Latin descent with exaggerated stereotypical features. As times changed throughout the 1960s, so did the iconography and publications of Chiquita and their produce, of bananas.[35]

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