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Boehner spokesman Michael Steel told Roll Call in an email, “The settlement is ... Pelosi also is Catholic and has a son who attended Jesuit-run Georgetown.
Father Conroy, 60, currently works as a theology teacher, campus ministry assistantand coach at Jesuit High School in Portland and long served as a pastor to NativeAmericans in the Pacific Northwest.If confirmed by the 435-member House, he would be the first Jesuit and only thesecond Catholic priest to serve as House chaplain. Father Daniel P. Coughlin ofChicago, House chaplain for the past 11 years, told Boehner last fall that he wantedto retire and left the post in April.Boehner, a Catholic who attended Jesuit-run Xavier University in Cincinnati, decidedhe wanted a Jesuit to serve as the next pastor and confidant to House members andstaff. Pelosi also is Catholic and has a son who attended Jesuit-run GeorgetownUniversity in Washington.Father Coughlin contacted the U.S. Jesuit office in Washington, which in turnnotified Jesuit provincials around the country. Each provincial put a man forward,including Jesuit Father Patrick Lee in Oregon, who asked Father Conroy, a lawyerwho had been a campus minister at Georgetown for a decade.In a statement released to the press May 10, Father Lee said he was “deeplydisappointed to hear of the reaction of some people” to the nomination of FatherConroy, whom he called “an excellent priest worthy of the nomination made bySpeaker Boehner.”Father Conroy told the Catholic Sentinel, Portland archdiocesan newspaper, that hewas unnerved when his provincial approached him last fall about the possibility. Butas time passed, the excitement and glamour turned to a feeling of peace, whichFather Conroy said is a classic sign in Jesuit spirituality that a decision was right.“My thought was, if it happens, glory be to God. And if it doesn’t happen, glory be toGod,” Father Conroy said.Jesuit spirituality, based on the 16th-century writings of St. Ignatius of Loyola,centers on making good decisions. That could fit well in the business of the House ofRepresentatives, Father Conroy said.“I would hope I’d be able to remind everyone what they’re about,” he said. “They are not about winning something so someone else loses, but winning so everyone wins.They are there to serve, not to gain glory.”He imagines most of his work will happen in one-on-one conversations. He said heaims to help House members and staff discern which urges are coming from Godand which are coming from them.“You need to know the difference,” the priest said.The House chaplain earns $167,800 a year, according to the Congressional ResearchService. As a member of a religious community, Father Conroy does not keep hissalary, but turns it into a common fund for Jesuit life and ministry.At Jesuit High since 2004, he has served as superior of the Jesuit community,teacher of freshman and sophomore theology, assistant coach of the junior varsitysoftball team, campus ministry assistant, member of the school’s board of trustees,chaplain to athletic teams and director of freshman retreats – where he is known forhis guitar playing around the campfire.“He is a man of the world and a spiritual man,” said Greg Allen, chairman of thereligion department at Jesuit. “He challenges kids to show up, to be present. He tellsthem that they matter, that their presence at retreats and liturgy matters and, in asense, he tells them to show up in the world.”“Father Conroy has been significantly involved in the daily life of Jesuit, and hislegacy at our school will be enduring,” said John Gladstone, president of theSouthwest Portland school.Father Conroy entered the Jesuits in 1973 and was ordained in 1983, having earneda law degree and several theology degrees during formation. From 1984 to 1989, heserved as pastor of a mission in Inchelium, Wash., serving the people of the ColvilleIndian reservation. From 1986 to 1989, he also served as pastor at the SpokaneIndian reservation.American lawmakers have had a chaplain since 1774, when the ContinentalCongress chose an Episcopalian priest to open its legislative sessions with prayer. In1983, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the role of chaplains in Congress.
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