
Great Barrington Declaration


6,500 scientists and medics sign anti-lockdown petition calling for 'focused protection' of vulnerable people from COVID so the young can build herd immunity

  • Oxford University professor Dr Sunetra Gupta was one of three authors
  • Concept of herd immunity controversial because there is no proof it will work
  • It also overlooks complications other than death, such as 'long covid'
  • Scientists say people who are not at high risk should be allowed to live normally
  • Lockdown rules in the US and UK are causing 'irreparable damage', they argue 

More than 6,500 scientists and medics have signed an anti-lockdown petition calling for the UK and US to build herd immunity against Covid-19 by letting the virus spread in young people. 

The letter, which was penned by three top scientists and has since been backed by more than 60,000 members of the public, warns that tough social distancing rules are having 'damaging physical and mental health impacts'. 

Most of the population, they argue, is not at risk of dying if they catch Covid-19 and efforts should be focused on protecting those who are vulnerable, while letting everyone else get on with their lives as normal.

The letter, named the Great Barrington Declaration after the town in Massachusetts where it was written, is a rallying cry for top experts and politicians to stop running from the coronavirus and to learn to live with it. More than 2,800 scientists have signed the petition, as well as almost 3,800 medical practitioners.

'Those who are not vulnerable should immediately be allowed to resume life as normal,' the scientists say, adding: 'Keeping these [lockdown] measures in place until a vaccine is available will cause irreparable damage, with the underprivileged disproportionately harmed.'



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