

The Influenza Poem by Winston ... - National Churchill Museum
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Read The Influenza. A Winston Churchill poem written in 1890, by 15 year old Winston, attending Harrow School.
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Mar 23, 2020 - The only poem that Winston Churchill ever wrote in his long life was entitled Influenza. It was about the epidemic that was ravaging Asia and ...

Oh how shall I its deeds recount
Or measure the untold amount
Of ills that it has done?
From China's bright celestial land
E'en to Arabia's thirsty sand
It journeyed with the sun.

O'er miles of bleak Siberia's plains
Where Russian exiles toil in chains
It moved with noiseless tread;
And as it slowly glided by
There followed it across the sky
The spirits of the dead.

The Ural peaks by it were scaled
And every bar and barrier failed
To turn it from its way;
Slowly and surely on it came,
Heralded by its awful fame,
Increasing day by day.

On Moscow's fair and famous town
Where fell the first Napoleon's crown
It made a direful swoop;
The rich, the poor, the high, the low
Alike the various symptoms know,
Alike before it droop.

Nor adverse winds, nor floods of rain
Might stay the thrice-accursed bane;
And with unsparing hand,
Impartial, cruel and severe
It travelled on allied with fear
And smote the fatherland.

Fair Alsace and forlorn Lorraine,
The cause of bitterness and pain
In many a Gaelic breast,
Receive the vile, insatiate scourge,
And from their towns with it emerge
And never stay nor rest.

And now Europa groans aloud,
And 'neath the heavy thunder-cloud
Hushed is both song and dance;
The germs of illness wend their way
To westward each succeeding day
And enter merry France.

Fair land of Gaul, thy patriots brave
Who fear not death and scorn the grave
Cannot this foe oppose,
Whose loathsome hand and cruel sting,
Whose poisonous breath and blighted wing
Full well thy cities know.

In Calais port the illness stays,
As did the French in former days,
To threaten Freedom's isle;
But now no Nelson could o'erthrow
This cruel, unconquerable foe,
Nor save us from its guile.

Yet Father Neptune strove right well
To moderate this plague of Hell,
And thwart it in its course;
And though it passed the streak of brine
And penetrated this thin line,
It came with broken force.

For though it ravaged far and wide
Both village, town and countryside,
Its power to kill was o'er;
And with the favouring winds of Spring
(Blest is the time of which I sing)
It left our native shore.

God shield our Empire from the might
Of war or famine, plague or blight
And all the power of Hell,
And keep it ever in the hands
Of those who fought 'gainst other lands,
Who fought and conquered well.

Churchill@教会病 - 匿名党
tokumei10.blogspot.com › 2016/04 › churchill
2016/04/12 - 教会病とは真のGOD、りあるGODが神だと認識できなくなり、偽GODが神に見えてくる病気なんですよ。(爆wwwwwwwww. http://tokumei10.blogspot.com/2015/07/god- · God派 と ”God of the Bible"派 via kwout.


9 件のコメント:

Unknown さんのコメント...

第二次大戦にアメリカは引きずり込まれなかった かも。


今 引きこもりの人たちはなに考えているのかしら

匿名 さんのコメント...

> このまま詩人になっていれば
> 第二次大戦にアメリカは引きずり込まれなかった かも。


Unknown さんのコメント...




匿名 さんのコメント...


匿名 さんのコメント...


匿名 さんのコメント...


匿名 さんのコメント...

神は願い事を何でも叶えてくれる便利な存在ではなく、厳しくも愛情深い教育者 躾に手心は加えない

匿名 さんのコメント...


匿名 さんのコメント...

ナショナル ジオグラフィック日本版
ノルマン人の英征服を描く驚きの刺繍絵、バイユーの ...
この「ノルマン征服(ノルマン・コンクエスト)」によって、フランス語を話す支配階級と大量の姓がイングランドに新たに持ち込まれ(ウォレン、ルイス、シンクレア、ボイル、チャーチルなど)、近代英語の種が植え付け ...