


Farage Predicts UK-Style Postal Voting Fraud Will Be Found, Trump Will Be Back in 2024 If He Loses


Nigel Farage has predicted evidence of UK-style postal voting fraud will be found in the U.S., but that Donald Trump will fight again in 2024 even if Biden takes the White House.

Mr Farage had been “following the Trump train” for much of the climax of the 2020 campaign, being invited to speak by the President at a rally in Pheonix, Arizona, but is now set to return to “Lockdown UK” with the election still in chaos.

“Now, to accuse people of electoral fraud is one thing, but you have to prove it,” said the leader of the Brexit Party, currently in the process of relaunching as the Reform Party.

“What we know from 20 years of bitter experience, ever since the great Tony Blair introduced wide-scale postal voting in Britain, is that it’s open to fraud, it’s open to intimidation, there are massive problems with verification,” the British political heavyweight recalled.

“Just last year the Brexit Party fought a by-election in Peterborough. We lost by 600 votes. We saw things like, on polling day, somebody with a carrier bag bringing a thousand ballots into a polling station,” he alleged.

“We knocked on doors where people told us that they had actually effectively had their ballots their blank ballot papers taken from them,” he went on.

“And yet, when we went back to try and get them to swear affidavits the doors weren’t opening,” he lamented.

“But we have seen, haven’t we, in Tower Hamlets, in Birmingham, in the North, many other parts of the country, we’ve seen people go to prison over the course of the last 20 years,” he recalled.

“The French, very sensibly, don’t allow postal voting, because they’re aware of this risk,” he added.

“As we speak there are people in Philadephia, in Michigan, out there trying to find evidence… where, for example, postmarks [are] falsely put on late ballots, were people intimidated in handing over their blank papers — my guess and my hunch is they are going to find a considerable amount of evidence,” he predicted.

“What that means when this gets up to the Supreme Court, I haven’t got a clue. I simply don’t know where this goes I don’t know whether there’s going to be reballots; I don’t know whether there’s going to be a President sorted out in time for the inauguration.

“If there isn’t then Donald Trump will actually stay in place after the 20th of January because of the 12th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution,” Farage claimed.

“It’s tough for the Trump team, they’re out there trying their best to prove to fraud… If they can’t well, we’ve got a Biden presidency, but a very weak Biden presidency. That’s the reason the stock market’s going through the roof, because he didn’t get the Senate, he won’t be able to put through massive tax hikes and other very damaging economic, basically socialist measures,” he explained.

“If it is a Biden presidency,” he went on. “I want to tell you this: Donald Trump has 69 million supporters. These aren’t just people who put crosses on pieces on paper… every sense of me if this guy will not do what former presidents do, because they go to Long Island and drink coffee and play gold — Trump ain’t doing that. Trump is going to keep fighting, and he’s still the leader of the Republican Party, he’s still the best choice they’ve got — and the inroads he’s made in this campaign into Latino voters and black voters is I think a trend that’s here to stay,” he said.

“I think he’s here to stay, I think if it does turn out that he’s lost, I don’t doubt for a minute he’s going to fight again in 2024,” Farage declared.


エイミー・コニー・バレット (Amy Coney Barrett1972年1月28日 - )は、アメリカ合衆国裁判官法律家。同国の控訴裁判所(高裁)判事などを経て2020年10月27日より合衆国最高裁判所陪席判事を務める。




浅野孝已(68)@Go Die Go から God I Ego へ - 匿名党

tokumei10.blogspot.com › 2020/05 › go-die-go-god-i-...
2020/05/12 — tokumei10.blogspot.com › 2020/05 › covid-19_7 6 日前 - whereas Francis Barrett asserted that Beelzebub was the prince of false gods. False God と Real God - 匿名党 tokumei10.blogspot.com › 2015/04 › false-god-real .
2020/05/07 — whereas Francis Barrett asserted that Beelzebub was the prince of false gods. False God と Real God - 匿名党 tokumei10.blogspot.com › 2015/04 › false-god-real ...

2020/10/02 — Republicans say they will press ahead on Judge Barrett's confirmation process. 1 hour ago. 2020年10月3日 1:48; 匿名さんのコメント... 治療という名の暗殺もあるわけで……… そうなったら戦争ですかね? 2020年10月3日 ...

Francis Barrett (born probably in London around 1770–1780) was an English occultist.


Barrett, an Englishman, claimed himself to be a student of chemistry, metaphysics and natural occult philosophy. He was known to be an extreme eccentric who gave lessons in the magical arts in his apartment and fastidiously translated Kabbalistic and other ancient texts into English, such as von Welling's work, Philosophy of The Universe circa 1735, from German (1801). According to his biographer Francis X. King, Barrett's parents were humble folk married in the parish of St. Martin's in the Fields on 29 September 1772.[1]

The Magus

Barrett was enthusiastic about reviving interest in the occult arts, and published a magical textbook called The Magus. It was a compilation,[2] almost entirely consisting of selections from Cornelius Agrippa's Three Books of Occult Philosophy, the Fourth Book of Occult Philosophy attributed to Agrippa, and Robert Turner's 1655 translation of the Heptameron of Peter of Abano. Barrett made modifications and modernized spelling and syntax. Possibly influencing the novelist Edward Bulwer-Lytton, the book gained little other notice until it influenced Eliphas Levi.

The Magus dealt with the natural magic of herbs and stones, magnetism, talismanic magic, alchemy, numerology, the elements, and biographies of famous adepts from history.

The Magus also served as an advertising tool. In it Barrett sought interested people wanting to help form his magic circle. An advertisement in The Magus (Vol. 2, p. 140) refers to an otherwise unknown school founded by Barrett.

According to the advertisement:

The Author of this Work respectfully informs those that are curious in the studies of Art and Nature, especially of Natural and Occult Philosophy, Chemistry, Astrology, etc., etc., that, having been indefatigable in his researches in those sublime Sciences; of which he has treated at large in this book, that he gives private instructions and lectures upon any of the above-mentioned Sciences; in the course of which he will discover many curious and rare experiments.

Those who become Students will be initiated into the choicest operations of Natural Philosophy, Natural Magic, the Cabbala, Chemistry, the Talismanic Arts, Hermetic Philosophy, Astrology, Physiognomy, etc., etc. Likewise they will acquire the knowledge of the Rites, Mysteries, Ceremonies and Principles of the ancient Philosophers, Magi, Cabbalists, and Adepts, etc.

The Purpose of this school (which will consist of no greater number than Twelve Students) being to investigate the hidden treasures of Nature; to bring the Mind to a contemplation of the Eternal Wisdom; to promote the discovery of whatever may conduce to the perfection of Man; the alleviating the miseries and calamities of this life, both in respect of ourselves and others; the study of morality and religion here, in order to secure to ourselves felicity hereafter; and, finally, the promulgation of whatever may conduce to the general happiness and welfare of mankind.


When writing about witches Barrett stated that he did not believe that their power to torment or kill by enchantment, touch or by using a wax effigy came from Satan. He claimed if the Devil wanted to kill a man guilty of deadly sin, he did not need a witch as an intermediary.

Barrett's belief in magical power might be summed up this way:

The magical power is in the inward or inner man. A certain proportion of the inner man longs for the external in all things. When the person is in the appropriate disposition an appropriate connection between man and object can be attained.


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